下面的代码会检查两个值是否匹配,这两个值是 targetcolumnvalue 和 sourcecolumnvalue 。如果这两个值匹配,则excel将使用这些值作为列和行标识符,基于单元格行和列位置执行复制/粘贴。
Option Compare Text
Option Explicit
Sub BuggyIf()
Dim SourceColumnValue As String, sourcerow As String, targetrow As String, targetcolumnvalue As String, sourcecolumnnumber As String
Dim F as long, O As Long, P As Long, TargetValue As Long, actualsourcerow As Long, actualtargetrow As Long, actualtargetcolumn As Long, sourcedateposition As Long, actualsourcecolumn As Long, targetdateposition As Long, actualtargetforecastrow As Long
Dim Copysource As Range, pastetarget As Range
TargetValue = dumpsheet.Cells(rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
sourcedateposition = dumpsheet.Cells(rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).row
targetdateposition = dumpsheet.Cells(rows.Count, 7).End(xlUp).row
For F = 1 To sourcedateposition
SourceColumnValue = dumpsheet.Cells(F, 5).Value
'Get Target Column Match to Source
For P = 1 To targetdateposition
targetcolumnvalue = dumpsheet.Cells(P, 7).Value
If targetcolumnvalue = SourceColumnValue Then
TargetColumnRange.Value = SourceColumnValue
targetcolumnvalue = dumpsheet.Cells(P, 8).Value
sourcecolumnnumber = dumpsheet.Cells(F, 6).Value
For O = 1 To dumpsheet.Cells(rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).row
If O > 1 Then
Sourcename = dumpsheet.Cells(O, 1).Value
sourcerow = dumpsheet.Cells(O, 2).Value
targetrow = dumpsheet.Cells(O, 3).Value
dailyrate = dumpsheet.Cells(O, 4).Value
'Set Integers
actualsourcerow = CInt(sourcerow)
actualtargetrow = CInt(targetrow)
actualtargetcolumn = CInt(targetcolumnvalue)
actualsourcecolumn = CInt(sourcecolumnnumber)
actualtargetforecastrow = actualtargetrow - 521
dailyfte = CInt(dailyrate)
'Copy and Paste
Set Copysource = SourceSheet.Cells(actualsourcerow, actualsourcecolumn)
Set pastetarget = TargetSheet.Cells(actualtargetrow, actualtargetcolumn)
If pastetarget.Cells.Interior.Color <> 1 Then
pastetarget.PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
Set Copysource = TargetSheet.Cells(actualtargetrow, actualtargetcolumn)
Set pastetarget = TargetSheet.Cells(actualtargetforecastrow, actualtargetcolumn)
pastetarget.PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
fte = TargetSheet.Cells(actualtargetforecastrow, actualtargetcolumn).Value / dailyfte
TargetSheet.Cells(actualtargetforecastrow, actualtargetcolumn).Value = fte
End If
End If
Next O
End If
Next P
Next F
End Sub
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