
时间:2015-04-01 20:44:24

标签: r performance tree

这是一棵树。第一列是分支的标识符,其中0是主干,L是左边的第一个分支,R是右边的第一个分支。 LL是第二次分叉后最左边的分支等。变量length包含每个分支的长度。

> tree
  branch length
1      0     20
2      L     12
3     LL     19
4      R     19
5     RL     12
6    RLL     10
7    RLR     12
8     RR     17

tree = data.frame(branch = c("0","L", "LL", "R", "RL", "RLL", "RLR", "RR"), length=c(20,12,19,19,12,10,12,17))
tree$branch = as.character(tree$branch)


enter image description here


posA = tree[4,]; posA$length = 12
posB = tree[6,]; posB$length = 3


我编写了以下凌乱的distance函数来计算树上任意两点之间沿树枝的最短距离。 沿着分支的最短距离可以理解为蚂蚁沿着树枝走到另一个位置到达一个位置所需的最小距离。

distance = function(tree, pos1, pos2){
    if (identical(pos1$branch, pos2$branch)){Dist=pos1$length-pos2$length;return(Dist)}
    pos1path = strsplit(pos1$branch, "")[[1]]
    if (pos1path[1]!="0") {pos1path = c("0", pos1path)}
    pos2path = strsplit(pos2$branch, "")[[1]]
    if (pos2path[1]!="0") {pos2path = c("0", pos2path)}
    loop = 1:min(length(pos1path), length(pos2path))
    loop = loop[-which(loop == 1)]

    CommonTrace="included"; for (i in loop) {
        if (pos1path[i] != pos2path[i]) {
            CommonTrace = i-1; break

        CommonTrace = min(length(pos1path), length(pos2path))
        if (length(pos1path) > length(pos2path)) {
            longerpos = pos1; shorterpos = pos2; longerpospath = pos1path
        } else {
            longerpos = pos2; shorterpos = pos1; longerpospath = pos2path
        distToNode = 0
        if ((CommonTrace+1) != length(longerpospath)){
            for (i in (CommonTrace+1):(length(longerpospath)-1)){
                distToNode = distToNode + tree$length[tree$branch == paste0(longerpospath[2:i], collapse='')]
        Dist = distToNode + longerpos$length + (tree[tree$branch == shorterpos$branch,]$length-shorterpos$length)
        if (identical(shorterpos, pos1)){Dist=-Dist}
    } else { # if they are sisterbranch
        if((CommonTrace+1) != length(pos1path)){
            for (i in (CommonTrace+1):(length(pos1path)-1)){
                Dist = Dist + tree$length[tree$branch == paste0(pos1path[2:i], collapse='')]
        if((CommonTrace+1) != length(pos2path)){
            for (i in (CommonTrace+1):(length(pos2path)-1)){
                Dist = Dist + tree$length[tree$branch == paste(pos2path[2:i], collapse='')]
        Dist = Dist + pos1$length + pos2$length


distance(tree, posA, posB) # -22


allpositions=rbind(tree, tree)
allpositions$length = c(1,5,8,2,2,3,5,6,7,8,2,3,1,2,5,6)
mat = matrix(-1, ncol=nrow(allpositions), nrow=nrow(allpositions))
    for (i in 1:nrow(allpositions)){
       for (j in 1:nrow(allpositions)){
          posA = allpositions[i,]
          posB = allpositions[j,]
          mat[i,j] = distance(tree, posA, posB)

#     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16
# 1   0 -24 -39 -21 -40 -53 -55 -44 -6 -27 -33 -22 -39 -52 -55 -44
# 2  24   0 -15   7  26  39  41  30 18  -3  -9   8  25  38  41  30
# 3  39  15   0  22  41  54  56  45 33  12   6  23  40  53  56  45
# 4  21   7  22   0 -19 -32 -34 -23 15  10  16  -1 -18 -31 -34 -23
# 5  40  26  41  19   0 -13 -15   8 34  29  35  18   1 -12 -15   8
# 6  53  39  54  32  13   0   8  21 47  42  48  31  14   1   8  21
# 7  55  41  56  34  15   8   0  23 49  44  50  33  16   7   0  23
# 8  44  30  45  23   8  21  23   0 38  33  39  22   7  20  23   0
# 9   6 -18 -33 -15 -34 -47 -49 -38  0 -21 -27 -16 -33 -46 -49 -38
# 10 27   3 -12  10  29  42  44  33 21   0  -6  11  28  41  44  33
# 11 33   9  -6  16  35  48  50  39 27   6   0  17  34  47  50  39
# 12 22   8  23   1 -18 -31 -33 -22 16  11  17   0 -17 -30 -33 -22
# 13 39  25  40  18  -1 -14 -16   7 33  28  34  17   0 -13 -16   7
# 14 52  38  53  31  12  -1   7  20 46  41  47  30  13   0   7  20
# 15 55  41  56  34  15   8   0  23 49  44  50  33  16   7   0  23
# 16 44  30  45  23   8  21  23   0 38  33  39  22   7  20  23   0

举个例子,让我们考虑对象allpositions中的第一个和第三个位置。它们之间的距离为39(和-39),因为蚂蚁需要在分支0上行走19个单位,然后在分支L上行走12个单位,最后是蚂蚁需要在分支8上走LL个单位。 19 + 12 + 8 = 39

问题是我有大约20棵非常大的树,大约有50000个位置,我想计算任意两个位置之间的距离。因此,计算的距离为20 * 50000 ^ 2。它需要永远!你能帮我改进我的代码吗?




