在开发新的Android应用程序时,我需要查找类HttpClient包org.apache.http的文档。我注意到在API 22中已经弃用了整个软件包,并建议this page建议使用HttpURLConnection。我了解到使用较少弃用的对象是一种好习惯,但这是为了彻底改变一切。
public class Proxy {
private HttpClient client;
private BasicHttpParams params;
* This class encapsulates a generic response from the server. It store if response is success or not, if it is empty or not,
* the possible code and message associate to response. Also can be stored a generic data passed from server in the response.
public class ServerResult {
* This interface is an handler in the classes that perform the client-server communication.
public interface RestRequest {
* Callback method called when a server response should interact with elements into caller object.
* @param result Entity that represents the response of the server.
* @param requestCode An integer value returned to the interface to recognize which request is associated to result.
* @param index If many request are done can be report index of i-TH request.
public void onProgress(ServerResult result, int requestCode, int index);
* Callback method called when a server response should handled to caller object. This callback
* runs on UI thread.
* @param result Entity that represents the response of the server.
* @param requestCode An integer value returned to the interface to recognize which request is associated to result.
public void onResult(ServerResult result, int requestCode);
* This function parse a json response from server in a valid assignable data content.
private ServerResult deserializeResponse(String json, int type) {
* Perform generic POST request.
* @param postData List of {@code (key,value)} pairs.
* @param uri Url to send request.
* @return Body of server's response.
private String doPostRequest(List<NameValuePair> postData, String uri)
HttpPost postRequest = new HttpPost(uri);
// append postData to request
postRequest.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(postData, HTTP.UTF_8));
// Execute HTTP Post Request
return ProxyUtils.getResponseFromRequest(client.execute(postRequest));
catch (ClientProtocolException e)
catch (IOException e)
return null;
* Perform generic GET request.
* @param uri Url to send request.
* @return Body of server's response.
private String doGetRequest(String uri)
HttpGet getRequest = new HttpGet(uri);
getRequest.addHeader("Accept", "application/json");
// Execute HTTP Get Request
return ProxyUtils.getResponseFromRequest(client.execute(getRequest));
catch (ClientProtocolException e)
catch (IOException e)
return null;
* <p>The following object instantiate an async task thread where are performed web operations. Here can be execute only
* execute GET and POST request.</p>
* <p>Caller object must create it by constructor, giving appropriate parameters, then should call execute with a
* {@code List<NameValuePair>} arguments, that is entity of request. Also after thread execution this class give
* controller in the caller in {@code onPostExecute()} method, if is set callback object.</p>
* @author Andrea Fabio
public class RequestAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<List<NameValuePair>,Void,ServerResult> {
private String uri;
private int requestCode;
private int methodType;
/** Object that invoke rest request */
private RestRequest sender;
* Caller must call constructor to perform web operations.
* @param uri The web URI in http:// format.
* @param requestCode Code for parsing each particular response.
* @param methodType Code between {@link GET_REQUEST} or {@link METHOD_POST}
* @param sender Object to handle callback interface implemented by caller.
public RequestAsyncTask(String uri, int requestCode, int methodType, RestRequest sender)
this.uri = uri;
this.requestCode = requestCode;
this.methodType = methodType;
this.sender = sender;
protected ServerResult doInBackground(List<NameValuePair>... data)
client = new DefaultHttpClient(params);
ServerResult result = null;
uri += "?";
for(NameValuePair field : data[0])
uri += field.getName()+"="+Uri.encode(field.getValue())+"&";
// remove last '&'
uri = uri.substring(0, uri.length()-1);
Log.d(TAG, "Sending GET request("+requestCode+")\nUri: "+uri);
result = deserializeResponse(doGetRequest(uri), requestCode);
Log.d(TAG, "Sending POST request("+requestCode+") \nUri: "+uri+" method, Entity: "+data[0].toString());
result = deserializeResponse(doPostRequest(data[0], uri), requestCode);
client.getConnectionManager().closeIdleConnections(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
this.sender.onProgress(result, requestCode, 0);
return result;
protected void onPostExecute(ServerResult result)
this.sender.onResult(result, requestCode);
public class ProxyUtils {
private static final String TAG = "ProxyUtils";
public static final int CODE_OK_HTTP = 200;
* To get content of entity from a Response provided by HttpClient connection.
* @param response Result of connection from server.
* @return If the header of a "200 OK" response contains the content of the response is decoded into a string
* otherwise {@code null }is returned if an error occurs between null response, header code> 400 or I / O errors
public static String getResponseFromRequest(HttpResponse response)
String result = null;
if(response != null)
// server process request and sent a response
if(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == CODE_OK_HTTP)
// accept response
StringBuilder resultBuilder = new StringBuilder();
InputStream is;
// Get InputStream to the response text
is = response.getEntity().getContent();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(is));
String line;
// read all lines of response text
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
// end request call
result = resultBuilder.toString();
catch (IllegalStateException e)
catch (IOException e)
// error response
Log.d(TAG, "Response: "+response.getStatusLine().toString());
// server didn't respond
Log.d(TAG, "Server refused connection.");
return result;