我在mysql workbench(6.2)中制作了电影预订数据库。然后将该数据库连接到eclipse,我在java中编写了一个用于电影预订系统的GUI。
一切都适用于GUI /数据库,但有一个逻辑问题: 如果对节目进行预订,则自然地,在该剧院中将要播放该节目的座位数量将在每次预订时减少1。但如果有一个节目在不同日期,但在相同剧院,那么这个剧院座位也会减少1,这是错误的。
E.g。 星期一上的节目应该有自己的座位,星期二上的节目应该有自己的座位。一个解决方案可能是在'节目'中创建一个新的'nbrseats'列,但如果可能的话,我希望它能从剧院获得它的座位。
set foreign_key_checks = 0;
drop table if exists Users;
drop table if exists Theaters;
drop table if exists Movies;
drop table if exists reservations;
drop table if exists Shows;
create table Theaters (
theatername char(11) not null,
NbrSeats char(20) not null,
primary key (theatername)
)engine innoDB;
create table Movies (
moviename char(30) not null,
primary key (moviename)
)engine innoDB;
create table Shows (
movieDate DATE not null,
theatername char(11) not null,
moviename char(30) not null,
id integer auto_increment,
foreign key (theatername) references Theaters(theatername),
foreign key (moviename) references Movies(moviename),
primary key (id)
)engine innoDB;
create table Users (
username char(20) not null,
fullname char(30) not null,
phonenbr char(10) not null,
address varchar(20) not null,
primary key (username)
) engine innoDB;
create table reservations (
resNbr integer auto_increment,
username char(20) not null,
showId int(30) not null,
foreign key(showid) references Shows(id),
foreign key (username) references Users(username),
primary key (resNbr)
)engine innoDB;
-- insert data into the tables
insert into Users values
('Temp1','Name Name', '0701231231', 'Street1');
insert into Movies values
('Star Wars'),
('Falcon Crest');
insert into Theaters values
('Filmstaden', '100'),
('SF', '129'),
('Royal', '120');
insert into Shows values
('20151203','Royal', 'Falcon Crest', null),
('20151003','SF', 'Dallas', null),
('20150803','Filmstaden', 'Star Wars', null);
答案 0 :(得分:1)
获得showid 1的免费席位的示例,有两个5座和2席的预订:
set foreign_key_checks = 0;
drop table if exists Users;
drop table if exists Theaters;
drop table if exists Movies;
drop table if exists reservations;
drop table if exists Shows;
create table Theaters (
theatername char(11) not null,
NbrSeats char(20) not null,
primary key (theatername)
)engine innoDB;
create table Movies (
moviename char(30) not null,
primary key (moviename)
)engine innoDB;
create table Shows (
movieDate DATE not null,
theatername char(11) not null,
moviename char(30) not null,
id integer auto_increment,
foreign key (theatername) references Theaters(theatername),
foreign key (moviename) references Movies(moviename),
primary key (id)
)engine innoDB;
create table Users (
username char(20) not null,
fullname char(30) not null,
phonenbr char(10) not null,
address varchar(20) not null,
primary key (username)
) engine innoDB;
create table reservations (
resNbr integer auto_increment,
username char(20) not null,
showId int(30) not null,
seats int not null,
foreign key(showid) references Shows(id),
foreign key (username) references Users(username),
primary key (resNbr)
)engine innoDB;
-- insert data into the tables
insert into Users values
('Temp1','Name Name', '0701231231', 'Street1');
insert into Movies values
('Star Wars'),
('Falcon Crest');
insert into Theaters values
('Filmstaden', '100'),
('SF', '129'),
('Royal', '120');
insert into Shows values
('20151203','Royal', 'Falcon Crest', null),
('20151003','SF', 'Dallas', null),
('20150803','Filmstaden', 'Star Wars', null);
insert into reservations values
(null,'Temp1', 1, 5),
(null,'Temp1', 1, 2),
(null,'Temp1', 2, 3);
Theaters.NbrSeats-sum(reservations.seats) freeseats
from Shows
left join Theaters
on Shows.theatername = Theaters.theatername
left join reservations
on Shows.id = reservations.showId
where Shows.id = 1
group by
答案 1 :(得分:0)
这是id = 2的一个(有些原始的)示例查询:
select nbrseats - (select count(showId) from reservations
where showId = (select id from shows where id = 2)) from theaters
where theatername = (select theatername from shows where id = 2);