答案 0 :(得分:1)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
此修订后的宏将采用原始的 999 记录,并将其随机分发到其他三个文件(每个文件包含333个项目):
Sub croupier()
Dim k1 As Long, k2 As Long, k3 As Long
Dim Original As Workbook
Dim I As Long, ary(1 To 999)
Set Original = ActiveWorkbook
Dim rw As Long
Set Winken = ActiveWorkbook
Set Blinken = ActiveWorkbook
Set Nod = ActiveWorkbook
k1 = 1
k2 = 1
k3 = 1
For I = 1 To 999
ary(I) = I
Next I
Call Shuffle(ary)
With Original.Sheets("Sheet1")
For I = 1 To 333
rw = ary(I)
.Cells(rw, 1).EntireRow.Copy Winken.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(k1, 1)
k1 = k1 + 1
Next I
For I = 334 To 666
rw = ary(I)
.Cells(rw, 1).EntireRow.Copy Blinken.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(k2, 1)
k2 = k2 + 1
Next I
For I = 667 To 999
rw = ary(I)
.Cells(rw, 1).EntireRow.Copy Nod.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(k3, 1)
k3 = k3 + 1
Next I
End With
End Sub
Sub Shuffle(InOut() As Variant)
Dim HowMany As Long, I As Long, J As Long
Dim tempF As Double, temp As Variant
Hi = UBound(InOut)
Low = LBound(InOut)
ReDim Helper(Low To Hi) As Double
For I = Low To Hi
Helper(I) = Rnd
Next I
J = (Hi - Low + 1) \ 2
Do While J > 0
For I = Low To Hi - J
If Helper(I) > Helper(I + J) Then
tempF = Helper(I)
Helper(I) = Helper(I + J)
Helper(I + J) = tempF
temp = InOut(I)
InOut(I) = InOut(I + J)
InOut(I + J) = temp
End If
Next I
For I = Hi - J To Low Step -1
If Helper(I) > Helper(I + J) Then
tempF = Helper(I)
Helper(I) = Helper(I + J)
Helper(I + J) = tempF
temp = InOut(I)
InOut(I) = InOut(I + J)
InOut(I + J) = temp
End If
Next I
J = J \ 2
End Sub
答案 2 :(得分:0)
Sub DoWork(Students As Variant)
Dim i As Long
Dim row As Integer
Dim sheetNumber As Integer
ReDim myArray(UBound(Students)) As Variant
Dim shuffledArray As Variant
Dim wkSheet As Worksheet
Dim myBooks(3) As Workbook
Set myBooks(1) = workBooks.Add
Set myBooks(2) = workBooks.Add
Set myBooks(3) = workBooks.Add
'populate the array with the number of rows
For i = 1 To UBound(Students)
myArray(i) = i
'shuffle the array to provide true randomness
shuffledArray = ShuffleArray(myArray)
sheetNumber = 1
row = 1
'loop through the rows assiging to sheets
For i = 1 To UBound(Students)
If sheetNumber = 4 Then
sheetNumber = 1
row = row + 1
End If
Set wkSheet = myBooks(sheetNumber).ActiveSheet
wkSheet.Cells(row, 1) = Students(shuffledArray(i))
sheetNumber = sheetNumber + 1
myBooks(1).SaveAs ("ws1.xlsx")
myBooks(2).SaveAs ("ws2.xlsx")
myBooks(3).SaveAs ("ws3.xlsx")
End Sub
Function ShuffleArray(InArray() As Variant) As Variant()
' ShuffleArray
' This function returns the values of InArray in random order. The original
' InArray is not modified.
Dim N As Long
Dim Temp As Variant
Dim J As Long
Dim Arr() As Variant
Dim L As Long
L = UBound(InArray) - LBound(InArray) + 1
ReDim Arr(LBound(InArray) To UBound(InArray))
For N = LBound(InArray) To UBound(InArray)
Arr(N) = InArray(N)
Next N
For N = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)
J = CLng(((UBound(Arr) - N) * Rnd) + N)
Temp = Arr(N)
Arr(N) = Arr(J)
Arr(J) = Temp
Next N
ShuffleArray = Arr
End Function
Sub ShuffleArrayInPlace(InArray() As Variant)
' ShuffleArrayInPlace
' This shuffles InArray to random order, randomized in place.
Dim N As Long
Dim L As Long
Dim Temp As Variant
Dim J As Long
L = UBound(InArray) - LBound(InArray) + 1
For N = LBound(InArray) To UBound(InArray)
J = CLng(((UBound(InArray) - N) * Rnd) + N)
If N <> J Then
Temp = InArray(N)
InArray(N) = InArray(J)
InArray(J) = Temp
End If
Next N
End Sub
Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Sub Test()
Dim i As Long
Dim Students(999) As Variant
'populate the array with the number of rows
For i = 1 To UBound(Students)
Students(i) = "Students-" & Str(i)
DoWork (Students)
End Sub