查看下面的图片卡片是我的portfolioitem / feature,特别是发布。 在包含发布信息的每个标题上,在进度条下面,我想显示该版本中所有功能实际点的总数。
_buildColumnsFromModel: function() {
var me = this;
var model = this.models[0];
if (model) {
if ( this.attribute === "Release" ) {
var retrievedColumns = [];
value: null,
columnHeaderConfig: {
headerTpl: "{name}",
headerData: {
name: "Backlog"
this._getLocalReleases(retrievedColumns, this.globalVar);
_getLocalReleases: function(retrievedColumns, today_iso) {
var me = this;
if (today_iso == undefined) {
today_iso = Rally.util.DateTime.toIsoString(new Date(),false);
var filters = [{property:'ReleaseDate',operator:'>',value:today_iso}];
var iteration_names = [];
autoLoad: true,
filters: filters,
context: { projectScopeUp: false, projectScopeDown: false },
sorters: [
property: 'ReleaseDate',
direction: 'ASC'
//limit: Infinity,
pageSize: 4,
//buffered: true,
//purgePageCount: 4,
fetch: ['Name','ReleaseStartDate','ReleaseDate','PlannedVelocity'],
listeners: {
load: function(store,records) {
Ext.Array.each(records, function(record){
console.log("records values", records);
var start_date = Rally.util.DateTime.formatWithNoYearWithDefault(record.get('ReleaseStartDate'));
var end_date = Rally.util.DateTime.formatWithNoYearWithDefault(record.get('ReleaseDate'));
//this._getMileStones(record.get('ReleaseStartDate'), record.get('ReleaseDate'), this.project);
value: record,
_planned_velocity: 0,
_actual_points: 0,
_missing_estimate: false,
columnHeaderConfig: {
headerTpl: "{name}<br/>{start_date} - {end_date}",
headerData: {
name: record.get('Name'),
start_date: start_date,
end_date: end_date,
planned_velocity: 0,
actual_points: 0,
missing_estimate: false
scope: this
_getAllReleases: function(retrievedColumns,iteration_names, today_iso) {
var me = this;
if (today_iso == undefined) {
today_iso = Rally.util.DateTime.toIsoString(new Date(),false);
var filters = [{property:'ReleaseDate',operator:'>',value:today_iso}];
autoLoad: true,
filters: filters,
sorters: [
property: 'ReleaseDate',
direction: 'ASC'
fetch: ['Name','Project','PlannedVelocity'],
listeners: {
load: function(store,records) {
Ext.Array.each(records, function(record){
var planned_velocity = record.get('PlannedVelocity') || 0;
var actual_points = record.get('LeafStoryPlanEstimateTotal') || 0;
var index = Ext.Array.indexOf(iteration_names[0],record.get('Name'));
if (planned_velocity == 0 ) {
retrievedColumns[index+1]._missing_estimate = true;
retrievedColumns[index+1]._actual_points += actual_points;
retrievedColumns[index+1]._planned_velocity += planned_velocity;
this.columnDefinitions = [];
scope: this
Ext.define('Rally.technicalservices.plugin.ColumnHeaderUpdater', {
alias: 'plugin.tscolumnheaderupdater',
extend: 'Ext.AbstractPlugin',
config: {
* @type {String} The name of the field holding the card's estimate
* Defaults to c_FeatureEstimate (try LeafStoryPlanEstimateTotal)
field_to_aggregate: "planned_velocity",
* @property {Number} The current count of feature estimates
total_feature_estimate: 0,
fieldToDisplay: "actual_points",
* @property {String|Ext.XTemplate} the header template to use
headerTpl: new Rally.technicalservices.template.LabeledProgressBarTemplate({
fieldLabel: 'Features Planned vs Planned Velocity: ',
calculateColorFn: function(data) {
if ( data.percentDone > 0.9 ) {
return '#EDB5B1';
return '#99CCFF';
showDangerNotificationFn: function(data) {
return data.missing_estimate;
generateLabelTextFn: function(data) {
if ( data.percentDone === -1 ) {
return "No Planned Velocity";
} else {
var text_string = "";
if ( data.field_to_aggregate === "planned_velocity" ) {
text_string = this.calculatePercent(data) + '%';
} else {
