问题实现一种算法来确定字符串是否具有所有唯一字符。如果 你不能使用其他数据结构吗?
public class Uniquechar2 {
public static boolean isUniqueChars2(String str) {
// Create a new boolean array of 256 characters to account for basic a cii and extended ascii characters
boolean[] charSet = new boolean[256];
//iterate through the array
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
// Assign the value of current value of the iterator i to int variable val.So if we are looping through "hello" at i = 0 the int value of 'h' will be assigned to val.Is that correct?
int val = str.charAt(i);
// Continuing from the example of loping throughout the string "hello" the if statement will see if 'h' is in charSet and since it will be there it will return false /is that what is happening?
if (charSet[val]) {
return false;
// Is this the else statement? true will be assigned to charSet[h] in this case
charSet[val] = true;
// I dont understand why we are returning true at the end ?
return true;
答案 0 :(得分:7)
public static boolean isUniqueChars2(String str) {
// Create a new boolean array of 256 characters to account for basic ascii and extended ascii characters
boolean[] char_set = new boolean[256];
// Iterate through the string we are testing
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
// Get the numerical (ascii) value of the character in the `str` at position `i`.
int val = str.charAt(i);
// If char_set[val] has been set, that means that this character was already present in the string. (so in string 'hello' this would be true for the second 'l')
if (char_set[val]) {
return false;
// If the character hasn't been encountered yet (otherwise we would have returned false above), then mark this particular character as present in the string
char_set[val] = true;
// If the function hasn't returned false after going through the entire string that means that each character is unique - thus returning true
return true;
答案 1 :(得分:4)
为真,则由于return false;
中返回if (char_set[val]) {
return false;
答案 2 :(得分:2)
public static boolean isUniqueChars(String str) {
return str.matches("((.)(?!.*?\\2))*");
表示0-n 总而言之,它意味着&#34;由字符组成,这些字符稍后会在字符串&#34;中重新出现,即唯一字符。
答案 3 :(得分:0)
str.chars().distinct().count() == (int)str.length();