FirstName LastName
testb1 test1
testb2 test2

/* Write JavaScript here */
/* Write JavaScript here */
$(document).ready(function() {
var hero = {
hitPoints: 13,
armorClass: 10,
attackBonus: 1,
weaponDamage: 7,
heroStats: function() {
return "Hero" + "<br/>" +
"Hit Points: " + this.hitPoints + "<br/>" +
"Armor Class: " + this.armorClass + "<br/>" +
"Attack Bonus: " + this.attackBonus + "<br/>" +
"Weapon Damage: " + this.weaponDamage;
alive: true
var monster = {
name: "",
hitPoints: 0,
armorClass: 0,
attackBonus: 0,
weaponDamage: 0,
monsterStats: function() {
return this.name + "<br/>" +
"Hit Points: " + this.hitPoints + "<br/>" +
"Armor Class: " + this.armorClass + "<br/>" +
"Attack Bonus: " + this.attackBonus + "<br/>" +
"Weapon Damage: " + this.weaponDamage;
monsterSelected: false,
selectMonster: function() {
if (this.monsterSelected === false) {
switch (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1) {
case 1:
this.name = "Werewolf";
this.hitPoints = 20;
this.armorClass = 8;
this.attackBonus = 4;
this.weaponDamage = 3;
this.monsterSelected = true;
case 2:
this.name = "Goblin";
this.hitPoints = 15;
this.armorClass = 10;
this.attackBonus = 4;
this.weaponDamage = 3;
this.monsterSelected = true;
alive: true
$("button").click(function() {
function battle(actualmonster) {
if (actualmonster.alive === false) {
actualmonster.monsterSelected = false;
actualmonster.alive = true;
} else {
var d20 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 1;
var d_wp = Math.floor(Math.random() * hero.weaponDamage) + 1;
if (d20 + hero.attackBonus > actualmonster.armorClass) {
$(".battle_info").html("You attack!: d20+" + hero.attackBonus + ": " + (d20 + hero.attackBonus) + " vs AC " + actualmonster.armorClass + "<br/>" + "You hit!: d" + hero.weaponDamage + ": " + d_wp);
actualmonster.hitPoints = actualmonster.hitPoints - d_wp;
} else {
$(".battle_info").html("You miss!: d20+" + hero.attackBonus + ": " + (d20 + hero.attackBonus) + " vs AC " + actualmonster.armorClass);
if (actualmonster.hitPoints <= 0) {
actualmonster.hitPoints = 0;
$(".battle_info").html("You killed the monster!");
actualmonster.alive = false;
} else {
var d20_m = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 1;
var d_wp_m = Math.floor(Math.random() * monster.weaponDamage) + 1;
if (d20_m + actualmonster.attackBonus > hero.armorClass) {
$(".battle_info").append("<br/>Monster attacks you!: d20+" + actualmonster.attackBonus + ": " + (d20_m + actualmonster.attackBonus) + " vs AC " + hero.armorClass + "<br/>" + "Monster hits you!: d" + actualmonster.weaponDamage + ": " + d_wp_m);
hero.hitPoints = hero.hitPoints - d_wp_m;
} else {
$(".battle_info").append("<br/>Monster miss!: d20+" + hero.attackBonus + ": " + (d20_m + monster.attackBonus) + " vs AC " + hero.armorClass);
而不是创建和对象&#34在第二个;怪物&#34,I使一个构造,所以我可以定义在更短的和simplier方式的怪物(例如:VAR幻象=新的魔鬼(PROP1 ,prop2,prop3 ......))。当我尝试为每场战斗选择一个随机怪物时,问题就来了。我尝试了很多东西,但问题依然存在:如果创建一个随机函数来选择怪物,每次点击一次攻击按钮就会起作用,弄得一团糟。这让我发疯,我不知道该怎么做。有什么建议?提前谢谢。
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<p class="monster_info"></p>
<p class="battle_info"></p>
<p class="hero_info"></p>
<button type="button">Attack</button>
$(document).ready(function() {
var hero = {
hitPoints: 13,
armorClass: 10,
attackBonus: 1,
weaponDamage: 7,
heroStats: function() {
return "Hero" + "<br/>" +
"Hit Points: " + this.hitPoints + "<br/>" +
"Armor Class: " + this.armorClass + "<br/>" +
"Attack Bonus: " + this.attackBonus + "<br/>" +
"Weapon Damage: " + this.weaponDamage;
