/ \ /
#pragma config(Hubs, S1, HTMotor, HTMotor, HTMotor, none)
#pragma config(Hubs, S2, HTServo, none, none, none)
#pragma config(Sensor, S1, , sensorI2CMuxController)
#pragma config(Sensor, S2, , sensorI2CMuxController)
#pragma config(Motor, motorA, motorC, tmotorNXT, PIDControl, encoder)
#pragma config(Motor, motorB, , tmotorNXT, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, motorC, , tmotorNXT, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, mtr_S1_C1_1, motor_LF, tmotorTetrix, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, mtr_S1_C1_2, motor_LB, tmotorTetrix, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, mtr_S1_C2_1, motor_RF, tmotorTetrix, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, mtr_S1_C2_2, motor_RB, tmotorTetrix, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, mtr_S1_C3_1, motor_L, tmotorTetrix, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, mtr_S1_C3_2, motorI, tmotorTetrix, openLoop)
#pragma config(Servo, srvo_S2_C1_1, servo1, tServoNone)
#pragma config(Servo, srvo_S2_C1_2, servo2, tServoNone)
#pragma config(Servo, srvo_S2_C1_3, servo3, tServoNone)
#pragma config(Servo, srvo_S2_C1_4, servo4, tServoNone)
#pragma config(Servo, srvo_S2_C1_5, servo5, tServoNone)
#pragma config(Servo, srvo_S2_C1_6, servo6, tServoNone)
#include "JoystickDriver.c" //includes code for tele-op
void initializeRobot() //starts the Robot for autonomous
{ //starts autonomous
return; //returns the robot to tele-op after autonomous
} //ends autonomous
task main()
//starts tele-op
initializeRobot(); //starts the robot for teleop
waitForStart(); //waits for start of tele-op period
int mThreshold = 15; // To avoid unnecessary movement
//joystick initialization
int xValL, yValL, xValR;
float scaleFactor = 40.0 / 127; // Sets max. average motor power and maps range
// of analog stick to this power range
int motor_LFVal = 0; //sets the initial value of motor_LF to 0
int motor_LBVal = 0; //sets the initial value of motor_LB to 0
int motor_RFVal = 0; //sets the initial value of motor_RF to 0
int motor_RBVal = 0; //sets the initial value of motor_RB to 0
//repeat forever
while (true)
getJoystickSettings(joystick); //gets the joystick input throughout match
xValL = joystick.joy1_x1;
yValL = joystick.joy1_y1;
//create threshold for x1 axis
if(abs(xValL) > mThreshold) //if the absolute value of joystick 1, left stick, x-axis is greater than the threshold
xValL = joystick.joy1_x1; //robot will move
else //if the absolute value of joystick 1, left stick, x-axis is less than the threshold
xValL = 0; //robot will NOT move
//create threshold for y1 axis
if(abs(yValL) > mThreshold) //if the absolute value of joystick 1, left stick, y-axis is greater than the threshold
yValL = joystick.joy1_y1; //robot will move
else //if the absolute value of joystick 1, left stick, y-axis is less than the threshold
yValL = 0; //robot will NOT move
//create threshold for x2 axis
if(abs(xValR) > mThreshold) //if the absolute value of joystick 1, right stick, x-axis is greater than the threshold
xValR = joystick.joy1_x2; //robot will move
else //if the absolute value of joystick 1, right stick, x-axis is less than the threshold
xValR = 0; //robot will NOT move
//final math and running statements
//allows each motor to turn independently
motor[motor_LF] = (-yValL - xValL - xValR) * scaleFactor; //ERROR HERE //-(joy1_y1) - (joy1_x1) - (joy1_x2) = the final value of motor_LF
motor[motor_LB] = (-yValL + xValL - xValR) * scaleFactor; //ERROR HERE //-(joy1_y1) + (joy1_x1) - (joy1_x2) = the final value of motor_LB
motor[motor_RF] = (yValL - xValL - xValR) * scaleFactor; //ERROR HERE //(joy1_y1) - (joy1_x1) - (joy1_x2) = the final value of motor_RF
motor[motor_RB] = (yValL + xValL - xValR) * scaleFactor; //ERROR HERE //(joy1_y1) + (joy1_x1) - (joy1_x2) = the final value of motor_RB