allpositions是一个data.frame,其中每一行代表树上的一个独立位置。你可以想到一只松鼠的位置。该职位由两个信息定义。 1)松鼠站立的分支(变量:branch)以及分支开始与松鼠位置之间的距离(变量:length)。


考虑在分支length(长度为12)处的第一只松鼠(变量:RL)8和位于第二只松鼠(变量:{{1} })2分支lengthRLL。两只松鼠之间的距离是12 - 8 + 2 = 6(或-6)。

考虑分支RLR上的第一只松鼠(变量:length)8和分支上的第二只松鼠(变量:RL)2 length。两只松鼠之间的距离是8 + 2 = 10(或-10)。

考虑在分支RR(长度为19)处的第一只松鼠(变量:length)8和位于第二只松鼠(变量:{{1}分支R上的2)。知道该分支length的长度为12,两只松鼠之间的距离为19 - 8 + 12 + 2 = 25(或-25)。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


t.graph <- function(tree, positions) {
  #  Assign vertex name to tree branch intersections
  n_label <- nchar(tree$branch)
  tree$high_vert <- tree$branch
  tree$low_vert <- tree$branch
  tree$brnch_type <- "tree"
  for( i in 1:nrow(tree) ) {
    tree$low_vert[i] <- if(n_label[i] > 1) substr(tree$branch[i], 1, n_label[i]-1)
    else { if(tree$branch[i] %in% c("R","L")) "0"
           else "root" }
  #  combine position data with tree data    
  positions$brnch_type <- "position"
  temp <- merge(positions, tree, by = "branch")
  positions <- temp[, c("branch","length.x","high_vert","low_vert","brnch_type.x")]
  positions$high_vert <- paste(positions$branch, positions$length.x, sep="_")
  colnames(positions) <- c("branch","length","high_vert","low_vert","brnch_type")
  tree <- rbind(tree, positions)
  #   use positions to segment tree branches    
  tree_brnch <- split(tree, tree$branch)
  tree <- data.frame( branch=NA_character_, length = NA_real_, high_vert = NA_character_, 
                      low_vert = NA_character_, brnch_type =NA_character_, seg_len= NA_real_)
  for( ib in 1: length(tree_brnch)) {
    brnch_seg <- tree_brnch[[ib]][order(tree_brnch[[ib]]$length, decreasing=TRUE), ]
    n_seg <- nrow(brnch_seg)
    brnch_seg$seg_len <- brnch_seg$length
    for( is in 1:(n_seg-1) ) {
      brnch_seg$seg_len[is] <- brnch_seg$length[is] - brnch_seg$length[is+1]
      brnch_seg$low_vert[is] <- brnch_seg$high_vert[is+1]
    tree  <- rbind(tree, brnch_seg)
  tree <- tree[-1,]
  #  Create graph of tree and positions
  tree_graph <- graph.data.frame(tree[,c("low_vert","high_vert")])  
  E(tree_graph)$label <- tree$high_vert
  E(tree_graph)$brnch_type <- tree$brnch_type
  E(tree_graph)$weight <- tree$seg_len
  #  calculate shortest distances between position vertices
  position_verts <- V(tree_graph)[grep("_", V(tree_graph)$name)] 
  vert_dist <- shortest.paths(tree_graph, v=position_verts, to=position_verts, mode="all")  
  return(dist_mat= vert_dist )


 microbenchmark(matR16 <- Remi(tree, allpositions), matG16 <- t.graph(tree, allpositions),
                matR256 <- Remi(tree256, allpositions256), matG256 <- t.graph(tree256, allpositions256), times=2)
Unit: milliseconds
                                         expr          min           lq         mean       median           uq          max neval
           matR8 <- Remi(tree, allpositions)     58.82173     58.82173     59.92444     59.92444     61.02714     61.02714     2
        matG8 <- t.graph(tree, allpositions)     11.82064     11.82064     13.15275     13.15275     14.48486     14.48486     2
    matR256 <- Remi(tree256, allpositions256) 114795.50865 114795.50865 114838.99490 114838.99490 114882.48114 114882.48114     2
 matG256 <- t.graph(tree256, allpositions256)    379.54559    379.54559    379.76673    379.76673    379.98787    379.98787     2


microbenchmark(matG8 <- t.graph(tree, allpositions), matG64 <- t.graph(tree64, allpositions64),
               matG256 <- t.graph(tree256, allpositions256),  matG2k <- t.graph(tree2k, allpositions2k), times=2)
Unit: milliseconds
                                         expr         min          lq        mean      median          uq         max neval
         matG8 <- t.graph(tree, allpositions)    11.78072    11.78072    12.00599    12.00599    12.23126    12.23126     2
    matG64 <- t.graph(tree64, allpositions64)    73.29006    73.29006    73.49409    73.49409    73.69812    73.69812     2
 matG256 <- t.graph(tree256, allpositions256)   377.21756   377.21756   410.01268   410.01268   442.80780   442.80780     2
    matG2k <- t.graph(tree2k, allpositions2k) 11311.05758 11311.05758 11362.93701 11362.93701 11414.81645 11414.81645     2

因此,在不到12秒的时间内计算出约4000个位置的距离矩阵。 t.graph返回距离矩阵,其中矩阵的行和列标有branch names - position on the branch,例如

      0_7 0_1 L_8 L_5 LL_8 LL_2 R_3 R_2 RL_2 RL_1 RLL_3 RLL_2 RLR_5 RR_6
L_5    18  24   3   0   15    9   8   7   26   25    39    38    41   30

显示从L-5到L分支的5个单位到其他位置的距离。 我不知道这会处理你最大的案件,但对某些人来说可能会有所帮助。您的最大案例的存储要求也存在问题。