numdifftools.core.Jacobian object at 0x1032fe2d0
我在网上找到的所有示例都会为我返回此结果。是否有一个我失踪的命令,或者我错过了 - 解释这个功能是如何工作的?
# To approximate a solution for a series of
# overdeterministic, non-linear equations.
# Find the point of intersection
import scipy
import numpy as np
import numdifftools as nd
# The matrix A, equations stored in rows in the form:
# [x^2, y^2, x, y]
def MatrixA():
return np.matrix([ [1, 1, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 4, -2],
[0, 0, 4, -2],
[4, 0, 22, -9],
[5, 0, 0, 1]
# The matrix B, the answers of the equations in Matrix A
def MatrixB():
return np.matrix([ [16],
#Using the Moore-Penrose method to solve
#an overdetermined set of equations
def MoorePenrose(A):
Ans = A.getT() * A
Ans = Ans.getI()
Ans = Ans * A.getT()
return Ans
# Linearise the equations by using the Newton method
# This will generate the best possible linear version
# of the nonlinear system.
def Linearise(A):
return nd.Jacobian(A)
# Program Main() {
#Read in A matrix of equations
A = MatrixA()
#Read in B matrix of solutions (RHS of A Matrices equations)
B = MatrixB()
#Solution =>
#Linearise Matrix A
A = Linearise(A)
print A
#A = Moorse Penrose psuedoinverse of A
A = MoorePenrose(A)
#Unknowns Matrix X = A * B
A = A * B
# Print out the unknowns Matrix.
print A
# } Main End;
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研究多个变量的多个输出函数的相同问题,我做了这个简单的例子,演示了numdifftools Jacobian函数的使用。
import numpy as np
import numdifftools as nd
# Define your function
# Can be R^n -> R^n as long as you use numpy arrays as output
def f(x):
return np.array([x[0],x[1]])
# Define your Jacobian function
f_jacob = nd.Jacobian(f)
# Use your Jacobian function at any point you want.
# In our case, for a R² -> R² function, it returns a 2x2 matrix with all partial derivatives of all outputs wrt all inputs
[[1. 0.]
[0. 1.]]