我正在开发一个移动网站模板,我不确定为什么有时它会在我的iphone上正确加载,有时它只会加载身体(一个空白的背景,海军色我将身体设置为)。我的代码中的一些警报按预期出现,但其余的容器和标题根本没有加载,但有时它会在没有更改任何代码的情况下完全加载。这是不一致的,很难弄明白。但它总是在我的桌面上加载而没有错误。 关于我的代码: 我加载了一个css文件,该文件提供给所有设备。在此文件中,标题是绝对位置,并且container_wrapper或正文上没有设置高度。 在一个js文件中,我调用一个方法来检查浏览器是否支持overflow:scroll。 如果它支持,则文档警告为真(仅用于此刻的调试)。警报对于不同的手机来说非常正确。 如果它确实支持溢出滚动我然后调用一个方法,它添加一些额外的CSS样式,即身高和container_wrapper的高度,并将标题设置为固定位置..还有一个名为scrollable的类,它允许滚动(使用CSS样式)容器div和侧面菜单div。如果有人对为什么加载不一致有任何想法,我将不胜感激。我附上了3张图片。没有正确加载时的第一个空白页面和正确加载时的后两个空白页面。
margin-top: 0px;
width: 100%;
overflow: auto;
background: #120F3A;
position: absolute;
left: 0px;
top: 0px;
display: block;
margin: 0 auto;
width: 100%;
background: #120F3A;
overflow: auto;
max-width: 100%;
z-index: 2;
-webkit-transition: .3s;
-moz-transition: .3s;
-o-transition: .3s;
transition: .3s;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
z-index: 2;
/*Styling for header and drop down menu. Used on every page */
width: 100%;
header nav{
width: 100%;
#headernav {
width: 100%;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
z-index: 10;
background: #000;
padding-bottom: 2px;
-webkit-transition: .3s; /* Safari */
transition: .3s;
display: block;
width: 80%;
max-width: 80%;
background: #120F3A;
top: 0px;
left: 20%;
padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
overflow: auto;
-webkit-transition: .3s;
-moz-transition: .3s;
-o-transition: .3s;
transition: .3s;
display: none;
z-index: 600;
width: 25%;
position: fixed;
overflow: hidden;
left: -5%;
overflow: scroll;
-webkit-transition-property: top, bottom;
-moz-transition-property: top, bottom;
-o-transition-property: top, bottom;
transition-property: top, bottom;
-webkit-transition-duration: .2s, .2s;
-moz-transition-duration: .2s, .2s;
-o-transition-duration: .2s, .2s;
transition-duration: .2s, .2s;
-webkit-transition-timing-function: linear, linear;
-moz-transition-timing-function: linear, linear;
-o-transition-timing-function: linear, linear;
transition-timing-function: linear, linear;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
#menu_list .accordian_nav{
margin-top: 0px;
padding-top: 0px;
#menu_list .accordian_nav ul{
width: 94%;
margin-left: 6%;
#menu_list .menu_level_1{
width: 95%;
margin: 0px 0% 0px 0%;
border: none;
-webkit-border-radius: 0px;
-moz-border-radius: 0px;
-o-border-radius: 0px;
border-radius: 0px;
if((sessionStorage.getItem("canScroll") != 'false') && (sessionStorage.getItem("canScroll") != 'true')){
sessionStorage.setItem("canScroll", "true");
sessionStorage.setItem("canScroll", "false");
}else if(sessionStorage.getItem("canScroll") == 'true'){
function changeCssOnDocReady(){
alert(' csstrue');
'height': '100%'
'height': '100%'
'height': '100%'
'position': 'fixed'
alert('wrapper height' + $('#container_wrapper').height());
function canOverflowScroll() {
return (
// Features-first. iOS5 overflow scrolling property check - no UA needed here. thanks Apple :)
"WebkitOverflowScrolling" in window.document.documentElement.style ||
// Touch events aren't supported and screen width is greater than X
// ...basically, this is a loose "desktop browser" check.
// It may wrongly opt-in very large tablets with no touch support.
window.screen.width > 1200 ||
// Hang on to your hats.
// Whitelist some popular, overflow-supporting mobile browsers for now and the future
// These browsers are known to get overlow support right, but give us no way of detecting it.
