to go
;;see if a new risk is generated [randomly]
if random 2 = 1 ;;50% chance risk be generated on an individual project
ask one-of projects
ask one-of risks [
set risk-encounter ((((RE-influence * ( [duration] of myself ) * 0.5)) / (( [duration] of myself )))) ;;calculate RE. THIS DOES NOT WORK :-( Always sets to 0.5
set temp-RE-score risk-encounter
set total-RE total-RE + temp-RE-score ;;update the project's RE score
ask projects[
set label precision total-RE 1
set size total-RE / 10 ; size according to RE score
if ticks >= (max [duration] of projects ) * 2 [stop] ;; stops all the projects once max duration is reached (* 2)