我正在使用Play framework 2.0,它有一个非常简单的流程... routes - >控制器 - >服务 - >模型 - >控制器 - >结果
GET / user /:userId controller.user.getUser(userId:String)
//My annotation for validating userId
public static Result getUser(userId)
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这个概念的主要问题是注释的参数必须是常数,@ see topic about this因此你将无法使用userId
应用/ myannotations / MyAnnotations.class 强>
package myannotations;
import play.mvc.With;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
public class MyAnnotations {
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
public @interface ValidateUserId {
String patternToReplace();
String redirectTo();
应用/ myannotations / ValidateUserIdAction.class 强>
package myannotations;
import play.mvc.Action;
import play.mvc.Http;
import play.mvc.Result;
import static play.libs.F.Promise;
public class ValidateUserIdAction extends Action<MyAnnotations.ValidateUserId> {
public Promise<Result> call(Http.Context ctx) throws Throwable {
boolean isValid = false;
// This gets the GET path from request
String path = ctx.request().path();
try {
// Here we try to 'extract' id value by simple String replacement (basing on the annotation's param)
Long userId = Long.valueOf(path.replace(configuration.patternToReplace(), ""));
// Here you can put your additional checks - i.e. to verify if user can be found in DB
if (userId > 0) isValid = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
// Handle the exceptions as you want i.e. log it to the logfile
// Here, if ID isValid we continue the request, or redirect to other URL otherwise (also based on annotation's param)
return isValid
? delegate.call(ctx)
: Promise.<Result>pure(redirect(configuration.redirectTo()));
patternToReplace = "/user/",
redirectTo = "/redirect/to/url/if/invalid"
public static Result getUser(userId){