arrFullProdList收集数据库中所有产品的名称。这工作正常。 arrProducts是我遇到所有对象相同问题的地方。
Private objReader As SqlDataReader
Private objProducts As New CProducts
Private arrFullProdList As ArrayList = New ArrayList
Public arrProdcuts As ArrayList = New ArrayList
Public Class CProduct
Private _pstrProdId As String
Private _pstrProdDesc As String
Private _psngWhCost As Single
Private _psngRetPrice As Single
Private _pblnTaxable As Boolean
Private _isNewProd As Boolean
Public Sub New()
'_pstrProdId = ""
'_pstrProdDesc = ""
'_psngWhCost = 0
'_psngRetPrice = 0
'_pblnTaxable = False
'_isNewProd = False
End Sub
Public Property strProdId() As String
Return _pstrProdId
End Get
Set(strVal As String)
_pstrProdId = strVal
End Set
End Property
Public Property strProdDesc() As String
Return _pstrProdDesc
End Get
Set(strVal As String)
_pstrProdDesc = strVal
End Set
End Property
Public Property sngWhCost() As Single
Return _psngWhCost
End Get
Set(sngVal As Single)
_psngWhCost = sngVal
End Set
End Property
Public Property sngRetPrice() As Single
Return _psngRetPrice
End Get
Set(sngVal As Single)
_psngRetPrice = sngVal
End Set
End Property
Public Property blnTaxable() As Boolean
Return _pblnTaxable
End Get
Set(blnVal As Boolean)
_pblnTaxable = blnVal
End Set
End Property
Public Property IsNewProd() As Boolean
Return _isNewProd
End Get
Set(blnVal As Boolean)
_isNewProd = blnVal
End Set
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property GetSaveParameters() As ArrayList
Dim paramList As New ArrayList
paramList.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("ProdId", _pstrProdId))
paramList.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("ProdDesc", _pstrProdDesc))
paramList.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("WhCost", _psngWhCost))
paramList.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("RetPrice", _psngRetPrice))
paramList.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("Taxable", _pblnTaxable))
Return paramList
End Get
End Property
Public Function Save() As Integer
'return -1 if the ID already exists and we can't create a new record
If _isNewProd Then
Dim strRes As String = myDB.GetSingleValueFromSP("sp_CheckProdIDExists", _
New SqlClient.SqlParameter("ProdId", _pstrProdId))
If Not strRes = 0 Then
Return -1 'ID NOT unique!!
End If
End If
'if not a new member or it is new and is unique, then do the save (update or insert)
Return myDB.ExecSP("sp_SaveProduct", GetSaveParameters)
End Function
End Class
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class CProducts
'This class represents the Members table and the associated business rules
Private _Product As CProduct
Public Sub New()
'instantiate the CMember object
_Product = New CProduct
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property CurrentObject() As CProduct
Return _Product
End Get
End Property
Public Sub Clear()
_Product = New CProduct
End Sub
Public Sub CreateNewProduct() 'call me when you are clearing the screen to create a new member
_Product.IsNewProd = True
End Sub
Public Function Save() As Integer
Return _Product.Save
End Function
Public Function GetProductList() As SqlDataReader
Return myDB.GetDataReaderBySP("dbo.sp_GetProductList")
End Function
Public Function GetProducIdList() As SqlDataReader
Return myDB.GetDataReaderBySP("dbo.sp_GetProductIdList")
End Function
Public Function GetProductByName(strProdDesc As String) As CProduct
Dim params As New ArrayList
Dim param1 As New SqlParameter("proddesc", strProdDesc)
FillObject(myDB.GetDataReaderBySP("dbo.sp_GetProductByName", params))
Return _Product
End Function
Public Function GetProductById(strProdId As String) As CProduct
Dim aParam As New SqlParameter("ProdId", strProdId)
FillObject(myDB.GetDataReaderBySP("dbo.sp_GetProductByID", aParam))
Return _Product
End Function
Public Function FillObject(sqlDR As SqlDataReader) As CProduct
Using sqlDR
If sqlDR.Read Then
With _Product
.strProdId = sqlDR.Item("ProdId") & ""
.strProdDesc = sqlDR.Item("ProdDesc") & ""
.sngWhCost = sqlDR.Item("WhCost") & ""
.sngRetPrice = sqlDR.Item("RetPrice") & ""
.blnTaxable = sqlDR.Item("Taxable") & ""
End With
'failed for some reason
End If
End Using
Return _Product
End Function
'----------Start Alex's Code---------
Public Function GetProductByDesc(strProdDesc As String) As SqlDataReader
Dim aParam As New SqlParameter("ProdDesc", strProdDesc)
Return myDB.GetDataReaderBySP("dbo.sp_GetProductByDesc", aParam)
End Function
End Class
Private Sub LoadProducts()
objReader = objProducts.GetProductByDesc(txtSearch.Text)
While objReader.Read
End While
For i = 0 To arrFullProdList.Count - 1
Dim aNewProd As CProduct
aNewProd = objProducts.GetProductByName(arrFullProdList.Item(i).ToString)
End Sub