(function() {
var ua = window.navigator.userAgent,
// Webkit crosses platforms, and the browsers on our list run at least version 534
webkit = ua.match(/AppleWebKit\/([0-9]+)/),
wkversion = webkit && webkit[1],
wkLte534 = webkit && wkversion >= 534;
return (
/* Android 3+ with webkit gte 534
~: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 3.0; en-us; Xoom Build/HRI39) AppleWebKit/534.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/534.13 */
ua.match(/Android ([0-9]+)/) && RegExp.$1 >= 3 && wkLte534 ||
/* Windows Phone
~: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows Phone 8.0; Trident/6.0; IEMobile/10.0; ARM; Touch; NOKIA; Lumia 920) */
ua.match(/IEMobile\/(\d\d).\d+/) && RegExp.$1 >= 10 ||
/* Blackberry 7+ with webkit gte 534
~: Mozilla/5.0 (BlackBerry; U; BlackBerry 9900; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.11+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0.0 Mobile Safari/534.11+ */
ua.match(/ Version\/([0-9]+)/) && RegExp.$1 >= 0 && window.blackberry && wkLte534 ||
/* Blackberry Playbook with webkit gte 534
~: Mozilla/5.0 (PlayBook; U; RIM Tablet OS 1.0.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.8+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/0.0.1 Safari/534.8+ */
ua.indexOf(/PlayBook/) > -1 && RegExp.$1 >= 0 && wkLte534 ||
/* Firefox Mobile (Fennec) 4 and up
~: Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:15.0) Gecko/15.0 Firefox/15.0 */
ua.match(/Firefox\/([0-9]+)/) && RegExp.$1 >= 4 ||
/* WebOS 3 and up (TouchPad too)
~: Mozilla/5.0 (hp-tablet; Linux; hpwOS/3.0.0; U; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) wOSBrowser/233.48 Safari/534.6 TouchPad/1.0 */
ua.match(/wOSBrowser\/([0-9]+)/) && RegExp.$1 >= 233 && wkLte534 ||
/* Nokia Browser N8
~: Mozilla/5.0 (Symbian/3; Series60/5.2 NokiaN8-00/012.002; Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 ) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) NokiaBrowser/7.3.0 Mobile Safari/533.4 3gpp-gba
~: Note: the N9 doesn't have native overflow with one-finger touch. wtf */
ua.match(/NokiaBrowser\/([0-9\.]+)/) && parseFloat(RegExp.$1) === 7.3 && webkit && wkversion >= 533
<body ontouchstart="">
<div id="header_right">
<span class="more_button_swipe"><i class="fa fa-navicon"></i></span>
<div id="swipe_menu_right" class="scrollable">
<div id="menu_list">
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<div id="container">
<div id="swipe_sidebar_right"></div>
<div id="logo_wrapper">
<img class="logo" src="images/logo-virtu.jpg" height="65" width="150" alt="Logo"/>
<div id="content">
<div id="background_grey">
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</div><!--End of container-->
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我现在正在工作。 我决定改变一些东西,所以加载的默认css页面具有支持溢出的新型号手机所需的样式:滚动。所以我将body,container_wrappper和side menu的高度设置为100%,而不是在收到肯定溢出后的肯定响应后更改它:支持滚动... 相反,我检查是否不支持溢出滚动,然后如果不支持我动态添加一个新的样式表,其高度为body和container_wrapper为height:auto;而不是高度:100%。似乎这种方式,即从高度变化:100%到高度:自动正确显示它,而不是我从没有高度开始的方式,如果支持溢出滚动,则增加100%的高度...它是加载东西的速度,但当我这样做,即使加载第二个样式表有一个延迟,它仍然在加载后正确显示。 所以我将以下代码添加到我的脑海:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/main_style_new_phones.css"/>
var lnk=document.createElement('link');
margin-top: 0px; /*moves #container right up to top of page so no gap*/
width: 100%;
overflow: auto;
z-index: 1;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
left: 0px;
top: 0px;
display: block;
margin: 0 auto;
width: 100%;
background: #120F3A;
overflow: auto;
max-width: 100%; /*same width as full logo image width so that when on full screen the background color of the container doesn't spread across*/
z-index: 4;
-webkit-transition: .3s; /* Android 2.1+, Chrome 1-25, iOS 3.2-6.1, Safari 3.2-6 */
-moz-transition: .3s;
-o-transition: .3s;
transition: .3s; /* Chrome 26, Firefox 16+, iOS 7+, IE 10+, Opera, Safari 6.1+ */
height: 100%;
#headernav {
width: 100%;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
z-index: 10;
background: #000;
padding-bottom: 2px;
-webkit-transition: .3s; /* Safari */
transition: .3s;
height: auto;
height: auto;
#headernav {
height: auto;