我刚认识Python几天了。 Unicode似乎是Python的一个问题。
'\u0110\xe8n \u0111\u1ecf n\xfat giao th\xf4ng Ng\xe3 t\u01b0 L\xe1ng H\u1ea1'
我可以读取文件并打印出字符串,但显示不正确。 如何将其打印出来以正确显示如下:
"Đèn đỏ nút giao thông Ngã tư Láng Hạ"
答案 0 :(得分:8)
>>> x=r'\u0110\xe8n \u0111\u1ecf n\xfat giao th\xf4ng Ng\xe3 t\u01b0 L\xe1ng H\u1ea1'
>>> u=unicode(x, 'unicode-escape')
>>> print u
Đèn đỏ nút giao thông Ngã tư Láng Hạ
print u.decode('utf8')
请注意,在第一行中我分配了一个原始字符串文字,以便不会展开“转义序列” - 这只是模仿了从(文本或二进制文件)读取bytestring x
答案 1 :(得分:1)
# A byte string with Unicode escapes as text.
>>> x='\u0110\xe8n \u0111\u1ecf n\xfat giao th\xf4ng Ng\xe3 t\u01b0 L\xe1ng H\u1ea1'
# Convert to Unicode string.
>>> x=x.decode('unicode-escape')
>>> x
u'\u0110\xe8n \u0111\u1ecf n\xfat giao th\xf4ng Ng\xe3 t\u01b0 L\xe1ng H\u1ea1'
# Try to print to my console:
>>> print x
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\dev\python\lib\encodings\cp437.py", line 12, in encode
return codecs.charmap_encode(input,errors,encoding_map)
UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character u'\u0110' in position 0:
character maps to <undefined>
# My console's encoding is cp437.
# Instead of the default strict error handling that throws exceptions, try:
>>> print x.encode('cp437','replace')
?èn ?? nút giao thông Ng? t? Láng H?
# Six characters weren't supported.
# Here's a way to write the text to a temp file and display it with another
# program that supports the UTF-8 encoding:
>>> import tempfile
>>> f,name=tempfile.mkstemp()
>>> import os
>>> os.write(f,x.encode('utf8'))
>>> os.close(f)
>>> os.system('notepad.exe '+name)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
>>> s=u"\u0110\xe8n \u0111\u1ecf n\xfat giao th\xf4ng Ng\xe3 t\u01b0 L\xe1ng H\u1ea1"
>>> print s
=> Đèn đỏ nút giao thông Ngã tư Láng Hạ