
时间:2015-02-14 21:34:05

标签: java arrays class reference null

我构建了这个数组:有机细胞[] [];我用蚂蚁和doodlebugs填充阵列(两个类都继承了生物体),并将大部分斑点留空以表示空白点。然后我试图移动所有的蚂蚁和doodlebugs。为了移动它们,我首先为目标找到一个空的空间,然后将目标细胞更改为需要移动的生物体。在那之后,我在移动的生物 的x / y处杀死(设置为null)生物体。因此,如果我移动单元格[1] [1]并且单元格[2] [2]是我的目标,我会:设置单元格[2] [2] =单元格[1] [1]然后设置单元格[1] [1] = null。





public class World {
private final int HEIGHT = 20;
private final int WIDTH = 20;
private Organism cells[][];       // (0,0) is considered the upper left corner
public static Random generator = new Random(1000L);  // Use of a Random generator lets us provide same 
                            // sequence of "random" numbers.  Consequently, the
                            // simulation will be identical each run, aiding debugging.
//public static Random generator = new Random(); // Once your program works properly, comment out the statement
                            // above, and uncomment this one.  This will make your program run differently
                            // every time you run it. 
 * @param  x  horizontal grid coordinate
 * @param  y  vertical grid coordinate.
 * @return If (x,y) are not legal coords, returns null.  Else  returns value of the that cell.  
 * This will eiher be an Organism or null.
public Organism getCell(int y, int x){
    if (x < 0 || x >= WIDTH || y < 0 || y >= HEIGHT){ 
        return null;
    return cells[y][x];

 * @param  x  horizontal grid coordinate
 * @param  y  vertical grid coordinate.
 * @param org Organism to place in the world
public void setCell(int x, int y, Organism org){

 * @param x  horizontal grid coordinate
 * @param y  vertical grid coordinate.
 * @return  Return false if cell at given coords is not empty, or if coordinates are
 * "off the grid."  Else return true.
public boolean isEmptyCell(int y, int x){
    // YOUR CODE HERE...
    if(getCell(y,x) != null){
        return false;
    return true; 

 * Construct a World.
 * If you don't want repeatable simulations (i.e., you want each to be unique),
 * remove the "seed" value from the Random() constructor.
 * @param numAnts  The number of Ants to place randomly in the grid.
 * @param numDoodles The number of Doodlebuggs to place randomly in the grid.
public World(int numAnts, int numDoodles){
    int x=0, y=0, count1=0, count2=0;

    cells = new Organism[getHEIGHT()][getWIDTH()];

    // YOUR CODE HERE to randomly place ants and doodlebugs.
        y = myRand(getHEIGHT());
        x = myRand(WIDTH);
            cells[y][x] = new Ant(y,x,this);
            //System.out.println("MAKING ANT at x=" + x +" and y= " + y);

        y = myRand(getHEIGHT());
        x = myRand(WIDTH);
            cells[y][x] = new Doodlebug(y,x,this);

 * @param x
 * @param y
 * @param org
 * @return  Return true if a new organism was added to the World, else return false.
 * If at least one of the adjacent cells to [x,y] is empty, randomly select one of the 
 * empty ones and place org there.  
 * [You might do this by first checking if there's at least one empty adjacent cell.
 * If so, use a loop to successively randomly select an adjacent cell until you find 
 * an empty one, then place org there.]
 * [Oh, and this might be a good place to use a "switch" statement to deal with the 
 * four possible directions N,S,E,W.]
public boolean addAdjacent(int x, int y, Organism org) {
    // YOUR CODE HERE....

