我们刚刚迁移到虚拟机,在部署时我们遇到了Java环境问题。错误是 错误创建配置存储桶失败。在VmCreateConfigBucket期间。
然后尝试了Google Page中的所有步骤 - 部署到Production。似乎没什么用。 (https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/managed-vms/sdk)
DETAILED Error message in the LOG :: Unable to update:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Fatal problem encountered during deployment. Please refer to the logs for more information.
at com.google.appengine.tools.admin.AppVersionUpload.isServing(AppVersionUpload.java:900)
at com.google.appengine.tools.admin.AppVersionUpload.access$100(AppVersionUpload.java:41)
at com.google.appengine.tools.admin.AppVersionUpload$2.call(AppVersionUpload.java:779)
at com.google.appengine.tools.admin.AppVersionUpload$2.call(AppVersionUpload.java:776)
at com.google.appengine.tools.admin.AppVersionUpload.retryWithBackoff(AppVersionUpload.java:1029)
at com.google.appengine.tools.admin.AppVersionUpload.commit(AppVersionUpload.java:776)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
"Duplicate Sorter -- Version 1.0.0 Alpha"
"What directory do you want to sort?"
$workingDir = "false"
#Loop until they choose a valid directory
while ($workingDir -eq "false")
$DIR = Read-Host
if ($DIR -match "C:\\$|C:\\Program Files|C:\\Program Files(x86)|C:\\Windows|C:\\DRIVERS|C:\\SWTOOLS|C:\\inetpub|C:\\PerfLogs")
"You can't choose that directory. Choose a different one."
$workingDir = "true"
#List, then loop until they choose a file type
"What file type do you want to sort? (Press the relative number)"
"1. Pictures"
"2. Movies"
"3. GIFs"
"4. PNGs"
"5. Custom Type"
$workingType = "false"
while ($workingType -eq "false")
"1" {$fileType = "*.jpg";$workingType = 'true';Continue}
"2" {$fileType = "*.avi";$workingType = 'true';Continue}
"3" {$fileType = "*.gif";$workingType = 'true';Continue}
"4" {$fileType = "*.png";$workingType = 'true';Continue}
"5" {
"Okay then, Mr. 'I'm special and deserve my own type', enter your custom type."
$fileType = Read-Host "[Example: *.bat]"
$workingType = 'true'
default {"This is an invalid option. Try again."}
#Get a list of all files to look at based on selections
$List = Get-ChildItem "$DIR" -Filter $fileType -Recurse
#Add each file's Hash to it's object
$List | ForEach{Add-Member -InputObject $_ -NotePropertyName 'Hash' -NotePropertyValue (Get-FileHash $_.FullName | Select -Expand Hash)}
#Create backup folder if it's not there
$mkdups = "$DIR\$fileType Duplicates"
if (!(Test-Path -Path $mkdups))
New-Item $mkdups -ItemType directory
#Move duplicates, skipping the first file of any set of duplicates
$List | Group Hash | Where{$_.Count -gt 1} | ForEach{$_.Group | Select -Skip 1 | Move-Item -Dest $mkdups}
docker rmi <image>