
时间:2015-04-07 15:46:52

标签: python database multiprocessing python-multiprocessing

我正在编写一个API,允许用户一次单独或多个地在几百个数据库中运行查询。查询多个数据库时,将并行访问它们以加快响应时间。我的语义:" q-job"是在一个或多个数据库中执行的查询。


  1. 允许同时在数据库中运行X量的查询
  2. 只允许同时运行Y个q作业
  3. 到目前为止,我可以使用multiprocessing.Pool来并行查询数据库,但我仍然在排队q-jobs并使用{{1}限制单个数据库中的查询和池(也考虑了multiprocessing.Queue)。 一些伪代码来说明我的想法:


    当我运行这种类型的代码并在数据库中执行查询时,该过程似乎永远不会超出标有&#34的行;注意:"。没有错误消息; # Prepare pool and queues for multiprocessed tasks process_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes = max_processes) job_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() # Initialize the queue containing single- and multi-client queries results_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() # Initialize the queue that holds results # Query a database __execute_query_in_db(args): # [Open DB connection] # [Execute query] # [Close DB connection] # [Return response] # Main worker def __main_worker(w_queue): ''' Runs in the background and checks for new entries in the job queue ''' while True: # Endlessly check for new items in the queue ... conn_strings=w_queue.get(True) # ... __query_worker(conn_strings) # Run the query # Query worker def __query_worker(conn_strings): queries = process_pool.map_async(__execute_query_in_db, conn_strings) # Run individual DB queries in the pool try: retArr=queries.get(timeout=1200) # Execute queries in pool; Timeout after 20 minutes # NOTE: We never reach this point!!! except: logger.error("TS-API Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0]) process_pool.terminate() results = "Error: %s"%(sys.exc_info()[0]) else: # Wait until all queries have finished process_pool.close() process_pool.join() logger.debug("Got %s results"%len(retArr)) ## Ignore empty responses results = [] for result in retArr: if result is not None: results.extend(result) logger.debug("Putting results in results_queue") results_queue.put(results) # Instantiate single-process job pool that monitors new query requests job_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=1, initializer=__main_worker, initargs=(job_queue,)) # Invoked when an API call is made... def ExecuteSuperQuery(params=None): # [Procure connection string(s)] job_queue.put(conn_strings) # Send connection information to the job queue while True: # Wait for response to be pushed to results queue if not results_queue.empty(): # ... return results_queue.get() # ... time.sleep(2) # ... # [Somehow get the results and show them as a (decorated) JSON string] 似乎永远不会完成。



    1. 是否有更好的方法来排队q-jobs并跟踪结果?
    2. 是否有更好的方法对查询和作业进行速率限制?

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