
时间:2010-05-20 07:11:19

标签: latex lyx

我正在尝试写一篇基于VLDB .cls和.tex文件的论文,它可以从here到达。它使用ACM SIG Proceedings Style.A修复了很多错误,现在我没有得到任何错误,但是当我将我的文件保存为pdf或ps时,我看不到作者的姓名。




% ****************** TITLE ****************************************

\title{A Sample {\ttlit VLDB} Proceedings Paper in LaTeX
Format\titlenote{for use with vldb.cls}}
\subtitle{[Extended Abstract]
\titlenote{A full version of this paper is available as\textit{Author's Guide to Preparing ACM SIG Proceedings Using \LaTeX$2_\epsilon$\ and BibTeX} at \texttt{}}}

% ****************** AUTHORS **************************************

% You need the command \numberofauthors to handle the 'placement
% and alignment' of the authors beneath the title.
% For aesthetic reasons, we recommend 'three authors at a time'
% i.e. three 'name/affiliation blocks' be placed beneath the title.
% NOTE: You are NOT restricted in how many 'rows' of
% "name/affiliations" may appear. We just ask that you restrict
% the number of 'columns' to three.
% Because of the available 'opening page real-estate'
% we ask you to refrain from putting more than six authors
% (two rows with three columns) beneath the article title.
% More than six makes the first-page appear very cluttered indeed.
% Use the \alignauthor commands to handle the names
% and affiliations for an 'aesthetic maximum' of six authors.
% Add names, affiliations, addresses for
% the seventh etc. author(s) as the argument for the
% \additionalauthors command.
% These 'additional authors' will be output/set for you
% without further effort on your part as the last section in
% the body of your article BEFORE References or any Appendices.

\numberofauthors{8} %  in this sample file, there are a *total*
% of EIGHT authors. SIX appear on the 'first-page' (for formatting
% reasons) and the remaining two appear in the \additionalauthors section.

% You can go ahead and credit any number of authors here,
% e.g. one 'row of three' or two rows (consisting of one row of three
% and a second row of one, two or three).
% The command \alignauthor (no curly braces needed) should
% precede each author name, affiliation/snail-mail address and
% e-mail address. Additionally, tag each line of
% affiliation/address with \affaddr, and tag the
% e-mail address with \email.
% 1st. author
Ben Trovato\titlenote{Dr.~Trovato insisted his name be first.}\\
       \affaddr{Institute for Clarity in Documentation}\\
       \affaddr{1932 Wallamaloo Lane}\\
       \affaddr{Wallamaloo, New Zealand}\\
% 2nd. author
G.K.M. Tobin\titlenote{The secretary disavows
any knowledge of this author's actions.}\\
       \affaddr{Institute for Clarity in Documentation}\\
       \affaddr{P.O. Box 1212}\\
       \affaddr{Dublin, Ohio 43017-6221}\\
% 3rd. author
\alignauthor Lars Th{\Large{\sf{\o}}}rv{$\ddot{\mbox{a}}$}ld\titlenote{This author is the
one who did all the really hard work.}\\
       \affaddr{The Th{\large{\sf{\o}}}rv{$\ddot{\mbox{a}}$}ld Group}\\
       \affaddr{1 Th{\large{\sf{\o}}}rv{$\ddot{\mbox{a}}$}ld Circle}\\
       \affaddr{Hekla, Iceland}\\
\and  % use '\and' if you need 'another row' of author names
% 4th. author
\alignauthor Lawrence P. Leipuner\\
       \affaddr{Brookhaven Laboratories}\\
       \affaddr{Brookhaven National Lab}\\
       \affaddr{P.O. Box 5000}\\
% 5th. author
\alignauthor Sean Fogarty\\
       \affaddr{NASA Ames Research Center}\\
       \affaddr{Moffett Field}\\
       \affaddr{California 94035}\\
% 6th. author
\alignauthor Charles Palmer\\
       \affaddr{Palmer Research Laboratories}\\
       \affaddr{8600 Datapoint Drive}\\
       \affaddr{San Antonio, Texas 78229}\\
% There's nothing stopping you putting the seventh, eighth, etc.
% author on the opening page (as the 'third row') but we ask,
% for aesthetic reasons that you place these 'additional authors'
% in the \additional authors block, viz.
\additionalauthors{Additional authors: John Smith (The Th{\o}rv\"{a}ld Group,
email: {\texttt{}}) and Julius P.~Kumquat
(The Kumquat Consortium, email: {\texttt{}}).}
\date{30 July 1999}
% Just remember to make sure that the TOTAL number of authors
% is the number that will appear on the first page PLUS the
% number that will appear in the \additionalauthors section.



% ****************** TITLE ****************************************

\title{Alternate {\ttlit ACM} SIG Proceedings Paper in LaTeX

% Three authors sharing the same affiliation.
      \alignauthor Ben King\\      
      \alignauthor Georgia Tobin\\     
      \alignauthor Gerald Murray\\    
      \affaddr{Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science }  \\
      \affaddr{University of California, Berkeley }   \\
      \affaddr{Berkeley, CA 94720-1776 }


Error in latexParagraphs: You should not mix title layouts with normal ones.




当从.lyx转换为pdf或dvi时,我仍然看不到作者,通过使用shell命令,everthing很好。 我认为这是lyx的问题, 我花了8个小时来解决它,严重的是我设置了Windows 7 lyx并在那里尝试了,仍然是相同的。

谢谢lyx :)当你工作正常时,你很好。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


\title{Alternate {\ttlit ACM} SIG Proceedings Paper in LaTeX
      \alignauthor Ben King\\      
      \alignauthor Georgia Tobin\\     
      \alignauthor Gerald Murray\\    
%      \sharedaffiliation
      \affaddr{Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science }  \\
      \affaddr{University of California, Berkeley }   \\
      \affaddr{Berkeley, CA 94720-1776 }