<hi rend="center"><hi rend="italic">Martinsburgh, July</hi> 24.</hi>
<p> We are informed, that one day last week, a <lb/>Mr. Barret, living near the
South Branch, acci<lb break="no"/>dentally shot his wife;–he was fixing a
flint to <lb/>his gun, and incautiously dragging the trigger, not <lb/>knowing
the gun was loaded, discharged the <lb/>whole contents into her body, and she
died in a <lb/>few moments after–the unfortunate woman had <lb/>a young
child at her breast, but it providentially <lb/>received no injury. </p>
<p> Alexander M'Gillivray advertises for a tutor, <lb/>willing to instruct Indian
children in the rudiments of the English language; and the first prin<lb
break="no"/>ciples of <supplied reason="copy blur">arithmetic</supplied>. In
the advertisement, this <lb/>chief <supplied reason="copy blur">??? ??? ???
???</supplied> of the Creek nation. </p>
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*Martinsburgh, July*24.
We are informed, that one day last week, aMr. Barret, living near the South Branch, accidentally shot his wife;–he was fixing a flint tohis gun, and incautiously dragging the trigger, notknowing the gun was loaded, discharged thewhole contents into her body, and she died in afew moments after–the unfortunate woman hada young child at her breast, but it providentiallyreceived no injury.
Alexander M'Gillivray advertises for a tutor,willing to instruct Indian children in the rudiments of the English language; and the first principles ofarithmetic. In the advertisement, thischief??? ??? ??? ???of the Creek nation.
*Martinsburgh, July* 24.
We are informed, that one day last week, a Mr. Barret, living near the South Branch, accidentally shot his wife;–he was fixing a flint to his gun, and incautiously dragging the trigger, not knowing the gun was loaded, discharged the whole contents into her body, and she died in a few moments after–the unfortunate woman had a young child at her breast, but it providentially received no injury.
Alexander M'Gillivray advertises for a tutor, willing to instruct Indian children in the rudiments of the English language; and the first principles of arithmetic. In the advertisement, this chief ??? ??? ??? ??? of the Creek nation.
答案 0 :(得分:0)
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答案 1 :(得分:0)
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