docker with ansible等待数据库

时间:2015-04-15 14:12:12

标签: docker ansible ansible-playbook


- name: run mysql in docker container
    image: "mysql:5.5"
    name: database
    env: "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password"
    state: running

- name: run application containers
    name: "application"
    image: "myapp"
      - "8080:8080"
      - "database:db"
    state: running


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:13)

wait_for 对MySQL docker容器不起作用,因为它只检查端口是否可连接(对于Docker容器,这是正确的)。但是, wait_for 不会检查容器内的服务是否侦听端口并将响应发送给客户端。

这就是我在ansible playbook中等待MySQL服务在Docker容器内完全运行的方式:

- name: Start MySQL container
    name: some-name
    image: mysql:latest
    state: started
    - "8306:3306" # it's important to expose the port for waiting requests
        MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "{{ mysql_root_password }}"

- template: mode="a+rx,o=rwx" dest=/home/ubuntu/

# wait while MySQL is starting
- action: shell /home/ubuntu/
  register: result
  until: result.stdout.find("mysql_native_password") != -1
  retries: 10
  delay: 3是

#!/bin/bash -e

telnet localhost 8306 || true

答案 1 :(得分:7)

为了避免sh,我通常不安装telnet ...

- name: Wait for database to be available
  shell: docker run --rm --link mysql:mysql mysql sh -c 'mysql -h"$MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR" -P"$MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT" -uroot -p{{mysql_password}} || true'
  register: result
  until: result.stderr.find("Can't connect to MySQL") == -1
  retries: 10
  delay: 3

答案 2 :(得分:1)



# wait 300 seconds for port 8000 to become open on the host, don't start checking for 10 seconds
- wait_for: port=8000 delay=10

# wait 300 seconds for port 8000 of any IP to close active connections, don't start checking for 10 seconds
- wait_for: host= port=8000 delay=10 state=drained

# wait 300 seconds for port 8000 of any IP to close active connections, ignoring connections for specified hosts
- wait_for: host= port=8000 state=drained exclude_hosts=,

# wait until the file /tmp/foo is present before continuing
- wait_for: path=/tmp/foo

# wait until the string "completed" is in the file /tmp/foo before continuing
- wait_for: path=/tmp/foo search_regex=completed

# wait until the lock file is removed
- wait_for: path=/var/lock/file.lock state=absent

# wait until the process is finished and pid was destroyed
- wait_for: path=/proc/3466/status state=absent

# wait 300 seconds for port 22 to become open and contain "OpenSSH", don't assume the inventory_hostname is resolvable
# and don't start checking for 10 seconds
- local_action: wait_for port=22 host="{{ ansible_ssh_host | default(inventory_hostname) }}" search_regex=OpenSSH delay=10

答案 3 :(得分:1)


  - name: get mariadb IP address
    command: "docker inspect --format '{''{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }''}' mariadb-container"
    register: mariadb_ip_address
  - name: wait for mariadb to become ready
      host: "{{ mariadb_ip_address.stdout }}"
      port: 3306
      state: started
      delay: 5
      connect_timeout: 15
      timeout: 30

答案 4 :(得分:0)

etrubenok said


wait_for在MySQL docker容器中不起作用,因为它仅检查端口是否可连接(对于Docker容器而言,这是正确的)。但是,wait_for不会检查容器内的服务是否侦听该端口并将响应发送给客户端。

使用Andy Shinn's suggestion of FreshPow's answer,您可以等待而无需Shell脚本或telnet:

- name: Wait for mariadb
  command: >
    docker exec {{ container|quote }}
    mysqladmin ping -u{{ superuser|quote }} -p{{ superuser_password|quote }}
  register: result
  until: not result.rc  # or result.rc == 0 if you prefer
  retries: 20
  delay: 3

这将运行mysqladmin ping ...直到成功(返回代码0)。通常,超级用户是root。我使用podman而不是docker进行了测试,但是无论如何,我相信命令是相同的。 |quote进行外壳转义,使用command:

时也应进行according to the Ansible docs脱壳