
时间:2015-02-22 15:51:49

标签: image localization typo3 typoscript

我正在与Typo3 / Typoscript挣扎。 我想将网站本地化为两种语言(默认为德语,英语)。使用以下typoscript我可以本地化我的标准文本记录:

lib.main = CONTENT

lib.main {
    table = tt_content
    select {
        pidInList = this
        languageField = sys_language_uid
        orderBy = sorting 

  renderObj.stdWrap.dataWrap = <section id="tt_content_{field:uid}"><article>|<hr class="clearer"/></article></section>



config.sys_language_overlay = 1
config.sys_language_softExclude = tt_content:image
config.sys_language_softMergeIfNotBlank = tt_content:image

config.sys_language_mode = strict


plugin.tx_presets_pi1 {

  rendering {
  file.import.data = file:current:uid_local

    caption {
      wrap = <p class="center image-caption">|</p>

有人可以提出解决方案吗? 我觉得这是一个FAL问题(和一个报告的错误......?!)感谢您的慷慨帮助:))

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


lib.image < styles.content.get
lib.image {

    renderObj = FILES
    renderObj {
        references {
            table = tt_content
            uid.data = field:uid
            fieldName = image

        renderObj = IMAGE
        renderObj {
            file.import.data = file:current:publicUrl
            altText.data = file:current:alternative
            titleText.data = file:current:title

[globalVar = GP:L > 0]
    # Reference to localized image (including localized title and alternative)
    lib.image.renderObj.references {
        uid.data = 
        l18n_parent.data = field:uid

答案 1 :(得分:0)


诀窍是: 如果语言是&gt;使用l18n_parent而不是uid来关联图像引用关系。 0 [globalVar = GP:L&gt; 0]。所以你得到了图像的本地化。 这也很容易适用于滑块。

# Image with title, alternative text, description and link, replace 101 with your colPos
lib.bgImageWithTextbox < styles.content.get
lib.bgImageWithTextbox {

    select.where = colPos = 101
    stdWrap.required = 1

    renderObj = FILES
    renderObj {
        references {
            table = tt_content
            uid.data = field:uid
            fieldName = image

        renderObj = COA
        renderObj {

            # Render container with image as background
            10 = IMG_RESOURCE
            10 {
                file.import.data = file:current:publicUrl
                file.treatIdAsReference = 1
                stdWrap.wrap >
                stdWrap.dataWrap (
                    <div class="g-section-padding-medium js-parallax" data-image-src="/|" data-speed="0.75">
                        <div class="c-box-background-image">
            # Render textbox with typolink (internal, external, target = _blank etc.)
            20 = TEXT
            20 {
                data = file:current:alternative
                typolink.parameter.data = file:current:link
                typolink.wrap = |

            # Close image container
            30 = TEXT
            30.value (

[globalVar = GP:L > 0]
    # Translation of image texts
    lib.bgImageWithTextbox.renderObj.references {
        uid.data = 
        l18n_parent.data = field:uid