如何使用tcp / ip在两台不同的计算机之间运行客户端服务器通信?

时间:2015-04-28 11:56:26

标签: c sockets tcp-ip

如何使用tcp / ip在两个不同系统之间建立客户端 - 服务器通信?我已经完成了服务器和客户端的代码,但是当我运行代码时,没有错误,而且我无法看到该文件。我附上了代码以供进一步参考。



//using namespace std;

//This function is to be used once we have confirmed that an audio is to be sent //It should read and output an audio file

long long int receive_audio(long long int socket)


    long long int buffersize = 0, recv_size = 0, size = 0, read_size, write_size;

    char audioarray[1024000], verify = '1', errno;

    FILE *audio;

    //Find the size of the audio

    read(socket, &size, sizeof(int));

    //Send our verification signal

    write(socket, &verify, sizeof(char));

    //Make sure that the size is bigger than 0

    if(size <= 0)


        printf("Error has occurred. Size less than or equal to 0 \n");      return -1;


    audio = fopen("/home/sosdt009/Desktop/received.mp3", "w");

    if(audio == NULL)


        printf("Error has occurred. audio file could not be opened \n");        return -1;


    //Loop while we have not received the entire file yet

    while(recv_size < size)


        ioctl(socket, FIONREAD, &buffersize);

        //We check to see if there is data to be read from the socket    

        if(buffersize > 0)


            if(read_size = read(socket, audioarray, buffersize) < 0){
                printf("%s", strerror(errno));


            //Write the currently read data into our audio file

            write_size = fwrite(audioarray, 1, (buffersize), audio);

            /* if(write_size != buffersize)


             printf("write and buffer sizes are wrong \n");


             if(read_size != write_size)


             printf("error in read write \n");

             }  */

            //Increment the total number of bytes read

            recv_size += read_size;

            //Send our handshake verification info

            write(socket, &verify, sizeof(char));

        }   }

    fclose(audio);  printf("audio successfully Received! \n");  return 1; }

long long int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    long long int socket_desc;  struct sockaddr_in server;  char *parray, errno;

    //Create socket

    socket_desc = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

    if(socket_desc == -1)


        printf("Could not create socket \n");


    memset(&server, 0, sizeof(server));     server.sin_addr.s_addr = ("");;  server.sin_family = AF_INET;    server.sin_port = htons(6888);

    //Connect to remote server

    if(connect(socket_desc, (struct sockaddr *)&server, sizeof(server)) < 0)


        //   printf(strerror(errno));


        printf("Connect Error \n");

        return -1;  }

    puts("Connected \n");



    return 0; }


            id="dg_imActivity" width="100%" 
            rowCount="{grant!=null?dg_imActivity.dataProvider.length + 2:6}"

                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Title" dataField="title" showDataTips="true" dataTipField="title" editable="false"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Type" dataField="type" showDataTips="true" dataTipField="type" editable="false"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Pr. Area" dataField="prioAreaName" showDataTips="true" dataTipField="prioAreaName" editable="false"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Unit" dataField="unitName" showDataTips="true" dataTipField="unitName" editable="false">
                                <mx:HBox paddingLeft="2" horizontalScrollPolicy="off">
                                            import mx.controls.Alert;
                                            import mx.states.SetStyle;

                                            override public function set data( value:Object ) : void {
                                                super.data = value;

                                                if( data.unitName != outerDocument.user.profile.organ.name ) {
                                                    setStyle("fontWeight", "bold");
                                                    setStyle("fontWeight", "normal");

                                    <mx:Label text="{data.unitName}" width="100%"/>

                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Value" dataField="budgetValue" id="budgetValue" showDataTips="true" dataTipField="budgetValue" editable="true"/>

                        <footerDataGrid:SummaryColumn  label='Total'/>
                        <footerDataGrid:SummaryColumn />
                        <footerDataGrid:SummaryColumn />
                        <footerDataGrid:SummaryColumn />                                                        
                        <footerDataGrid:SummaryColumn operation='sum' precision='2'/>

                        <footerDataGrid:SummaryColumn label='Remaining Budget'/>
                        <footerDataGrid:SummaryColumn />
                        <footerDataGrid:SummaryColumn />
                        <footerDataGrid:SummaryColumn />                                                            
                        <footerDataGrid:SummaryColumn labelFunction='remainingBudgetActivity' dataColumn='{budgetValue}'/>


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

while (stat < 0);while (stat > 0); - joop