
时间:2015-03-03 06:34:43

标签: javascript parse-platform cloud-code geopoints

我正在尝试编写Parse Cloud Code函数,其中参数是每个包含geoPoint成员的对象列表。对于列表中的每个项目,我将在Parse数据存储中搜索1英里半径内具有相同名称的现有项目。如果该项目不存在,则创建该项目并将其保存到数据存储区。


 *  Take a list of Place and check for existence in Parse.
 *  If it doesn't already exist, add it.
 *  @see https://www.parse.com/questions/access-distance-on-a-geoquery
 *  @param {JSON Place.PlaceSearch}
 *  @return none
 function addConvertedApiResult(placeData) {
    for ( var i = 0; i < placeData.length; i++ ) {
        // look near loc for existing name
        var loc = new Parse.GeoPoint(placeData[i].lat, placeData[i].lon)

        var query = new Parse.Query("Place");
        query.withinMiles("location", loc, 1);
        query.equalTo("name", placeData[i].name);

            success: function(results) {
                // results contains a list of places that are within 1 mile
                // and have the same name
                console.log("results.length = "+results.length);
                if(results.length < 1) {
                    // add the place
                    var Place = Parse.Object.extend("Place");
                    var place = new Place();

                    place.set("en", placeData[i].name);
                    place.set("location", loc);
                    place.set("moreInfo", placeData[i].moreInfo);

            error: function(error) {
                // There was an error.
                console.log("error = "+error.message);

        console.log("leaving addConvertedApiResult");



curl -X POST 
-H "X-Parse-Application-Id: <key>" 
-H "X-Parse-REST-API-Key: <key>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
-d "{\"name\":\"Storm+Mountain\",\"lat\":44.0760,\"lon\":-103.2280,\"limit\":5,\"radius\":25}" https://api.parse.com/1/functions/getPlace
{"result":[{"lat":43.95483,"lon":-103.36869,"moreInfo":"<apiUrl>/item.php?c=1\u0026i=3439","name":"Storm Mountain"}]}


I2015-03-03T05:56:26.905Z] v99: Ran cloud function getPlace with:
  Input: {"lat":44.0760,"limit":5,"lon":-103.2280,"name":"Storm+Mountain","radius":25}
  Result: [{"name":"Storm Mountain","lat":43.95483,"lon":-103.36869,"moreInfo":"<moreInfoUrl>"}]

I2015-03-03T05:56:27.434Z] placeData[i].name:Storm Mountain

I2015-03-03T05:56:27.435Z] leaving addConvertedApiResult






我一直在努力解决这个问题,并很高兴了解Promises。不幸的是,我的情况没有改变。我现在从 addConvertedApiResult 函数调用这些函数。我使用Chrome Developer工具使用本地javascript文件编写的驱动程序测试/调试它们,一切运行良好。但是,当我将此代码部署到Parse Cloud代码时,在我调用.find()后,执行似乎消失在以太中。




 *  Take a Place and check for existence in Parse.
 *  If it doesn't already exist, add it.
 *  @see https://www.parse.com/questions/access-distance-on-a-geoquery
 *  @see https://parse.com/docs/js_guide#promises-chaining
 *  @param {JSON Place.PlaceSearch}
 *  @return none
function addNewPlace(place) {
    // look near loc for already existing place with same name
    var loc = new Parse.GeoPoint(place.lat, place.lon)
    var query = new Parse.Query('Place');
    query.withinMiles('location', loc, 1);
    query.equalTo('en', place.name);
    query.find().then( function(results) {
        if(results.length < 1) {
            console.log(place.name+" does not exist")
            var Place = Parse.Object.extend("Place");
            var newPlace = new Place();

            var loc = new Parse.GeoPoint(place.lat, place.lon)
            newPlace.set('en', place.name);
            newPlace.set('location', loc);
            newPlace.set('moreinfo', place.moreinfo);

            return newPlace.save();

 *  Take a list of Place and check for existence in Parse.
 *  If it doesn't already exist, add it.
 *  @see https://www.parse.com/questions/access-distance-on-a-geoquery
 *  @see https://parse.com/docs/js_guide#promises-chaining
 *  @param {JSON Place.PlaceSearch}
 *  @return none
function addConvertedApiResult(placeData) {
    var _ = require('underscore');

    _.each(placeData, function(place) {

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


someCall( function(someObject) {
    // do some stuff
    return result;

}).then( function(resultOfPrev) {
    // do some more stuff
    return result;

}).then( function(resultOfPrev) {
    // create some nested promises

    // Create a trivial resolved promise as a base case.
    var queryPromise = Parse.Promise.as();

    _.each(resultsOfPrev, function(thing) {
        // For each item, extend the promise with a function to ...
        queryPromise = queryPromise.then( function() {

            var query = new Parse.Query(Thing);
            query.equalTo("name", thing.name);

            return query.find().then( function(result) {

                var savePromise = Parse.Promise.as();
                savePromise = savePromise.then( function() {

                    var saved = false;
                    if(result.length < 1) {
                        // then save the thing
                        var newThing =  new Thing();
                        newThing.set('name', thing.name);
                        return newThing.save();
                    } else {
                        return false;

                return savePromise;

    return queryPromise;

}).then( function(resultsOfPrev) {
    // response must not be called until
    // the end of the chain.
    response.success( resultsOfPrev);

}.then( function() {
    // i realy don't understand why but,
    // I need this empty function at the 
    // tail of the chain.