被屏蔽了。 notification.save()
使用的DB python库= SqlAlchemy
class Inference:
# @brief initializer of the Inference Handler
# @param kwargs keywords Arguments
# @return None
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
""" Calling the inference from here and get the result """
self.iris_request = kwargs['IRISRequest']
self.racerx_inference_config = Config.get_racerx_inference_config()
self.thread_lock = threading.Lock()
# @brief Call the Infernce
# @return Inference Object
def get_inference_object(self):
log.info("get_inference_object is called")
inference_map = {}
inference_map['inference'] = {}
if self.iris_request.system == "athena":
url_to_notification_map = Config.get_url_to_notification_map()
for notification_id, urls in url_to_notification_map.iteritems():
inference_map['inference'][notification_id] = any(url in string.lower(self.iris_request.url) for url in urls)
title_to_notification_map = Config.get_title_to_notification_map()
if self.iris_request.context.has_key('title') :
for notification_id, titles in title_to_notification_map.iteritems():
if not inference_map['inference'].has_key(notification_id) or inference_map['inference'][notification_id] == False:
inference_map['inference'][notification_id] = any(title in string.lower(self.iris_request.context['title']) for title in titles)
return inference_map
# @brief
# @return the list of the notification required from the reference
def get_notification_name_list(self):
inference_object = self.get_inference_object()
return [y for y in inference_object['inference'] if inference_object['inference'][y] == True]
# @brief collect notifications from the various sources
# @return notification objects
def get_notifications(self):
if(len(self.iris_request.notification_name_list) > 0):
self.notification_name_list = self.iris_request.notification_name_list # List of Notifciation List is provided by the client
self.notification_name_list = self.get_notification_name_list() # Get Notification Name List from the Inference
string_translations = {}
for notification_name in self.notification_name_list:
config = Config.get_config(notification_name)
nt = {}
nt['message'] = self.__get_message_from_template(config.message_map)
nt['subject'] = self.__get_message_from_template(config.subject_map)
nt['short_message'] = self.__get_message_from_template(config.short_message_map)
nt['impact_summary'] = self.__get_message_from_template(config.impact_summary_map)
action_string_map = {}
for h in config.action_summary_map:
if h.has_key('string_id'):
action_string_map[h['string_id']] = self.__get_message_from_template(h)
nt['action_summary_list'] = action_string_map
help_strings_map = {}
for h in config.help_content:
if h.has_key('string_id'):
help_strings_map[h['string_id']] = self.__get_message_from_template(h)
nt['help_content_strings'] = help_strings_map
string_translations[notification_name] = nt
notifications_map = {}
log.info("starting the thread pool for getting the notifications data")
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor:
future_to_notification_name = dict((executor.submit(self.fetch_notifications_by_notification_name, notification_name, string_translations), notification_name)
for notification_name in self.notification_name_list)
log.info("end of threadpool")
log.info("start processing the data produced by the thread pool")
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_notification_name):
notification_name = future_to_notification_name[future]
if future.exception() is not None:
raise Exception("Error occured while fetching the data for notification: "+notification_name+", error: "+str(future.exception()))
if len(future.result()) > 0:
notifications_map[notification_name] = future.result()
log.info("end processing the data produced by the thread pool")
log.info("Commited the DB session for the notifications")
return notifications_map
# @brief This function collect the notifications for the specified notification type, by making object model call
# @input notification_name : Type of the notification to be fetched
# @input string_translations : List of string translations
# @input notification_map : Map of notifications, collected notifications will be pushed to this map
def fetch_notifications_by_notification_name (self, notification_name, string_translations):
log.info("fetch_notifications_by_notification_name is called")
object_model = ObjectModel(IRISRequest = self.iris_request, NotificationName = notification_name, StringMap = string_translations[notification_name])
notifications = object_model.get_iris_notification_objects()
filtered_notifications = self.__filter_notifications_by_status_and_request_type(notifications)
if len(filtered_notifications) > 0:
return filtered_notifications
return []
# @brief This function filter the notification based on status, i.e. of notification is expired, snoozed or dismissed
# and also based on request type
# @input notifications: List of notifications
# @return Filtered notification list
def __filter_notifications_by_status_and_request_type(self, notifications):
log.info("__filter_notifications_by_status_and_request_type is called")
filtered_notifications = []
for notification in notifications:
keep_notification = True
# Extracting read status of notifications and storing new notifications
log.info("Acquiring the lock on thread, to save the data into DB")
log.info("Releasing the lock after saving the data into DB")
# Filtering inactive notifications, i.e dismissed notifications
if notification.is_active == False:
keep_notification = False
# Filtering expired notifications, if validity = -1 then notification will never expire
if notification.validity != -1 and (datetime.date.today() - notification.creation_date).days > notification.validity:
keep_notification = False
# Filtering out the snoozed notifications
if notification.snooze_date != None and (datetime.datetime.today() - notification.snooze_date).days <= notification.snooze_duration:
keep_notification = False
# Filtering out unread notification when request type is FETCH_READ
if self.iris_request.notifcation_fetch_type == Constants.FETCH_TYPE_READ and notification.is_read == False:
keep_notification = False
# Filtering out read notification when request type is FETCH_UNREAD
if self.iris_request.notifcation_fetch_type == Constants.FETCH_TYPE_UNREAD and notification.is_read == True:
keep_notification = False
if keep_notification == True:
return filtered_notifications
答案 0 :(得分:0)
except Exception as e:
log.error("unable to store info in DB")