我正试图在尽可能少的CPU周期内计算地球表面上从一点到另一点的真实路线。结果应该是双0< = tc< 360但是在一些特殊情况下我得到结果360(应该报告为0)。我知道这是由于使用fmod和浮点数时的机器精度,但问题的最有效解决方法是什么?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define EPS 1e-15 // EPS a small number ~ machine precision
#define R2D 57.295779513082320876798154814105 //multiply radian with R2D to get degrees
#define D2R 0.01745329251994329576923690768489 //multiply degrees with D2R to get radians
#define TWO_PI 6.283185307179586476925286766559 //2*Pi
* Course between points
* We obtain the initial course, tc1, (at point 1) from point 1 to point 2
* by the following. The formula fails if the initial point is a pole. We can
* special case this with as IF statement
Argument 1: INPUT - Pointer to double containing Latitude of point 1 in degrees
Argument 2: INPUT - Pointer to double containing Longitude of point 1 in degrees
Argument 3: INPUT - Pointer to double containing Latitude of point 2 in degrees
Argument 4: INPUT - Pointer to double containing Longitude of point 2 in degrees
RETURN: Double containing initial course in degrees from point1 to point 2
double _stdcall CourseInitial (double *lat1, double *lon1, double *lat2, double *lon2)
double radLat1 = D2R * *lat1;
double radLon1 = D2R * *lon1;
double radLat2 = D2R * *lat2;
double radLon2 = D2R * *lon2;
double tc = 0;
if (cos(radLat1) < EPS) { // EPS a small number ~ machine precision
if (radLat1 > 0) {
tc = 180; // starting from N pole
} else {
tc = 0; // starting from S pole
} else {
// Calculate true course [180, 540]
tc = R2D * atan2(sin(radLon2-radLon1),
cos(radLat1) * tan(radLat2) - sin(radLat1) * cos(radLon2-radLon1)
) + 360;
//Return 0 <= true course < 360
return fmod(tc, 360);
int main(void)
double lat1 = 89;
double lon1 = 17;
double lat2 = 68;
double lon2 = -163;
double tc = 0;
tc = CourseInitial(&lat1, &lon1, &lat2, &lon2);
printf("The course from point 1 to 2 is: %.5f", tc);
return 0;
The course from point 1 to 2 is: 360.00000
答案 0 :(得分:0)
发生两种不同优化级别之间的结果差异 在计算radLon2-radLon1时。此计算的结果如下所示。
-O0 radLon2-radLon1 = 0xC00921FB54442D19
-O1 radLon2-radLon1 = 0xC00921FB54442D18
-O0 radLon2-radLon1 = -3.14159265358979356008717331861
Pi with 50 decimals = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510
-O1 radLon2-radLon1 = -3,14159265358979311599796346854
-O0计算在浮点堆栈上加载一个值,然后减去另一个值 FSUB命令(004014a8行:)。 -O1计算将两个值加载到浮点堆栈上 并使用FSUBP命令(行00401480:)
004014a5: fld QWORD PTR [ebp-0x30] // ST(0) = radLon2 (from [ebp-0x30])
004014a8: fsub QWORD PTR [ebp-0x20] // ST(0) = ST(0) - radLon1 (from [ebp-0x20])
004014ab: fstp QWORD PTR [esp] // [esp] = (radLon2-radLon1) = 0xC00921FB54442D19
004014ae: call 0x4080d0 <sin> // ST(0) = sin(radLon2-radLon1)
Significant values:
radLon2 = 0xC006C253F2B53437 (-2.84488668075075734620327239099 )
radLon1 = 0x3FD2FD3B0C77C70D ( 0.296705972839036047350447233839 )
radLon2-radLon1 = 0xC00921FB54442D19 (-3.14159265358979356008717331861 )
sin(radLon2-radLon1) = 0x3CB72D0000000000 ( 3.21628574467824890348310873378e-16 )
Later atan2(y, x) is calculated with these values
x = 0x3FF0B04ED1755590 ( 1.04304391688978981278523860965 )
y = 0x3CB72D0000000000 ( 3.21628574467824890348310873378e-16 )
