
时间:2015-03-06 22:02:14

标签: arrays r


(A <- array(1:24, dim = 2:4))
A[2,,] # i=1
A[,1,] # i=2
A[,,3] # i=3

我用脚指数&#39;。我尝试了类似this的内容,但并未取得成功。当然有人可以创造&#34; 2 ,,&#34;作为一个字符串然后eval&amp;解析代码,但那很难看。此外,在for循环内部(i之上),我可以使用aperm()置换数组,使新的第一个维度为前i,这样我就可以简单地访问第一部分。但那种丑陋也需要将阵列置换回来。任何想法如何更像R /优雅?




subindex <- c(2,1,3) # in the ith dimension, we would like to subindex by subindex[i]
for(i in seq_along(dim(A))) {
    args <- list(1:2, 1:3, 1:4)
    args[i] <- subindex[i]
    print(do.call("[", c(list(A), args)))

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

#Build a multidimensional array
A <- array(1:24, dim = 2:4)
# Select a sub-array 
indexNumber = 2
indexSelection = 1

# Build a parameter list indexing all the elements of A
parameters <- list(A, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4)
# Modify the appropriate list element to a single value
parameters[1 + indexNumber] <- indexSelection   
# select the desired subarray
do.call("[", parameters)

答案 1 :(得分:0)

# Now for something completely different!
#Build a multidimensional array
A <- array(1:24, dim = 2:4)
# Select a sub-array 
indexNumber = 2
indexSelection = 1

reduced <- A[slice.index(A, indexNumber) == indexSelection]
dim(reduced) <- dim(A)[-indexNumber]

# Also works on the left-side
A[slice.index(A, 2)==2] <- -1:-8