define(['plugins/http', 'durandal/app', 'knockout', 'lodash'], function (http, app, ko, _) {
var displayName = 'Flickr',
images = ko.observableArray([]),
activate = function () {
//the router's activator calls this function and waits for it to complete before proceeding
if (this.images().length > 0) {
var that = this;
return http.jsonp('http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne', { tags: 'mount ranier', tagmode: 'any', format: 'json' }, 'jsoncallback').then(function(response) {
select = function(item) {
//the app model allows easy display of modal dialogs by passing a view model
//views are usually located by convention, but you an specify it as well with viewUrl
item.viewUrl = 'views/detail';
somePrivate = function() { return ‘blah’; },
canDeactivate = function () {
//the router's activator calls this function to see if it can leave the screen
return app.showMessage('Are you sure you want to leave this page?', 'Navigate', ['Yes', 'No']);
return {
displayName: displayName,
images: images,
activate: activate,
select: select,
canDeactivate: canDeactivate
define(['plugins/http', 'durandal/app', 'knockout', 'lodash'], function (http, app, ko, _) {
var ctor = function() {
this.displayName = 'Flickr';
this.images = ko.observableArray([]);
this.activate = function () {
//the router's activator calls this function and waits for it to complete before proceeding
if (this.images().length > 0) {
var that = this;
return http.jsonp('http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne', { tags: 'mount ranier', tagmode: 'any', format: 'json' }, 'jsoncallback').then(function(response) {
this.select = function(item) {
//the app model allows easy display of modal dialogs by passing a view model
//views are usually located by convention, but you an specify it as well with viewUrl
item.viewUrl = 'views/detail';
this.canDeactivate = function () {
//the router's activator calls this function to see if it can leave the screen
return app.showMessage('Are you sure you want to leave this page?', 'Navigate', ['Yes', 'No']);
return ctor;
我想像下面这样的工作 - 任何提示?
define(['plugins/http', 'durandal/app', 'knockout', 'lodash'], function (http, app, ko, _) {
var ctor = function() {
var displayName = 'Flickr',
images = ko.observableArray([]),
activate = function () {
//the router's activator calls this function and waits for it to complete before proceeding
if (this.images().length > 0) {
var that = this;
return http.jsonp('http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne', { tags: 'mount ranier', tagmode: 'any', format: 'json' }, 'jsoncallback').then(function(response) {
select = function(item) {
//the app model allows easy display of modal dialogs by passing a view model
//views are usually located by convention, but you an specify it as well with viewUrl
item.viewUrl = 'views/detail';
canDeactivate = function () {
//the router's activator calls this function to see if it can leave the screen
return app.showMessage('Are you sure you want to leave this page?', 'Navigate', ['Yes', 'No']);
return {
displayName: displayName,
images: images,
activate: activate,
select: select,
canDeactivate: canDeactivate
return _.bind(ctor, this);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
define(['plugins/http', 'durandal/app', 'knockout', 'lodash'], function (http, app, ko, _) {
var ctor = (function() {
var displayName = 'Flickr',
images = ko.observableArray([]),
activate = function () {
//the router's activator calls this function and waits for it to complete before proceeding
if (this.images().length > 0) {
var that = this;
return http.jsonp('http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne', { tags: 'mount ranier', tagmode: 'any', format: 'json' }, 'jsoncallback').then(function(response) {
select = function(item) {
//the app model allows easy display of modal dialogs by passing a view model
//views are usually located by convention, but you an specify it as well with viewUrl
item.viewUrl = 'views/detail';
canDeactivate = function () {
//the router's activator calls this function to see if it can leave the screen
return app.showMessage('Are you sure you want to leave this page?', 'Navigate', ['Yes', 'No']);
return {
displayName: displayName,
images: images,
activate: activate,
select: select,
canDeactivate: canDeactivate
return ctor;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
define(['plugins/http', 'durandal/app', 'knockout', 'lodash'], function (http, app, ko, _) {
var ctor = function() {
var displayName = 'Flickr',
images = ko.observableArray([]),
activate = function () {
//the router's activator calls this function and waits for it to complete before proceeding
if (images().length > 0) {
var that = this;
return http.jsonp('http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne', { tags: 'mount ranier', tagmode: 'any', format: 'json' }, 'jsoncallback').then(function(response) {
select = function(item) {
//the app model allows easy display of modal dialogs by passing a view model
//views are usually located by convention, but you an specify it as well with viewUrl
item.viewUrl = 'views/detail';
canDeactivate = function () {
//the router's activator calls this function to see if it can leave the screen
return app.showMessage('Are you sure you want to leave this page?', 'Navigate', ['Yes', 'No']);
_.extend(this, {
displayName: displayName,
images: images,
activate: activate,
select: select,
canDeactivate: canDeactivate
return ctor;