我正在尝试创建一个可变大小的颜色类 - 给定模板确定的值数组,我想为数组中的每个值创建命名别名,即:
template<int C = 3, typename T = unsigned char>
class Color {
union {
T v[C];
struct {
T r, g, b, a;
但是,如果我尝试对C = 3使用相同的类,则union要求4字节的大小('a'成员)。或者,使用数学表达的位域大小为(结构名为a,匿名T成员,大小在C> 3时评估为1),编译器发出一个允许警告(不可抑制,根据In gcc, how to mute the -fpermissive warning?),某事不适合更大规模的API。
答案 0 :(得分:4)
的不同情况对结构进行专门化template <int C = 3, typename T = unsigned char> union Color;
template <typename T>
union Color<3,T> {
T v[3];
struct {
T r,g,b;
template <typename T>
union Color<4,T> {
T v[4];
struct {
T r,g,b,a;
template <int C,typename T>
class Color {
using Values = T[C];
Values &v() { return v_; }
const Values &v() const { return v_; }
T& r() { return v_[0]; }
T& g() { return v_[1]; }
T& b() { return v_[2]; }
template <int C2 = C,
typename = typename std::enable_if<(C2>3)>::type>
T& a()
return v_[3];
const T& r() const { return v_[0]; }
const T& g() const { return v_[1]; }
const T& b() const { return v_[2]; }
template <int C2 = C,
typename = typename std::enable_if<(C2>3)>::type>
const T& a() const
return v_[3];
Values v_;
int main()
Color<3,int> c3;
Color<4,int> c4;
c3.v()[0] = 1;
c3.v()[1] = 2;
c3.v()[2] = 3;
std::cout <<
c3.r() << "," <<
c3.g() <<"," <<
c3.b() << "\n";
c4.v()[0] = 1;
c4.v()[1] = 2;
c4.v()[2] = 3;
c4.v()[3] = 4;
std::cout <<
c4.r() << "," <<
c4.g() << "," <<
c4.b() << "," <<
c4.a() << "\n";
答案 1 :(得分:2)
#include <type_traits>
#include <cstdint>
template<unsigned nChans, typename T = std::uint8_t>
struct Color
static_assert(nChans >= 3 || nChans <= 4, "number of color channels can only be 3 or 4");
// allow integral types only
//static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "T has to be an integral type");
// also allow floating-point types
static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, "T has to be an arithmetic (integral or floating-point) type");
T data[nChans];
T& r() { return data[0]; }
T& g() { return data[1]; }
T& b() { return data[2]; }
//template<typename U = T, typename EnableIfT = std::enable_if<(nChans == 4), U>::type> // C++11
template<typename U = T, typename EnableIfT = std::enable_if_t<(nChans == 4), U>> // C++14
T& a() { return data[3]; }
const T& r() const { return data[0]; }
const T& g() const { return data[1]; }
const T& b() const { return data[2]; }
//template<typename U = T, typename EnableIfT = std::enable_if<(nChans == 4), U>::type>
template<typename U = T, typename EnableIfT = std::enable_if_t<(nChans == 4), U>>
T const& a() const { return data[3]; }
template<typename T = std::uint8_t> using RgbColor = Color<3, T>;
template<typename T = std::uint8_t> using RgbaColor = Color<4, T>;