atan2(y, x) = 0x3CB63828CAA39659 ( 3.08355735803412799607014393888e-16 )
29 double radLon2 = D2R * *lon2;
0040146c: fld QWORD PTR ds:0x40a0c0 // ST(0) = D2R (from [ds:0x40a0c0])
00401472: fmul QWORD PTR [esp+0x30] // ST(0) = ST(0) * lon2 (from [ESP+0x30])
// ST(0) = -2.8448866807507573
27 double radLon1 = D2R * *lon1;
00401476: fld QWORD PTR ds:0x40a0c0 // ST(0) = D2R (from [ds:0x40a0c0])
0040147c: fmul QWORD PTR [esp+0x20] // ST(0) = ST(0) * lon1 (from [ESP+0x20])
// ST(0) = 0.29670597283903605 (radLon1)
// ST(1) = -2.8448866807507573 (radLon2)
00401480: fsubp st(1),st // ST(1) = ST(1)-ST(0) then POP stack
00401482: fst QWORD PTR [esp+0x20] // [esp+0x20] = (radLon2-radLon1) = 0xC00921FB54442D18
40 tc = R2D * atan2(sin(radLon2-radLon1),
00401492: fld QWORD PTR [esp+0x20] // ST(0)=(radLon2-radLon1)
00401496: fstp QWORD PTR [esp] // [esp]=(radLon2-radLon1)
00401499: call 0x4080e0 <sin> // ST(0)=sin(radLon2-radLon1)
Significant values
radLon2 = 0xC006C253F2B53437 (-2.84488668075075734620327239099 )
radLon1 = 0x3FD2FD3B0C77C70D ( 0.296705972839036047350447233839 )
radLon2-radLon1 = 0xC00921FB54442D18 (-3,14159265358979311599796346854 )
sin(radLon2-radLon1) = 0xBCA1A60000000000 (-1.22460635382237725821141793858e-16 )
Later atan2(y, x) is calculated with these values
x = 0x3FF0B04ED1755590 ( 1.04304391688978981278523860965 )
y = 0xBCA1A60000000000 (-1.22460635382237725821141793858e-16 )
atan2(y, x) = 0xBCA0EB8D90F27437 (-1.1740697913027295863036855646E-16 )
double radDeltaLon = D2R * (*lon2-*lon1);
tc = R2D * atan2(sin(radDeltaLon),
cos(radLat1) * tan(radLat2) - sin(radLat1) * cos(radDeltaLon)
) + 360;
这不起作用。调试显示接近Pi的问题值出现了 代码中的另一个地方,最终结果是相同的。
在每个定义的常量的末尾,我添加了一个L,并将它们转换为Long Doubles(80位浮点数)。这与CPU在其浮点寄存器中具有的精度相同,并且在某些情况下解决了该问题。
#define R2D 57.295779513082320876798154814105L //multiply radian with R2D to get degrees
#define D2R 0.01745329251994329576923690768489L //multiply degrees with D2R to get radians
#define TWO_PI 6.283185307179586476925286766559L //2*Pi
// Calculate true course [-180, 180)
tc = atan2(sin(radDeltaLon),
cos(radLat1) * tan(radLat2) - sin(radLat1) * cos(radDeltaLon)
if (fabs(tc) < EPS) {
tc = 0; //Prevents fmod(tc, 360) from returning 360 due to rounding error
} else {
tc *= R2D; //Convert to degrees after tc has been checked for machine precision
tc += 360; //tc [180, 540)
return fmod(tc, 360); // returns tc [0, 360)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
80 bit 0x3FF98EFA351294E9C8AF = 1.745329251994329577083321213687439055206596094649285078048706054e-2
D2R = 1.745329251994329576923690768489e-2
80 bit 0x3FF98EFA351294E9C8AE = 1.74532925199432957691391462423657898739293159451335668563842773e-2
64 bit 0x3F91DF46A2529D3A = 1.745329251994329894381863255148346070200204849243164e-2
D2R = 1.745329251994329576923690768489e-2
64 bit 0x3F91DF46A2529D39 = 1.7453292519943295474371680597869271878153085708618164e-2
0x3FF98EFA351294E9C8AE = 0 011111111111001 1000111011111010001101010001001010010100111010011100100010101110
0x3F91DF46A2529D39 = 0 01111111001 0001110111110100011010100010010100101001110100111001