在第二个模型中删除了Node Gender及其相关的边和约束。
//Signatures for nodes
sig NPerson{}
abstract sig NGender{}
abstract sig NCivilStatus{}
lone sig Nmale, Nfemale extends NGender{}
lone sig Nmarried, Nsingle, Ndivorced, Nwidowed extends NCivilStatus{}
//Signatures for edges
sig Ehusband{src:one NPerson, trg:one NPerson}
sig Ewife{src:one NPerson, trg:one NPerson}
sig EpGender{src:one NPerson, trg:one NGender}
sig EpCivstat{src:one NPerson, trg:one NCivilStatus}
fact HasHusbandIsMarried{
all h:Ehusband|let P0=h.src,P1=h.trg|
(P0=h.src and P1=h.trg) implies (some civstat0:EpCivstat|let married=civstat0.trg|
(civstat0.src=P0 and married in Nmarried))
fact inv_Ewife_Ehusband{
all x:NPerson, y:NPerson| (some xy:Ehusband| xy.src=x and xy.trg=y) <=> (some yx:Ewife| yx.src=y and yx.trg=x)
fact multi_EpCivstat{
//mulitplicity on pCivstat:Person->CivilStatusmin:1;max:1
all n:(NPerson)| let count = #{e:(EpCivstat)| e.src = n}| count>=1 and count <=1}
fact MarriedWithoutHusband{
all civstat0:EpCivstat|let P0=civstat0.src,married=civstat0.trg|
married in Nmarried and not (some h:Ehusband|let P2=h.trg|
h.src=P0) implies (some w:Ewife|let P1=w.trg|
fact HasWifeIsMarried{
all wife0:Ewife|let P1=wife0.src,Person1=wife0.trg|
(P1=wife0.src and Person1=wife0.trg) implies (some civstat0:EpCivstat|let married=civstat0.trg|
(civstat0.src=P1 and married in Nmarried))
fact multi_EpGender{
//mulitplicity on pGender:Person->Gendermin:1;max:1
all n:(NPerson)| let count = #{e:(EpGender)| e.src = n}| count>=1 and count <=1}
fact mult1_Ehusband{
//mulitplicity on husband:Person->Person[0,1]
all n:(NPerson)| lone e:(Ehusband)|e.src=n
fact mult1_Ewife{
//mulitplicity on wife:Person->Person[0,1]
all n:(NPerson)| lone e:(Ewife)|e.src=n
fact xor_Ewife_Ehusband{
//XOR constraint between wife:Person->Person and husband:Person->Person
all n:(NPerson) | let e1 = (some e : Ewife | e.src = n), e2=(some e : Ehusband | e.src = n)|(e1 or e2) and not(e1 and e2)
fact MarriedWithoutWife{
all s:EpCivstat|let p1=s.src,married=s.trg|
married in Nmarried and not (some w:Ewife|let p3=w.trg|
w.src=p1) implies (some h:Ehusband|let p2=h.trg|
fact surj_EpGender{
//surjective on pGender:Person->Gender
all n:(NGender)| some e:(EpGender)| e.trg = n
fact irr_Ehusband{
//reflexive on husband:Person->Person
no e:(Ehusband)| e.src = e.trg
fact AtLeastOneSingle{
some civstat0:EpCivstat|let P0=civstat0.src,single=civstat0.trg|
single in Nsingle
fact surj_EpCivstat{
//surjective on pCivstat:Person->CivilStatus
all n:(NCivilStatus)| some e:(EpCivstat)| e.trg = n
fact irr_Ewife{
//reflexive on wife:Person->Person
no e:(Ewife)| e.src = e.trg
//Signatures for edges
sig Ehusband{src:one NPerson, trg:one NPerson}
sig Ewife{src:one NPerson, trg:one NPerson}
sig EpCivstat{src:one NPerson, trg:one NCivilStatus}
fact HasHusbandIsMarried{
all h:Ehusband|let P0=h.src,P1=h.trg|
(P0=h.src and P1=h.trg) implies (some civstat0:EpCivstat|let married=civstat0.trg|
(civstat0.src=P0 and married in Nmarried))
fact inv_Ewife_Ehusband{
