
时间:2015-04-03 23:01:08

标签: scheme



(up-to-first-number '(a b c d 1 2 3)) ; returns (a b c d)


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

在解释器中查找实现类似功能的现有过程。例如,在Racket中我们可以使用takef - 以下简单地说明所有数字的元素都是从列表中获取的,当我们找到第一个数字时我们停止:

(define (up-to-first-number lst)
  (takef lst (negate number?)))

即使您使用不同的口译员,也可以始终使用SRFI-1 take-while获得类似的效果:

(require srfi/1) ; import the library, read your interpreter's documentation

(define (up-to-first-number lst)
  (take-while (lambda (x) (not (number? x))) lst))

作为最后的手段,你可以手工编写一个实现 - 它非常简单,我不想破坏乐趣,所以我只给你一些提示。用适当的表达式填空:

(define (up-to-first-number lst)
  (if (or <???>   ; if either the list is empty
          <???>)  ; or the first element is a number
      <???>       ; then return the empty list
      (cons <???> ; otherwise cons the first element
            (up-to-first-number <???>)))) ; and advance the recursion


(up-to-first-number '(a b c d 1 2 3)) 
=> '(a b c d)

答案 1 :(得分:0)

(define (up-to-first-number list)
    ;;if the list is null return an empty list
    ((null? list)
      ;;if the first element is a number then there are no preceeding 
      ;;letters in the list so return an empty list
      ((number? (car list)) '())
      ;;else the first element is not a number so add that element
      ;;to a new list and recursively call method on the remaining 
      ;;elements in the list
      (else (cons (car list) (up-to-first-number (cdr list) )))))