我正在尝试在r中创建一个函数,该函数将使用来自第二个矩阵的预测变量在一个矩阵中的多个不同数据列上运行glm,然后将结果矩阵写入csv文件。 我已经设法使用以下方法为单个预测器glm执行此操作:
X<- matrix(sample(10,100,T),10)
colnames(X)<- c("f5", "f10", "f15","f20","f25","f30", "f35", "f40", "f45","f50") # The matrix with the dependant variables
Y<- matrix(runif(10, min=1, max= 50)) #The matrix with the predictor
M<-matrix(nrow=dim(X)[2],ncol=9) #the matrix to store the output in
colnames(M)< c("Species","intercept","slope","pval.I","pval.B","Disp","Dev.Null","Dev.res","Dev.expl") #the headings of the output file names for species
for (k in 1:dim(X)[2]){
glm1<-glm(X[,k]~Y,family=poisson) #calculate the glm
print(g1<-summary(glm1)) #print the output in the file # filling the rows in the results table
M[k,1]<-ns[k] #store the name
M[k,c(2:3)]<-coef(glm1) # store the coefficients
M[k,c(4:5)]<-t(g1$coefficients[c(1:2),4] )
M[k,6]<-g1$dispersion # store the dispersion
M[k,7]<-g1$null.deviance #store the null deviance
M[k,8]<-g1$deviance #store the residual deviance
M[k,9]<-round((g1$null.deviance-g1$deviance)/g1$null.deviance,4) #caluclate the deviance explained
write.csv(M,paste("test.csv",sep=""),row.names=FALSE) #write the results matrix M to a csv file called test
X<- matrix(sample(10,100,T),10)
colnames(X)<- c("f5", "f10", "f15","f20","f25","f30", "f35", "f40", "f45","f50") #dependent
Y<- matrix(runif(50, min=1, max= 50), 10) #matrix with multiple predictors
colnames(Y)<- c("h1","h2","h3","h4","h5")
Error in M[k, c(2:3)] <- coef(glm1) :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length