Hibernate Criteria Query问题

时间:2015-04-19 15:15:48

标签: java hibernate




1.Category has many test and test belong to a category
2.Category has many questions and question belongs to a category.
3.Test has many questions and question can belong to many tests.


Session session = getSession();
        List<String> tests = getCategoryTestIds(categoryId);
        List<Question> questions;

        questions =  session.createCriteria(Question.class)
                     .createAlias("tests", "test")
                             Restrictions.eq("category", new Category(categoryId)),
                             Restrictions.not(Restrictions.in("test.id", tests))))




Hibernate Query正在关注

select this_.id as id1_3_3_, this_.answer as answer2_3_3_, this_.category_id as categor11_3_3_, this_.explanation as explanat3_3_3_, this_.level as level4_3_3_, this_.option_a as option5_3_3_, this_.option_b as option6_3_3_, this_.option_c as option7_3_3_, this_.option_d as option8_3_3_, this_.question as question9_3_3_, this_.set_id as set10_3_3_, category3_.id as id1_0_0_, category3_.name as name2_0_0_, tests4_.question_id as question1_3_, test1_.id as test2_6_, test1_.id as id1_5_1_, test1_.category_id as category3_5_1_, test1_.name as name2_5_1_, category6_.id as id1_0_2_, category6_.name as name2_0_2_ from question this_ left outer join category category3_ on this_.category_id=category3_.id inner join test_question tests4_ on this_.id=tests4_.question_id inner join test test1_ on tests4_.test_id=test1_.id left outer join category category6_ on test1_.category_id=category6_.id where (this_.category_id=? and not (test1_.id in (?, ?))) order by this_.id asc limit ?

我已经尝试过这个查询并获得了以下hibernate sql查询

questions =  session.createCriteria(Question.class)
                     .createAlias("tests", "test")
                     .add(Restrictions.eq("category.id", categoryId))

  question this_ 

    left outer join category category3_ on this_.category_id=category3_.id

    inner join test_question tests4_ on this_.id=tests4_.question_id 

    inner join test test1_ on tests4_.test_id=test1_.id 

    left outer join category category6_ on test1_.category_id=category6_.id 

    where this_.category_id=? and this_.id is null 

    order by this_.id asc limit ?

错误在where this_.category_id=? and this_.id is null附近,它正在检查问题的ID而不是测试

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