代码以前工作过,但安装在没有的新PC上。可能错过了一个设置?使用Visual Studio 2013 Professional。
SQL Server 2012具有带有hierarchyID字段的db表,但它具有NULL值。该表被查询到数据视图中。此字段的项目不会被识别为hierarchyID数据类型。代码继续使用地理数据类型。
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相反,我按照P O' Neil,E O' Neil,S Pal等人的描述实施了ORDPATH。 2004年:http://www.cs.umb.edu/~poneil/ordpath.pdf。它使用DB表LiOi,其中包含文章中表格中的值,这些值将呈现为dvORDPATH。我几年前写过这段代码。使用此代码,您可以使用Dewey表示法(例如/ 1/1/15/7 /)创建ORDPATH数据类型。这个数据类型有三个属性,1)ORDPATH本身是一个串联的位串(在这种情况下是0100101001100011101111); 2)它是杜威; 3)层次结构中的级别。
此方法与hierarchyID类似。 hierarchy的主要区别在于hierarchyID使用十六进制,我的代码使用base-2连接的bitstring。两者都按树层次排序。
Public Class ORDPATH
'user defined datatype
'based on P O'Neil, E O'Neil, S Pal et al. 2004
'Code by David A Stumpf, MD, PhD; Evanston, IL
'Dec 2009
Public Shared DeweyRef As String
Public Dewey As String 'human readable hierarchy
Public HID As String 'hierarchyID
Public Level As Integer 'level in hierarchy
Public Shared dvORDPATH As DataView
Public Shared Multiplier As Long = 1
Public Shared Sub InitializeORDPATH()
dvORDPATH = DataLib.QryToData("Select * from dbo.LiOi", EnumLib.DBList.Gen, EnumLib.DataObj.DataView)
dvORDPATH.Sort = "Oi_MIN"
End Sub
Public Shared Function CreateUsingDewey(ByVal DeweyStr As String, Optional ByVal Delimiter As String = "/", Optional ByVal BeginEndDelimiter As Boolean = True) As ORDPATH
'creates new ORDPATH object using submitted Dewey
DeweyRef = IIf(Delimiter <> "/", Replace(DeweyStr, Delimiter, "/"), DeweyStr)
Dim O As ORDPATH = CreateORDPATH(Delimiter, BeginEndDelimiter)
CreateUsingDewey = O
End Function
Public Shared Property CreateORDPATH(Optional ByVal Delimiter As String = "/", Optional ByVal BeginEndDelimiter As Boolean = True) As ORDPATH
'instantiates ORDPATH object and its properties: HID, Dewey, and Level
O.Dewey = IIf(BeginEndDelimiter, "", "/") & IIf(Delimiter <> "/", Replace(DeweyRef, Delimiter, "/"), DeweyRef) & IIf(BeginEndDelimiter, "", "/")
Dim DeweySplit() = O.Dewey.Split("/")
Dim OP As String = ""
For i As Integer = 1 To DeweySplit.Length - 2
OP = OP & GetLiOifromDV(Val(DeweySplit(i))) '& GenLib.OrdpathDelimiter
O.Level = DeweySplit.Length - 2
Return O
End Get
Set(ByVal value As ORDPATH)
End Set
End Property
Public Shared Function GetLiOifromDV(ByVal DeweyItem As Double) As String
Dim DI As Double = DeweyItem * Multiplier
Dim Rtn As String = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To dvORDPATH.Count - 1
With dvORDPATH(i)
If DI >= .Item("oi_min") And DI <= .Item("oi_max") Then
Dim X As String = Trim(NumberToBase2(DI - .Item("oi_min")))
'Dim X As String = Trim(NumberToHex(DI - .Item("oi_min")))
Rtn = Trim(.Item("BITSTRING_ROOT")) & GenLib.LPad(X, .Item("li"), "0")
End If
End With
GetLiOifromDV = Rtn
End Function
Public Shared Function NumberToHex(ByVal N As Object) As String
'not used
NumberToHex = Hex(N)
End Function
Public Shared Function StrToByte(ByVal S As String) As Byte()
StrToByte = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(S)
End Function
Public Shared Function NumberToBase2(ByVal N As Double) As String
'simple logic: iterative division by two, retaining remainder as digit in converted number
'this might be useful in future:
' http://dpatrickcaldwell.blogspot.com/2009/05/converting-hexadecimal-or-binary-to.html
'fractions not yet done, but see: http://www.mathpath.org/concepts/Num/frac.htm
Dim B2 As String = ""
Dim V As Long = Int(N)
Dim VN As Long = V
Dim X As Long 'remainder
Do While VN > 0
VN = Math.DivRem(VN, 2, X) 'integer of result of division
B2 = Trim(Str(X)) & B2
NumberToBase2 = B2
End Function
Public Overloads Shared Function ToString(ByVal HID As String) As String
'Li and Oi are components
'no Li is repeated in any other HID component.
