
时间:2015-03-26 12:00:41

标签: lotus-notes lotusscript

我正在使用Lotus Notes 6.5.6,有时,当用户尝试对代理商注释进行反复审核时,加载USE或USELSX模块"错误所以,我必须进入使用我的代理的库并重新保存它。之后代理人工作。我不知道这个错误的原因,但我正在学习理解它,同时我必须找到一个解决方案,允许用户在没有我的存在的情况下解决问题。 因此,我正在寻找一种解决方案,允许用户访问该库并重新保存以解决该错误。


Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim doclib As NotesDocument
Dim colllib As NotesNoteCollection
Dim id As String
Set db=session.CurrentDatabase
Set colllib = db.CreateNoteCollection(False)
Call colllib.BuildCollection()
While Not Id=""     
    Set doclib=db.GetDocumentByID(Id)
    If Not doclib Is Nothing Then
        Call doclib.ComputeWithForm(False,False)
        Call doclib.Save(True,False)
    End If

但错误未解决。 我能怎么做 ? 感谢' S

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)






'LS Recompile: 

Option Public
Option Explicit

An example of using Notes API calls to recompile LotusScript.

version 1.0
Julian Robichaux

'** Notes C-API functions
Declare Function OSPathNetConstruct Lib "nnotes.dll" (Byval portName As Integer, _
Byval serverName As String, Byval fileName As String, Byval pathName As String) As Integer

Declare Function NSFDbOpen Lib "nnotes.dll" (Byval dbName As String, hDb As Long) As Integer
Declare Function NSFDbClose Lib "nnotes.dll" (Byval hDb As Long) As Integer

Declare Function NSFNoteLSCompile Lib "nnotes.dll" (Byval hDb As Long, _
Byval hNote As Long, Byval dwFlags As Long) As Integer
Declare Function NSFNoteSign Lib "nnotes.dll" (Byval hNote As Long) As Integer
Declare Function NSFNoteUpdate Lib "nnotes.dll" (Byval hNote As Long, _
Byval flags As Integer) As Integer

Declare Function OSLoadString Lib "nnotes.dll" (Byval hModule As Long, Byval stringCode As Integer, _
Byval retBuffer As String, Byval bufferLength As Integer) As Integer

' Base class for working with Notes databases at the API level
Class APIBaseClass
    Private db As NotesDatabase
    Private hDb As Long
    Private lastError As String

    Public Sub New ()
        '** nothing to instantiate in the base class
    End Sub

    Public Sub Delete ()
        Call CloseDatabase()
    End Sub

    Public Function OpenDatabase (db As NotesDatabase) As Integer
        On Error Goto processError

        If (hDb > 0) Then
            Call CloseDatabase()
        End If

        '** reset the internals
        Set Me.db = db
        lastError = ""

        Dim pathName As String*256
        Dim result As Integer

        '** create a proper network path name with OSPathNetConstruct
        Call OSPathNetConstruct(0, db.Server, db.FilePath, pathName)

        '** open the database and get a handle with NSFDbOpen
        result = NSFDbOpen(pathName, hDb)
        If result = 0 Then
            OpenDatabase = True
            Call SetLastError("Cannot open database " & db.FilePath & " on server " & db.Server, result)
        End If

        Exit Function

        Call SetLastError("Error opening database", 0)
        Exit Function

    End Function

    Public Sub CloseDatabase ()
        On Error Resume Next

        If (hDb > 0) Then
            Call NSFDbClose(hDb)
        End If

        Set db = Nothing
        hDb = 0
        lastError = ""
    End Sub

    Private Function SetLastError (errText As String, apiResultCode As Integer) As String
        If (apiResultCode <> 0) Then
            LastError = "API Error " & apiResultCode & ": " & GetAPIError(apiResultCode)
        Elseif (Err > 0) Then
            LastError = "Notes Error " & Err & ": " & Error$
            LastError = ""
        End If

        If (Len(errText) > 0) Then
            LastError = errText & ". " & LastError
        End If
    End Function

    Public Function GetLastError () As String
        GetLastError = LastError
    End Function

    Public Function GetAPIError (errorCode As Integer) As String
        Dim errorString As String*256
        Dim returnErrorString As String
        Dim resultStringLength As Long
        Dim errorCodeTranslated As Integer

        Const ERR_MASK = &H3fff
        Const PKG_MASK = &H3f00
        Const ERRNUM_MASK = &H00ff

        '** mask off the top 2 bits of the errorCode that was returned; this is
        '** what the ERR macro in the API does
        errorCodeTranslated = (errorCode And ERR_MASK)

        '** get the error code translation using the OSLoadString API function
        resultStringLength = OSLoadString(0, errorCodeTranslated, errorString, Len(errorString) - 1)

        '** strip off the null-termination on the string before you return it
        If (Instr(errorString, Chr(0)) > 0) Then
            returnErrorString = Left$(errorString, Instr(errorString, Chr(0)) - 1)
            returnErrorString = errorString
        End If

