我的问题是如何在不为每个字段调用firstOrDefault的情况下从相关表中获取字段,请参阅示例代码,我需要一个非常长的字段价格和成本,我还有一些要做的事情.. 。
Dim items As IQueryable(Of ItemMain)
Return items.Where(Function(i) i.Status > -1).Select(Function(x) New ItemViewBasic() With {.ItemID = x.ItemID,
.Name = x.Name,
.BarcodeNumber = x.BarcodeNumber,
.Price = x.ItemStores.Where(Function(itemStore) itemStore.StoreNo = GlobalValues.StoreID).FirstOrDefault().Price,
.Cost = x.ItemStores.Where(Function(itemStore) itemStore.StoreNo = GlobalValues.StoreID).FirstOrDefault().Cost})
答案 0 :(得分:3)
在关于使用let关键字的评论中从@ Jeroen-Vannevel获得提示后,我想到了如何做到这一点。我在这里发布以供将来参考..
Return (From i In items Let itemStore = i.ItemStores.Where(Function(its) its.StoreNo = GlobalValues.StoreID And its.Status > -1).FirstOrDefault() Where i.Status > -1
Select New ItemViewBasic With {.ItemID = i.ItemID,
.Name = i.Name,
.Cost = itemStore.Cost,
.BarcodeNumber = i.BarcodeNumber,
.OnHand = itemStore.OnHand,
.Department = itemStore.DepartmentID,
.Price = itemStore.Price,
.ModalNumber = i.ModalNumber})
答案 1 :(得分:1)
uname -a
Darwin mbarton-lm.local 13.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 13.4.0: Wed Mar 18 16:20:14 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2422.115.14~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 i386 MacBookPro9,1 Darwin
ghc -v
Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version 7.8.4, stage 2 booted by GHC version 7.8.3
Using binary package database: /usr/local/Cellar/ghc/7.8.4/lib/ghc-7.8.4/package.conf.d/package.cache
wired-in package ghc-prim mapped to ghc-prim- a24f9c14c632d75b683d0f93283aea37
wired-in package integer-gmp mapped to integer-gmp-
wired-in package base mapped to base-
wired-in package rts mapped to builtin_rts
wired-in package template-haskell mapped to template-haskell-
wired-in package dph-seq not found.
wired-in package dph-par not found.
cabal -V
cabal-install version
using version of the Cabal library
var itemStores = myDbContext.ItemStores.Where(i => i.StoreNo = GlobalValues.StoreID);