'Thus you can run thru the Li options until found
' This tells you the length of the Oi component
Dim OP As String = Trim(Replace(HID.ToString, Stegenography.OrdpathDelimiter, ""))
Dim D As Integer = 1
Dim S As String = "/"
For i As Integer = 0 To 100
For j As Integer = 0 To dvORDPATH.Count - 1
Dim L As Integer = Len(Trim(dvORDPATH(j).Item("bitstring_root")))
If Mid(OP, D, L) = Trim(dvORDPATH(j).Item("bitstring_root")) Then
S = S & Trim(Str((IM.Base2ToNumber(Mid(OP, D + L, dvORDPATH(j).Item("li"))) + dvORDPATH(j).Item("Oi_Min")) / Multiplier)) & "/"
D = D + L + dvORDPATH(j).Item("li")
Exit For
End If
If D >= Len(OP) Then Exit For
ToString = S
End Function
Public Shared Function GetParent(ByVal HID_Dewey As String) As String
Dim P As String = HID_Dewey.ToString
If InStr(P, "/") > 0 Then
GetParent = Mid(Trim(P), 1, InStrRev(Trim(P), "/", Len(Trim(P)) - 1))
If GetParent = "/" Then GetParent = Nothing
GetParent = Nothing
End If
End Function
Public Shared Function GetAncestors(ByVal HID_Dewey As String, ByVal GenerationsBack As Integer) As String
Dim A As String = HID_Dewey.ToString
For i As Integer = 1 To GenerationsBack
If A Is Nothing Then Exit For
A = GetParent(A)
GetAncestors = A
End Function
Public Shared Function GetRoot(ByVal HID_Dewey As String) As String
GetRoot = Mid(HID_Dewey, 1, InStr(Mid(HID_Dewey, 2), "/") + 1)
End Function
Public Shared Sub ORDPATHTest()
Dim HIDStr As String = "/1/5/3/1/11/;/100/10000/;/1/5/2/1/5/6/7/;/100/10001/;/1/5/3/-9/11/;/1/5/3/2/3/;/1/5/4/;/1/5/3/2/4/;/1/5/3/2/3/6/;/1/5/3/;/1/5/3/2/;/1/5/;/1/;/2/;/2/1/;/2/0.5/;/2/0.4/;/2/0.43/"
Dim T1 As Long = My.Computer.Clock.TickCount
Dim i As Integer
Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet
Dim T As DataTable = ds.Tables.Add
Dim C1 As DataColumn = T.Columns.Add("HID")
Dim C2 As DataColumn = T.Columns.Add("Dewey")
Dim C0 As DataColumn = T.Columns.Add("i")
Dim C3 As DataColumn = T.Columns.Add("Lvl")
Dim dv As DataView = ds.DefaultViewManager.CreateDataView(ds.Tables(0))
Dim H() As String = HIDStr.Split(";")
DataLib.QryToData("delete from dbo.ORDPATH_Tests", EnumLib.DBList.Gen, EnumLib.DataObj.DataSet)
For i = 0 To H.Length - 1
Dim O1 As ORDPATH = ORDPATH.CreateUsingDewey(H(i))
'Dim HSql As Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlHierarchyId
Dim rw1 As DataRow = dv.Table.Rows.Add
rw1.Item("i") = i
rw1.Item("HID") = O1.HID
rw1.Item("Dewey") = O1.Dewey
rw1.Item("Lvl") = O1.Level
' Dim B As Byte() = StrToByte(O1.HID)
Dim CB As Byte() = Compression.Compress(StrToByte(O1.HID))
'Dim SR As System.IO.Stream
'SR.Read(B, 0, B.Length)
' Dim gz As System.IO.Compression.GZipStream = New System.IO.Compression.GZipStream(SR, IO.Compression.CompressionMode.Compress)
'Dim B As Byte() = New Byte[(O1.HID) / 2]
DataLib.QryToData("insert into ordpath_tests (i,dewey,ordpath,ORDPATH_BIT,hid ) values(" & i & ",'" & O1.Dewey & "','" & O1.HID & "'," & System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(StrToByte(O1.HID)) & ",'" & O1.Dewey & "' )", EnumLib.DBList.Gen, EnumLib.DataObj.DataSet)
'DataLib.QryToData("insert into ordpath_tests (i,dewey,ordpath,hid ) values(" & i & ",'" & O1.Dewey & "','" & O1.HID & "','" & O1.Dewey & "' )", EnumLib.DBList.Gen, EnumLib.DataObj.DataSet)
'"0x" & O1.HID
Dim S As String = ""
For i = 0 To dv.Count - 1
With dv(i)
S = S & .Item("i") & vbTab & .Item("Dewey") & vbTab & .Item("Lvl") & vbTab & "'" & .Item("HID") & vbLf
End With
S = S & vbLf & vbLf
dv.Sort = "HID"
For i = 0 To dv.Count - 1
With dv(i)
S = S & .Item("i") & vbTab & .Item("Dewey") & vbTab & vbTab & .Item("Lvl") & vbTab & "'" & .Item("HID") & vbLf
End With
Dim t2 As Long = My.Computer.Clock.TickCount
S = S & (Str(t2 - T1)) & " milliseconds"
Dim P As String = ""
Dim Tm As Long = My.Computer.Clock.TickCount
For i = 0 To dv.Count - 1
P = P & Str(i) & vbTab & dv(i).Item("i") & vbTab & ORDPATH.ToString(dv(i).Item("hid")) & vbTab & GetParent(dv(i).Item("dewey")) & vbTab & vbLf
' GetRoot(dv(i).Item("dewey"))
MsgBox(P & vbLf & vbLf & My.Computer.Clock.TickCount - Tm & " msec")
End Sub