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这是我几个月前写的一些代码。它检索网页的HTML Dom并尝试在该DOM中查找元素/ ID /类并返回其文本或html。
也许您可以使用它来查找菜单/标签,并检查其内容是否相符。此外,VBA的HTMLDocument / IHTMLElement类可能对您有用。
作为注释:它需要Microsoft Internet Controls和Microsoft HTML Object Library引用。
Public Function GetWebPage(url As String, Optional resultType As String = "innerText", Optional selector As Variant) As Variant
Dim oBrowser As InternetExplorer
Dim HTMLDoc As HTMLDocument
Dim docText As String
Dim arrSelector As Variant
Dim element As IHTMLElement
Dim i As Long
Dim tmpElementName As String
Dim timer As Long
Const waitTime = 12000
'// set the browser object to a new IE instance
Set oBrowser = New InternetExplorer
oBrowser.Silent = True
oBrowser.Visible = False
oBrowser.Navigate url '// navigate to the given page
'// wait until the page is loaded, requires the sleep api of windows
timer = 0
timer = timer + 1
Sleep 10
Loop Until oBrowser.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE Or timer > waitTime
'// if the page is loaded
If oBrowser.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE Then
Set HTMLDoc = oBrowser.Document '// retrieve the document
'// if a selector was given
If Not IsMissing(selector) Then
'// get the temporary element name, this assumes the selector contains a '#' or a '.'
'// to represent an id or a class
tmpElementName = Mid(selector, 2)
'// check if it's an id, a class or a simple element and retrieve it
If Left(selector, 1) = "#" Then
Set element = HTMLDoc.getElementById(tmpElementName)
ElseIf Left(selector, 1) = "." Then
Set element = HTMLDoc.getElementsByClassName(tmpElementName)
Set element = HTMLDoc.body
End If
Set element = HTMLDoc.body
End If
'// get either inner text or html, depending on selection
If Not element Is Nothing Then
If resultType = "innerText" Then
docText = element.innerText
ElseIf resultType = "innerHTML" Then
docText = element.innerHTML
End If
End If
'// clean up everything and return
Set element = Nothing
Set HTMLDoc = Nothing
GetWebPage = IIf(docText = "", Null, docText)
GetWebPage = Null
End If
Set oBrowser = Nothing
End Function