Groovy Map <string,list <map <string,string>&gt;&gt;数据操作</string,list <map <string,string>

时间:2015-04-02 05:37:40

标签: java optimization groovy

我尝试使用invoiceErrors更新Map<String,List<Map<String,String>>> invoices,如下所示

InvoiceError // is an entity with below attributes
{ String errorMessage,
  String invoiceNumber    
ErrorMessage                                          invoiceNumber   
-------------                                       -------------------     
File Error : The file is in an unsupported format   INV-Error_Test1
Line : 1 Invoice does not foot Reported             INV-Error_Test1
Line : 2 MATH ERROR                                 INV-Error_Test1
Line : 3 MATH ERROR                                 INV-Error_Test2
Line : 3 Invoice does not foot Reported             INV-Error_Test2

我试图在下面的地图上实现     如果错误消息没有行号,则需要在顶层附加invLineItems.put('error',['INV-Error_Test1' :文件错误:文件格式不受支持])    否则,错误消息应附加到匹配的INVOICE和linenumber,如下所示

invLineItems = [INV-Error_Test1:[[LINE:1, INVOICE_DATE:20150301, INVOICE_NUMBER:INV-Error_Test1, INVOICE_TOTAL:22, error : `Line : 1 Invoice does not foot Reported`], 
                                [LINE:2, INVOICE_DATE:20150301, INVOICE_NUMBER:INV-Error_Test1, INVOICE_TOTAL:24, error : `Line : 2 MATH ERROR`],
                INV-Error_Test2:[[LINE:3, INVOICE_DATE:20150301, INVOICE_NUMBER:INV-Error_Test2, INVOICE_TOTAL:26, , error : `Line : 3 MATH ERROR | Line : 3 Invoice does not foot Reported`], 
                                [LINE:4, INVOICE_DATE:20150301, INVOICE_NUMBER:INV-Error_Test2, INVOICE_TOTAL:28,]],
                error : [[INV-Error_Test1:`File Error : The file is in an unsupported format`]]


def regex = "^Line\\s(?:(\\d+)\\s)?\\s*:\\s+(\\d+)?.+";
for (e in invLineItems ){
  def errors =  lipErrors.findAll{it.invoiceNumber==e.key} // finding the error messages with the invoice number
  errors.each{  // fetching the line numbre from error message and finding the matching record the invoice number and line number in invLineItems 
     int lineNumber
     if (it.errorMessage.matches(regex)) {
            Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\d+");
            Matcher m = p.matcher(it.errorMessage);
            if (m.find()) {
                 lineNumber = Integer.parseInt(;
          println "lineNumber = "+lineNumber

    if(e.value['LINE_ITEM_NUMBER'].find{it==lineNumber.toString()}) {
      def data = lipErrors.findAll{it.invoiceNumber==e.key && it.errorMessage.matches("^Line\\s+"+lineNumber+"?\\:\\s+"+lineNumber+"?.+")}
      e.getValue().each{it.put("error", data.errorMessage.join("|"))}




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



def regex = /^Line\s(?:(\d+)\s)?\s*:\s+(\d+)?.+/
invLineItems.each {e->
    int lineNumber
    if (it.errorMessage ==~ regex) {
        Matcher m = it.errorMessage =~ /\d+/
        if (m.find()) {
             lineNumber = as Integer
       println "lineNumber $lineNumber"    
    if(e.value['LINE_ITEM_NUMBER'].find{it==lineNumber.toString()}) {
       def data = lipErrors.findAll{it.invoiceNumber==e.key && it.errorMessage ==~ Pattern.compile("^Line\\s+"+lineNumber+"?\\:\\s+"+lineNumber+"?.+")}  
       e.value.each{it['error'] = data.errorMessage.join("|")}
