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WindowSelectionChange(ByVal Sel As Selection)
With Sel
Select Case .Type
Case ppSelectionNone
MsgBox "Nothing selected. Why did you wake me up?"
Case ppSelectionShapes
' The Selection is a ShapeRange of one or more shapes
' The parent of the shaperange gives you a reference
' to the slide or slide master
MsgBox "The current selection is on: " _
& .ShapeRange.Parent.Name
Case ppSelectionSlides
' The selection is one or more slides
' Use something like this?
If .SlideRange.Count > 1 Then
MsgBox "One slide at at time. Please!"
MsgBox "You've selected " & .SlideRange(1).Name
End If
Case ppSelectionText
' Generally:
MsgBox "You've selected text on " & .TextRange.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name
' .Parent is the textrange
' .Parent.Parent is the shape
' .Parent.Parent.Parent is the slide holding the shape
' This will not work for text in table cells in some PPT versions
Case Else
MsgBox "ALIENS! RUN!!!"
End Select
End With
关闭事件处理 调用SomeOtherRoutine(Sel)'来完成实际工作