GET /index.asp?param1=hello¶m2=128 HTTP/1.1
smatch m;
regex re1("(GET|POST) (.+) HTTP");
regex_search(query, m, re1);
catch (regex_error e)
printf("Regex 1 Error: %d\n", e.code());
string method = m[1];
string path = m[2];
regex re2("/(.+)?\\?(.+)?");
if (regex_search(path, m, re2))
document = m[1];
querystring = m[2];
catch (regex_error e)
printf("Regex 2 Error: %d\n", e.code());
不幸的是,这段代码适用于MSVC,但不适用于GCC 4.8.2(我在Ubuntu Server 14.04上使用)。你能否建议使用普通的std :: string运算符来分割该字符串的不同方法?
答案 0 :(得分:6)
int main()
std::string request = "GET /index.asp?param1=hello¶m2=128 HTTP/1.1";
// separate the 3 main parts
std::istringstream iss(request);
std::string method;
std::string query;
std::string protocol;
if(!(iss >> method >> query >> protocol))
std::cout << "ERROR: parsing request\n";
return 1;
// reset the std::istringstream with the query string
std::string url;
if(!std::getline(iss, url, '?')) // remove the URL part
std::cout << "ERROR: parsing request url\n";
return 1;
// store query key/value pairs in a map
std::map<std::string, std::string> params;
std::string keyval, key, val;
while(std::getline(iss, keyval, '&')) // split each term
std::istringstream iss(keyval);
// split key/value pairs
if(std::getline(std::getline(iss, key, '='), val))
params[key] = val;
std::cout << "protocol: " << protocol << '\n';
std::cout << "method : " << method << '\n';
std::cout << "url : " << url << '\n';
for(auto const& param: params)
std::cout << "param : " << param.first << " = " << param.second << '\n';
protocol: HTTP/1.1
method : GET
url : /index.asp
param : param1 = hello
param : param2 = 128
答案 1 :(得分:2)
它不使用gcc 4.8.2的原因是stdlibc ++中没有实现regex_search
template<typename _Bi_iter, typename _Alloc,
typename _Ch_type, typename _Rx_traits>
inline bool
regex_search(_Bi_iter __first, _Bi_iter __last,
match_results<_Bi_iter, _Alloc>& __m,
const basic_regex<_Ch_type, _Rx_traits>& __re,
regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags
= regex_constants::match_default)
{ return false; }
答案 2 :(得分:1)
string query = "GET / index.asp ? param1 = hello¶m2 = 128 HTTP / 1.1";
string method, path, document, querystring;
try {
if (query.substr(0, 5) == "GET /") // First check the method at the beginning
method = "GET";
else if (query.substr(0, 6) == "POST /")
method = "POST";
else throw std::exception("Regex 1 Error: no valid method or missing /");
path = query.substr(method.length() + 2); // take the rest, ignoring whitespace and slash
size_t ph = path.find(" HTTP"); // find the end of the url
if (ph == string::npos) // if it's not found => error
throw std::exception("Regex 2 Error: no HTTP version found");
else path.resize(ph); // otherwise get rid of the end of the string
size_t pq = path.find("?"); // look for the ?
if (pq == string::npos) { // if it's absent, document is the whole string
document = path;
querystring = "";
else { // orherwie cut into 2 parts
document = path.substr(0, pq);
querystring = path.substr(pq + 1);
cout << "method: " << method << endl
<< "document: " << document << endl
<< "querystring:" << querystring << endl;
catch (std::exception &e) {
cout << e.what();