text_string = 'By Story: ' + this.calculatePercent(data) + '%';
return text_string;
//headerTpl: '<div class="wipLimit">({total_feature_estimate} of {planned_velocity})</div>'
constructor: function(config) {
if(Ext.isString(this.headerTpl)) {
this.headerTpl = Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate', this.headerTpl);
init: function(column) {
this.column = column;
if ( column.value === null ) {
this.headerTpl = new Ext.XTemplate('');
this.planned_velocity = this.column._planned_velocity;
this.missing_estimate = this.column._missing_estimate;
this.actual_points = this.column._actual_points;
this.column.on('addcard', this.recalculate, this);
this.column.on('removecard', this.recalculate, this);
this.column.on('storeload', this.recalculate, this);
this.column.on('afterrender', this._afterRender, this);
this.column.on('ready', this.recalculate, this);
this.column.on('datachanged', this.recalculate, this);
destroy: function() {
if(this.column) {
delete this.column;
_afterRender: function() {
if ( this.feature_estimate_container ) {
this.feature_estimate_container.getEl().on('click', this._showPopover, this);
recalculate: function() {
this.total_feature_estimate = this.getTotalFeatureEstimate();
refresh: function() {
var me = this;
if (this.feature_estimate_container) {
} else {
this.feature_estimate_container = Ext.widget({
xtype: 'container',
html: this.headerTpl.apply(this.getHeaderData())
if ( this.feature_estimate_container && this.feature_estimate_container.getEl()) {
this.feature_estimate_container.getEl().on('click', this._showPopover, this);
_showPopover: function() {
var me = this;
if ( me.planned_velocity > 0 ) {
if ( this.popover ) { this.popover.destroy(); }
this.popover = Ext.create('Rally.ui.popover.Popover',{
target: me.column.getColumnHeader().getHeaderTitle().getEl(),
items: [ me.getSummaryGrid() ]
getSummaryGrid: function() {
var me = this;
var estimate_title = "Feature Estimates";
if ( this.field_to_aggregate !== "c_FeatureEstimate") {
estimate_title = "Story Estimates";
var store = Ext.create('Rally.data.custom.Store',{
data: [
'PlannedVelocity': me.planned_velocity,
'ActualPoints': me.actual_points,
'TotalEstimate': me.getTotalFeatureEstimate(),
'Remaining': me.getCapacity(),
'MissingEstimate': me.missing_estimate
var grid = Ext.create('Rally.ui.grid.Grid',{
store: store,
columnCfgs: [
{ text: 'Plan', dataIndex:'PlannedVelocity' },
{ text: estimate_title, dataIndex: 'TotalEstimate' },
{ text: 'Remaining', dataIndex: 'Remaining' },
{ text: 'Team Missing Plan?', dataIndex: 'MissingEstimate' }
showPagingToolbar: false
return grid;
getHeaderData: function() {
var total_feature_estimate = this.getTotalFeatureEstimate();
actual_points = 0;
var percent_done = -1;
planned_velocity = 20;
if ( planned_velocity > 0 ) {
percent_done = total_feature_estimate / 4;
return {
actual_points: actual_points,
total_feature_estimate: total_feature_estimate,
planned_velocity: planned_velocity,
percentDone: percent_done,
field_to_aggregate: this.field_to_aggregate,
missing_estimate: this.missing_estimate
getCapacity: function() {
return this.planned_velocity - this.getTotalFeatureEstimate();
getTotalFeatureEstimate: function() {
var me = this;
var total = 0;
var total_unaligned = 0;
var records = this.column.getRecords();
Ext.Array.each(records, function(record){
var total_points = record.get('AcceptedLeafStoryPlanEstimateTotal');
var feature_estimate = record.get(me.field_to_aggregate) || 0;
var unaligned_estimate = record.get('UnalignedStoriesPlanEstimateTotal') || 0;
total += parseFloat(total_points,10);
if ( me.field_to_aggregate !== "planned_velocity" ) {
total = total
return total;