榆树 - 基于模型状态切换fps(fpsWhen)

时间:2015-02-26 05:32:23

标签: signals frame-rate modelstate frp elm


import Signal
import Time
import Keyboard
import Text
import Graphics.Element (Element)

---- MODELS ----

type State = Running | Stopped
type Action = ToggleRunning | DeltaTime Float

type alias Model = {state : State, counter : Float}

---- UPDATE ----

update : Action -> Model -> Model
update action model = case action of
  DeltaTime dt -> { model | counter <- model.counter + dt }
  ToggleRunning -> { model | state <- if model.state == Running then Stopped else Running }

---- VIEW ----

view : Model -> Element
view model = Text.asText model

---- INPUTS ----

stateToggleKey : Signal Action
stateToggleKey = Signal.map (always ToggleRunning) <| Signal.keepIf identity False Keyboard.space

timeDelta : Signal Action
timeDelta = Signal.map DeltaTime <| Time.fpsWhen 20 (Signal.map (.state >> (==) Running) model)

input : Signal Action
input = Signal.merge stateToggleKey timeDelta

model : Signal Model
model = Signal.foldp update {state=Running, counter=0} input

main : Signal Element
main = Signal.map view model

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onDown s = keepIf ((==) True) True s

playing = Signal.merge (always False <~ onDown Keyboard.spacebar) (always True <~ onDown Keyboard.enter)
-- turn the two arguments to merge around for the playing signal to start with True

-- another way where spacebar toggles pausing:
playing = Signal.foldp (\_ b -> not b) False (onDown Keyboard.spacebar)

timeDeltas = Time.fpsWhen 60 playing

inputs = (,,) <~ timeDeltas ~ playing ~ etc

state = Signal.foldp update startState inputs

main = view <~ state