我的可可程序中有一个小的itty bitty帮助按钮。我想知道如何制作它,在按下时,制作一个小的nswindow面板弹出窗口,上面有很多文字。我怎样才能做到这一点?该按钮名为help
答案 0 :(得分:1)
- (IBAction)help:(id)sender {
if (![self.helpWin isVisible]) {
[self.helpWin makeKeyAndOrderFront:sender];
答案 1 :(得分:1)
-(IB Action)helpPanel:(id)sender
NSInteger choice = NSRunAlertPanel(@"Help", @"The previous string is the titel or main message of your alert panel. This is theft can be longer. You then have three buttons to fill in, the default button and two alternate buttons. With the alternate buttons on 'nil', you get only one button.", @"ok", nil, nil);