X trip_id from_station_id.x to_station_id.x
1 1109420 94 69
2 1109421 69 216
3 1109427 240 245
4 1109431 113 94
5 1109433 127 332
3 1109429 240 245
From X To Y Sum
94 69 1
240 245 2
等。然后使用dplyr将其连接回初始表,使其成为如下所示的内容,然后将其限制为不同于from_station_id / to_combos,我将用它来映射路径(我的每个站点都有lat / long):
X trip_id from_station_id.x to_station_id.x Sum
1 1109420 94 69 1
2 1109421 69 216 1
3 1109427 240 245 2
4 1109431 113 94 1
5 1109433 127 332 1
3 1109429 240 245 1
count(Divvy$from_station_id.x==94 & Divvy$to_station_id.x == 69)
x freq
1 FALSE 2454553
2 TRUE 81
n <- select(Divvy, from_station_id.y )
1 94
2 69
3 240
4 113
5 113
6 127
count(Divvy$from_station_id.x==n[1,1] & Divvy$to_station_id.x == n[2,1])
x freq
1 FALSE 2454553
2 TRUE 81
output <- matrix(ncol=variables, nrow=iterations)
output <- matrix()
for(i in 1:n)(output[i, count(Divvy$from_station_id.x==n[1,1] & Divvy$to_station_id.x == n[2,1]))
应该工作,但想到它仍将只返回300行,而不是44k,所以它必须循环回来做n [2]&amp; n [1]等...
答案 0 :(得分:5)
#Here is the data.table solution, which is useful if you are working with large data:
setDT(DF)[,sum:=.N,by=.(from_station_id.x,to_station_id.x)][] #DF is your dataframe
X trip_id from_station_id.x to_station_id.x sum
1: 1 1109420 94 69 1
2: 2 1109421 69 216 1
3: 3 1109427 240 245 2
4: 4 1109431 113 94 1
5: 5 1109433 127 332 1
6: 3 1109429 240 245 2
答案 1 :(得分:4)
由于您说'#34;将其限制为与from_station_id / to_combos&#34;不同,以下代码似乎提供了您所追求的内容。您的数据称为mydf
group_by(mydf, from_station_id.x, to_station_id.x) %>%
count(from_station_id.x, to_station_id.x)
# from_station_id.x to_station_id.x n
#1 69 216 1
#2 94 69 1
#3 113 94 1
#4 127 332 1
#5 240 245 2
答案 2 :(得分:3)
dat <- read.table(text="X trip_id from_station_id.x to_station_id.x
1 1109420 94 69
2 1109421 69 216
3 1109427 240 245
4 1109431 113 94
5 1109433 127 332
3 1109429 240 245", header=TRUE)
dat$from.to <- paste(dat$from_station_id.x, dat$to_station_id.x, sep="-")
freqs <- as.data.frame(table(dat$from.to))
names(freqs) <- c("from.to", "sum")
dat2 <- merge(dat, freqs, by="from.to")
dat2 <- dat2[order(dat2$trip_id),-1]
# X trip_id from_station_id.x to_station_id.x sum
# 6 1 1109420 94 69 1
# 5 2 1109421 69 216 1
# 3 3 1109427 240 245 2
# 4 3 1109429 240 245 2
# 1 4 1109431 113 94 1
# 2 5 1109433 127 332 1