
时间:2015-02-04 03:43:49

标签: python html django post hidden-field


<form action="press" method="POST">
      <td colspan="4">
      {% if output %}
        <input id="output" name="output" type="text" value="{{output}}" readonly>
      {% else %}
        <input id="output_hidden" name="output" type="text" value="0" readonly>
      {% endif %}
      <input type="hidden" name="buttVal" value="{{buttVal}}">
      <input type="hidden" name="currVal" value="{{currVal}}">
      <input type="hidden" name="prevVal" value="{{prevVal}}">
      <input type="hidden" name="math" value="{{math}}">
      {% csrf_token %}


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  <title>MultiValueDictKeyError at /press</title>
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- 编辑 - 这是我的views.py文件。

from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse

# Create your views here.
def home_page(request):
    index = 'calculator/calculator.html'
    return render(request,index,{})

def press(request):
    context = {}
    operators = ['plus','minus','divide','multiply']
    index = 'calculator/calculator.html'

    ## Discerns from a number and an operator press
    if 'val' in request.POST and is_int(request.POST['val']):
        if request.POST['output'] == '0':
            context['output'] = request.POST['val']
            context['buttVal'] = request.POST['val']
            context['currVal'] = request.POST['val']
        elif request.POST['currVal'] == '0':
            context['output'] = request.POST['val']
            context['buttVal'] = request.POST['val']
            context['currVal'] = request.POST['val']
            newOutput = request.POST['output'] + request.POST['val']
            context['buttVal'] = request.POST['val']
            context['currVal'] = newOutput
            context['output'] = newOutput

        context['math'] = request.POST['math']
        context['prevVal'] = request.POST['prevVal']

    elif request.POST['val'] == 'clear':
        context['output'] = 0
        context['buttVal'] = 0
        context['currVal'] = 0
        context['prevVal'] = 0
        context['math'] = ''
    elif request.POST['val'] in operators:
        print request.POST
        if request.POST['math'] != '':
            print "poop"
            if request.POST['math'] == 'plus':
                result = int(request.POST['currVal']) + int(request.POST['prevVal'])
                context['prevVal'] = result
                context['output'] = result
            if request.POST['math'] == 'minus':
                result = int(request.POST['currVal']) - int(request.POST['prevVal'])
                context['prevVal'] = result
                context['output'] = result
            if request.POST['math'] == 'multiply':
                result = int(request.POST['currVal']) * int(request.POST['prevVal'])
                context['prevVal'] = result
                context['output'] = result
            if request.POST['math'] == 'divide':
                result = int(request.POST['currVal']) / int(request.POST['prevVal'])
                context['prevVal'] = result
                context['output'] = result
            if request.POST['val'] == 'equal':
            context['prevVal'] = request.POST['currVal']
            #context['math'] = request.POST['val']
            context['output'] = request.POST['output']
        context['math'] = request.POST['val']
        context['buttVal'] = request.POST['buttVal']
        context['currVal'] = 0
        context['output'] = request.POST['output']
        context['buttVal'] = request.POST['buttVal']
        context['math'] = request.POST['math']
        context['prevVal'] = request.POST['prevVal']

     ## Submits POST
    return render(request, index, context)

## Helper functions
def is_int(string):
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


elif request.POST['val'] == 'clear':
elif request.POST['val'] in operators:
    context['output'] = request.POST['output']
    context['buttVal'] = request.POST['buttVal']
    context['math'] = request.POST['math']
    context['prevVal'] = request.POST['prevVal']

您没有检查valoutputbuttValprevValmath是否在request.POST。< / p>




添加Noneprint request.POST视图的最开头,以查看&#34;查看来源&#34;中的POST数据的内容。请求。

答案 1 :(得分:0)




class MyForm(forms.Form):
    output = forms.TextField()
    # .. your other fields here

def press(request):
    form = MyForm(request.POST or None)
    if form.is_valid():
        # do stuff
        return redirect('/home')
    return render(request, 'template.html', {'form': form})
