您好我们目前有一个MVC4应用程序,它将带有缩略图的大量记录带入jQuery Datatables驱动的视图中。当然,当它进行GET加载所有缩略图时加载速度非常慢。为了解决这个问题,我试图让它使用服务器端处理,一次只能获得10个结果。
$(document).ready(function () {
//Create an array with the values of all the checkboxes in a column */
$.fn.dataTable.ext.order['dom-checkbox'] = function (settings, col) {
return this.api().column(col, { order: 'index' }).nodes().map(function (td, i) {
return $('input', td).prop('checked') ? '1' : '0';
/* Initialise the table with the required column ordering data types */
$(document).ready(function () {
"serverSide": true,
"processing": true,
"ajax": "/Pass/Datatable",
"columns": [
{ "orderDataType": "dom-text-numeric "},
{ "orderDataType": "dom-text-numeric" },
{ "orderDataType": "dom-text-numeric" },
{ "orderDataType": "dom-text-numeric" },
{ "orderDataType": "dom-text-numeric" },
{ "orderDataType": "dom-checkbox" },
{ "orderDataType": "dom-text-numeric" }
"order": [[5, "desc"]]
public JsonResult Datatable(int passesPerPage, HttpRequest Request)
//default number of passes will be set to 10
passesPerPage = 10;
var passes = db.Cards.OrderBy(c => c.Vendor.Name); // fetch the data from data model
passes.Take(passesPerPage); //Takes the number of passes requested per page so as not to overload the server
var parser = new DataTablesParser<Card>(Request, passes); //pass the parser the data to parse it into JSON
return Json(parser.Parse()); // have the parser parse the request parameters and return the Json Result
答案 0 :(得分:0)
"serverSide": true,
"processing": true,
"ajax": "/Pass/Datatable",
"bDestroy": true,
"iDisplayLength": 10,
"aLengthMenu": [5, 10, 25, 50, 100],
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"columns": [
{ "orderDataType": "dom-text-numeric " },
{ "orderDataType": "dom-text-numeric" },
{ "orderDataType": "dom-text-numeric" },
{ "orderDataType": "dom-text-numeric" },
{ "orderDataType": "dom-text-numeric" },
{ "orderDataType": "dom-checkbox" },
{ "orderDataType": "dom-text-numeric" }
"order": [[5, "desc"]]
答案 1 :(得分:0)
起初,对不起我的英语。 如果这可以提供帮助,那么我可以说, DataTablesParser 会自动从请求获取数据并根据需要解析您的数据。来自Datatables.js的请求有一些属性为开始和长度(据我所知,它是Parser所需的属性)(https://datatables.net/manual/server-side),而Dataparser接受此属性用于根据需要解析数据的数据。所以你不需要做
Ext.override(Ext.window.MessageBox, {
makeButton: function (btnIdx) {
var btnId = this.buttonIds[btnIdx];
return new Ext.button.Button({
handler: this.btnCallback,
itemId: btnId,
scope: this,
text: this.buttonText[btnId],
minWidth: 75,
iconCls: ['check', 'no', 'cancel', 'blah'][btnId]