Informix DB中的条件唯一约束

时间:2015-04-07 14:37:30

标签: sql informix

是否可以在informix db中创建条件唯一约束(我的当前版本是11.70)


create table test (id int primary key, v varchar(25), a boolean);
create unique index test_index on test(v, a) where a = true;

insert into test values (1, 'l', true);
insert into test values (2, 'k', true);
insert into test values (3, 'l', false);
insert into test values (4, 'l', false);
insert into test values (5, 'l', true); -- Fails because of test_index

select * from test;
-- prints:
-- id   v   a
-- --------------
-- 1    l   true
-- 2    k   true
-- 3    l   false
-- 4    l   false

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

根据我的理解,只有当v 为真时,您才希望a具有唯一性。

虽然您无法创建唯一索引,但您可以通过 DML 操作创建触发器以实现此目标。

INSERT 操作的示例:

[infx1150@tardis ~]$ dbaccess test -

Database selected.

>       id      INT PRIMARY KEY,
>       v       VARCHAR(25),
>       a       BOOLEAN
> );

Table created.

> CREATE PROCEDURE sp_test(v_val VARCHAR(25), a_val BOOLEAN)
>       DEFINE n INT;
>       LET n = 0;
>       IF a_val THEN
>               SELECT COUNT(*) INTO n
>               FROM test
>               WHERE v = v_val
>               AND a = 't';
>               IF n > 1 THEN
>                       RAISE EXCEPTION -746, 0, "There is already one row with v = " || v_val || " and a true flag";
>               END IF;
>       END IF;

Routine created.

>       REFERENCING new AS n
>       FOR EACH ROW (EXECUTE PROCEDURE sp_test(n.v, n.a));

Trigger created.

> INSERT INTO test VALUES (1, 'l', 't');

1 row(s) inserted.

> INSERT INTO test VALUES (2, 'k', 't');

1 row(s) inserted.

> INSERT INTO test VALUES (3, 'l', 'f');

1 row(s) inserted.

> INSERT INTO test VALUES (4, 'l', 'f');

1 row(s) inserted.

> INSERT INTO test VALUES (5, 'l', 't');

  746: There is already one row with v = l and a true flag
Error in line 1
Near character position 1
> SELECT * FROM test;

         id v                         a

          1 l                         t
          2 k                         t
          3 l                         f
          4 l                         f

4 row(s) retrieved.


Database closed.

[infx1150@tardis ~]$

这可以在数据库中使用事务记录缓冲无缓冲 ANSI ),但不能在非交易数据库。