using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System;
public class CallAirpush : MonoBehaviour {
private IntPtr JavaClass;
private int BtnMyAppWall;
private int BtnMyIcon;
private int BtnBannerAd;
private int BtnBanner360;
IntPtr obj_Activity;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
void noAdAvailableListener(string arg){
Debug.Log("Publisher Call back called:"+arg);
void onAdCached(string arg){
Debug.Log("Publisher Call back called:"+arg);
void onAdError(string arg){
Debug.Log("Publisher Call back called:"+arg);
void onSDKIntegrationError(string arg){
Debug.Log("Publisher Call back called:"+arg);
void onSmartWallAdClosed(string arg){
Debug.Log("Publisher Call back called:"+arg);
void onSmartWallAdShowing(string arg){
Debug.Log("Publisher Call back called:"+arg);
void onAdClickListener(string arg){
Debug.Log("Publisher Call back called:"+arg);
void onAdExpandedListner(string arg){
Debug.Log("Publisher Call back called:"+arg);
void onAdLoadedListener(string arg){
Debug.Log("Publisher Call back called:"+arg);
void onAdLoadingListener(string arg){
Debug.Log("Publisher Call back called:"+arg);
void onCloseListener(string arg){
Debug.Log("Publisher Call back called:"+arg);
void onErrorListener(string arg){
Debug.Log("Publisher Call back called:"+arg);
void OnGUI ()
if (GUI.Button(new Rect (100, 200, 300, 120), "Banner 360 Ads"))
//new Rect(
// For ads on top of your screen();
//AirScript.StartAirBanner360Ad ();
/// For Banner 360 ads on your screen();
if (GUI.Button(new Rect (100, 350, 300, 120), "Bottom Banner Ads"))
//new Rect(
// For ads on top of your screen();
/// For ads on bottom of your screen();
if (GUI.Button(new Rect (100,500, 300, 120), "Cache smartwall"))
if (GUI.Button(new Rect (100, 650, 300, 120), "Show Cached smartwall"))
if (GUI.Button(new Rect (100, 800, 300, 120), "disableSDK"))
//If you want to immediately remove banner ad from screen and want to prevent other ads to load then call below method in conjunction with stopAirBannerAdBottom/stopAirBannerAdTop
}if (GUI.Button(new Rect (100, 950, 300, 120), "Stop Banner Bottom Ad"))
if (GUI.Button(new Rect (100, 1100, 300, 120), "EnableSDK"))
//If you again want to enable SDK
if (GUI.Button(new Rect (100, 1250, 300, 120), "Change GameObject"))
//If you want to change GameObject
答案 0 :(得分:0)
以下解决方案写在Airpush integration document上:请参考。 "如果你已经将callairpush.cs文件添加到主摄像头,那么在运行应用程序后,你会看到屏幕上添加了几帧。点击这些框架即可加载广告。 callairpush.cs文件用于演示目的,在点击框架时调用下面提到的函数。您可以通过单击所需按钮从自己的脚本中调用这些功能。现在您可以从maincamera中删除我们的演示文件并使用您的项目文件。"