        GetAPIError = returnErrorString

    End Function

End Class

' Special subclass for recompiling a note/doc in a database
Class LotusScriptRecompiler As APIBaseClass

    Public Function RecompileLSByNoteID (noteID As String) As Integer
        On Error Goto processError

        If (db Is Nothing) Then
            Call SetLastError("Database is not open", 0)
            Exit Function
        End If

        Dim doc As NotesDocument
        Set doc = db.GetDocumentByID(noteID)
        RecompileLSByNoteID = RecompileLS(doc)
        Exit Function

        Call SetLastError("Error recompiling LotusScript for " & noteID, 0)
        Exit Function

    End Function

    Public Function RecompileLSByUNID (unid As String) As Integer
        On Error Goto processError

        If (db Is Nothing) Then
            Call SetLastError("Database is not open", 0)
            Exit Function
        End If

        Dim doc As NotesDocument
        Set doc = db.GetDocumentByUNID(unid)
        RecompileLSByUNID = RecompileLS(doc)
        Exit Function

        Call SetLastError("Error recompiling LotusScript for " & unid, 0)
        Exit Function

    End Function

    Public Function RecompileLS (doc As NotesDocument) As Integer
        On Error Goto processError

        Dim hNote As Long
        Dim unid As String
        Dim result As Integer

        If (hDb = 0) Then
            Call SetLastError("Database is not open", 0)
            Exit Function
        Elseif (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Call SetLastError("Invalid document reference", 0)
            Exit Function
        End If

        '** super-special-secret way of getting an API handle to a NotesDocument
        hNote = doc.Handle
        unid = doc.UniversalID

        '** first, we compile the note
        result = NSFNoteLSCompile(hDb, hNote, 0)
        If (result <> 0) Then
            Call SetLastError("Cannot compile LotusScript for " & GetTitle(doc), result)
            Exit Function
        End If

        '** then we sign it
        result = NSFNoteSign(hNote)
        If (result <> 0) Then
            Call SetLastError("Cannot sign " & GetTitle(doc), result)
            Exit Function
        End If

        '** then we save it
        result = NSFNoteUpdate(hNote, 0)
        If (result <> 0) Then
            Call SetLastError("Cannot save " & GetTitle(doc), result)
            Exit Function
        End If

        '** update the in-memory reference to the object
        Delete doc
        Set doc = db.GetDocumentByUNID(unid)

        '** a little trick to avoid this message on recompiled forms:
        '** This document has been altered since the last time it was signed! Intentional tampering may have occurred.
        Call doc.Sign()
        Call doc.Save(True, False)

        lastError = ""
        RecompileLS = True
        Exit Function

        Call SetLastError("Error recompiling LotusScript for " & GetTitle(doc), 0)
        Exit Function

    End Function

    Public Function GetTitle (doc As NotesDocument) As String
        On Error Resume Next
        If (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Function
        End If

        Dim title As String
        title = doc.~$Title(0)
        If (Instr(title, "|") > 0) Then
            title = Strleft(title, "|")
        End If

        If (title = "") Then
            title = "(untitled)"
        End If

        GetTitle = |"| & title & |"|
    End Function
End Class

Sub Initialize
    '** As a test, let's recompile all the agents, script libraries, and forms
    '** in this database
    Dim session As New NotesSession
    Dim db As NotesDatabase
    Dim nc As NotesNoteCollection
    Dim recompiler As New LotusScriptRecompiler
    Dim noteID As String

    '** create our recompiler object
    Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
    Call recompiler.OpenDatabase(db)
    If (recompiler.GetLastError <> "") Then
        Print recompiler.GetLastError
        Exit Sub
    End If

    '** compile the script libraries first (note that this will NOT build a
    '** dependency tree -- rather, we'll try to brute-force around the 
    '** dependencies by recompiling until either (A) there are no errors,
    '** or (B) the number of errors we get is the same as we got last time)
    Dim errCount As Integer, lastCount As Integer
    Set nc = db.CreateNoteCollection(False)
    nc.SelectScriptLibraries = True
    Call nc.BuildCollection

        lastCount = errCount
        errCount = 0

        noteID = nc.GetFirstNoteId
        Do Until (noteID = "")
            If recompiler.RecompileLSByNoteID(noteID) Then
                Print "Successfully recompiled " & _
                Print recompiler.GetLastError
                errCount = errCount + 1
            End If

            noteID = nc.GetNextNoteId(noteID)
    Loop Until ( (errCount = 0) Or (errCount = lastCount) )

    '** then compile everything else
    Set nc = db.CreateNoteCollection(False)
    nc.SelectAgents = True
    nc.SelectForms = True
    Call nc.BuildCollection

    noteID = nc.GetFirstNoteId
    Do Until (noteID = "")
        If recompiler.RecompileLSByNoteID(noteID) Then
            Print "Successfully recompiled " & _
            Print recompiler.GetLastError
        End If

        noteID = nc.GetNextNoteId(noteID)

    Call recompiler.CloseDatabase()
    Print "All done"
End Sub