all x:NPerson, y:NPerson| (some xy:Ehusband| xy.src=x and xy.trg=y) <=> (some yx:Ewife| yx.src=y and yx.trg=x)
fact multi_EpCivstat{
//mulitplicity on pCivstat:Person->CivilStatusmin:1;max:1
all n:(NPerson)| let count = #{e:(EpCivstat)| e.src = n}| count>=1 and count <=1}
fact MarriedWithoutHusband{
all civstat0:EpCivstat|let P0=civstat0.src,married=civstat0.trg|
married in Nmarried and not (some h:Ehusband|let P2=h.trg|
h.src=P0) implies (some w:Ewife|let P1=w.trg|
fact HasWifeIsMarried{
all wife0:Ewife|let P1=wife0.src,Person1=wife0.trg|
(P1=wife0.src and Person1=wife0.trg) implies (some civstat0:EpCivstat|let married=civstat0.trg|
(civstat0.src=P1 and married in Nmarried))
fact mult1_Ehusband{
//mulitplicity on husband:Person->Person[0,1]
all n:(NPerson)| lone e:(Ehusband)|e.src=n
fact mult1_Ewife{
//mulitplicity on wife:Person->Person[0,1]
all n:(NPerson)| lone e:(Ewife)|e.src=n
fact xor_Ewife_Ehusband{
//XOR constraint between wife:Person->Person and husband:Person->Person
all n:(NPerson) | let e1 = (some e : Ewife | e.src = n), e2=(some e : Ehusband | e.src = n)|(e1 or e2) and not(e1 and e2)
fact MarriedWithoutWife{
all s:EpCivstat|let p1=s.src,married=s.trg|
married in Nmarried and not (some w:Ewife|let p3=w.trg|
w.src=p1) implies (some h:Ehusband|let p2=h.trg|
fact irr_Ehusband{
//reflexive on husband:Person->Person
no e:(Ehusband)| e.src = e.trg
fact AtLeastOneSingle{
some civstat0:EpCivstat|let P0=civstat0.src,single=civstat0.trg|
single in Nsingle
fact surj_EpCivstat{
//surjective on pCivstat:Person->CivilStatus
all n:(NCivilStatus)| some e:(EpCivstat)| e.trg = n
fact irr_Ewife{
//reflexive on wife:Person->Person
no e:(Ewife)| e.src = e.trg
我使用run {}来检查两个模型的一致性。 这两个模型没有实例。 我想看看性能差异。所以我使用范围直到23。 但结果并不是我的预期。
但是表现为第二 模型甚至比第一个模型更差。 以下是两种型号的验证时间(毫秒)。Scope m1 m2
3 158 11
4 95 59
5 109 105
6 245 157
7 364 256
8 871 402
9 1652 646
10 1861 1479
11 1406 2418
12 5421 4343
13 6886 2609
14 10425 6553
15 13081 5871
16 19731 19453
17 16491 22249
18 21984 18191
19 39671 45510
20 60001 49958
21 67709 67892
22 101256 97801
23 135082 168585
答案 0 :(得分:1)
当然,分析仪不会单独构建和检查每个案例;即使每个案例只使用一个处理器周期,10个 30 个案[如前面第二节给出的例子]。 2.2]仍然需要比宇宙时代更长的时间。通过修剪可能性树,它可以排除大的子空间而无需完全检查它们。
有人猜测(但我没有测量过这个!)当第二个模型消除了一些约束时,它会使修剪搜索空间变得更加困难。 (为了衡量这一点,我会看看我是否可以构建第三个模型来保留额外的签名而不是约束,并看看它的时间比较。)
[Postscript] 在较低的抽象级别,我为问题中包含的两个模型中的每个模型添加了一个空的谓词和run
Scope Model 1............... Model 2...............
Trans. Solve Total Trans. Solve Total
3 132 32 164 17 11 28
68 13 81 12 15 27
31 13 44 14 6 20
23 12 35 10 47 57
13 16 29 9 15 24
5 59 86 145 38 180 218
37 88 125 54 103 157
45 95 140 51 106 157
31 89 120 24 89 113
58 93 151 24 91 115
10 640 6997 7637 140 13746 13886
169 7237 7406 214 13717 13931
189 6704 6893 188 15107 15295
15 592 82872 83464 472 15522 15994
543 78690 79233 574 16396 16970
20 2701 840961 843662 1179 1082708 1083887
相反,在您报告时间的21个范围中的16个中,模型2更快,而不是更慢。无论如何,差异并不是特别引人注目:对于大多数示波器,您报告两个模型的时间在10%或15%之间,而对于几乎所有示波器而言,报告的时间都在相同的数量级。 (所以,如果你现在告诉我一些或所有行的列被颠倒了,我的回答仍然是“告诉我为什么你认为这表明性能上有一个令人费解的差异”。)