alive: true
function monster(name, hitpoints, armorclass, attackbonus, weapondamage) {
this.name = name;
this.hitPoints = hitpoints;
this.armorClass = armorclass;
this.attackBonus = attackbonus;
this.weaponDamage = weapondamage;
this.monsterStats = function() {
return this.name + "<br/>" +
"Hit Points: " + this.hitPoints + "<br/>" +
"Armor Class: " + this.armorClass + "<br/>" +
"Attack Bonus: " + this.attackBonus + "<br/>" +
"Weapon Damage: " + this.weaponDamage;
this.selected = false;
this.alive = true;
function selectMonster() {
var werewolf = new monster("Werewolf", 5, 4, 4, 3);
var goblin = new monster("Goblin", 15, 4, 4, 3);
switch (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1) {
case 1:
if (werewolf.selected === false) {
werewolf.selected = false;
return werewolf;
case 2:
if (goblin.selected === false) {
goblin.selected = false;
return goblin;
$("button").click(function() {
function battle(actualmonster) {
if (actualmonster.alive === false) {
actualmonster.selected = false;
actualmonster.alive = true;
} else {
var d20 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 1;
var d_wp = Math.floor(Math.random() * hero.weaponDamage) + 1;
if (d20 + hero.attackBonus > actualmonster.armorClass) {
$(".battle_info").html("You attack!: d20+" + hero.attackBonus + ": " + (d20 + hero.attackBonus) + " vs AC " + actualmonster.armorClass + "<br/>" + "You hit!: d" + hero.weaponDamage + ": " + d_wp);
actualmonster.hitPoints = actualmonster.hitPoints - d_wp;
} else {
$(".battle_info").html("You miss!: d20+" + hero.attackBonus + ": " + (d20 + hero.attackBonus) + " vs AC " + actualmonster.armorClass);
if (actualmonster.hitPoints <= 0) {
actualmonster.hitPoints = 0;
$(".battle_info").html("You killed the monster!");
actualmonster.alive = false;
} else {
var d20_m = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 1;
var d_wp_m = Math.floor(Math.random() * hero.weaponDamage) + 1;
if (d20_m + actualmonster.attackBonus > hero.armorClass) {
$(".battle_info").append("<br/>Monster attacks you!: d20+" + actualmonster.attackBonus + ": " + (d20_m + actualmonster.attackBonus) + " vs AC " + hero.armorClass + "<br/>" + "Monster hits you!: d" + actualmonster.weaponDamage + ": " + d_wp_m);
hero.hitPoints = hero.hitPoints - d_wp_m;
} else {
$(".battle_info").append("<br/>Monster miss!: d20+" + hero.attackBonus + ": " + (d20_m + actualmonster.attackBonus) + " vs AC " + hero.armorClass);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
在你的怪物构造函数中,你在返回语句中做了一些你可能不想做的事情。如果您有类似return x + 1, foo = 3, bar = false
的内容,则会从左到右评估表达式,并返回 last 。也就是说,您正在重新调整this.alive
答案 1 :(得分:0)
第二种方法很好但你使用它很奇怪。 selectMonster
会随机生成具有随机逻辑和调用new monster
var current_monster = selectMonster(); // note that you already have function named monster
$("button").click(function() {
function Monster(name, hp, attack) {
this.name = name;
this.hp = hp;
this.attack = attack;
this.alive = true;
// etc
Monster.prototype.monsterStats = function() {
return this.name + "<br/>" +
"Hit Points: " + this.hitPoints + "<br/>" +
"Armor Class: " + this.armorClass + "<br/>" +
"Attack Bonus: " + this.attackBonus + "<br/>" +
"Weapon Damage: " + this.weaponDamage;
function Werewolf() {
Monster.call(this, "werewolf", 5, 4); // call parent
Werewolf.prototype = new Monster();
function Goblin() {
Monster.call(this, "goblin", 15, 3); // call parent
Goblin.prototype = new Monster();
var goblin = new Goblin();
console.log(goblin.hp); // 15
console.log(goblin.monsterStats()); // goblin <br /> etc..