    System.out.println("World.addAdjacent() not yet implemented.\n");

 * Move all the ants.
public void moveAllAnts() {
    for(int y=0; y<cells.length; y++){
        for(int x=0; x<cells[y].length;x++){
            if (getCell(x,y) instanceof Ant){
                //System.out.println("Ant found at: y=" + x + " and x="+ y +"\t\tmoved?   " + getCell(x,y).hasMoved);

 * Move all the doodlebugs.
public void moveAllDoodles() {
    for(int y=0; y<cells.length; y++){
        for(int x=0; x<cells[y].length;x++){
            if (getCell(x,y) instanceof Doodlebug){
                //System.out.println("Doodle found at: y=" + x + " and x="+ y);

public static void main(String[] args) {
    World w;
    w= new World(10,10);
    System.out.println("A thinly populated world:\n"+w);
    System.out.println("A thinly populated world:\n"+w);

public int getHEIGHT() {
    return HEIGHT;

public int getWIDTH() {
    return WIDTH;

 * @param x,y takes the location of the ant and attempts to find an adjacent empty cell.
 * @return  Return a point if an adjacent cell is empty, otherwise return null.
public Point getAdjaEmpty(int y, int x){
    Point p = new Point(0,0);
    boolean up = false, down = false, left = false, right = false;
    int numTrue = 0;
    if(isEmptyCell(y-1,x) && y-1>=0){ // can go left
        left = true;
    if(isEmptyCell(y+1,x) && y+1<cells.length){ // can go right 
        right = true;
    if(isEmptyCell(y,x-1) && x-1>=0){ // can go up 
        up = true;
    if(isEmptyCell(y,x+1) && x+1<cells[0].length){ // can go down 
        down = true;

    if(numTrue >0){
                p.x = x;
                p.y= y-1;
            }else if(right){
                p.x = x;
                p.y= y+1;
            }else if(up){
                p.x = x-1;
                p.y= y-1;
            }else if(down){
                p.x = x+1;
                p.y= y;
                System.err.println("Error in adjacEmpty function!");
        }else if(numTrue>=2){
            //make direction random
            int dir = 0;
            while(true){ //looks for a random spot that is empty and accessible
                dir = generator.nextInt(4);
                if(left && dir == 0){
                    p.x = x;
                    p.y= y-1;
                }else if(right && dir == 1){
                    p.x = x;
                    p.y= y+1;
                }else if(up && dir == 2){
                    p.x = x-1;
                    p.y= y;
                }else if(down && dir == 3){
                    p.x = x+1;
                    p.y= y;
        return null;
    return p;

/* Moves the Organism to the random location given by getAdjaEmpty
 * Also kills the old organism.
public void killAndMove(int y, int x) {
    Point p = getAdjaEmpty(y,x);
    if(cells[y][x] != null){
        setCell(p.x,p.y, getCell(y,x));



abstract public class Organism {
protected int locX, locY;           // Coords of organism in its World.
protected boolean hasMoved;         // Movement flag: true if has already moved this turn [Can you see why this is needed?]
abstract public void move();        // Move the critter to an adjacent space
protected World myMap;              // Need this so each organism has access to its World.

 * As this is an abstract class, this constructor is invoked via super() by its
 * subclasses.  Takes care of initializing the fields they inherit from this class.
 * @param x
 * @param y
 * @param m
public Organism(int x, int y, World m) {
// Initialize instance variables, including
    myMap = m;
    locX = x;
    locY = y;
    // YOUR CODE HERE!  What other instance variables?

 * Clear the move flag.
public void clearMoveFlag() {
    hasMoved = false;

 * Remove the organism from the world.
public void kill() {
    myMap.setCell(locY, locX, null);

 * Choose a random direction.  If that cell is empty, move there.
 * Make sure to set the movement flag so there is no possibility of moving the
 * same organism again this turn.  
 * @see clearMoveFlag
public void moveToEmpty() {
    // Remember to avoid moving a critter that has already moved this turn....
    // If you want a random number to choose a direction, try
    // int dir = World.myRand(4);
    //  to generate an integer 0-3.

        myMap.killAndMove(locX, locY);
        //System.out.println("LocX = " +locX + " and locY = " + locY);
        hasMoved = true;

 * Set the location of the organism to the given coordinates.
 * @param x
 * @param y
public void setLoc(int x, int y){
    locX = x;
    locY = y;

 * @return Return a single character representing the organism.  To be 
 * used in constructing the printed representation of a World.
public abstract String singleCharRepresenting();


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