Matrix<double> left(2,2);
left[0][0] = 1; left[0][1] = 2;
left[1][0] = 3; left[1][1] = 4;
Matrix<double> right(2,2);
right[0][0] = 1; right[0][1] = 0;
right[1][0] = 0; right[1][1] = 1;
Matrix<double> result = left * right;
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
template <class type>
class Matrix {
// Default Constructor
Matrix() { this->create(); }
// Custom Constructor
Matrix(int r, int c) { this->create(r,c); }
// Copy Constructor
Matrix(const Matrix<type> &m) { this->copy(m); }
// Assignment Operator
Matrix<type> operator=(const Matrix<type> &m);
// Destructor
~Matrix() { this->destroy(); }
// Accessor Functions
int getRows() const { return rows; }
int getCols() const { return cols; }
type* operator[](int i) const { return contents[i]; }
// Matrix Operations
Matrix<type> transpose() const;
// Matrix Multiplication
friend Matrix<type> operator*(const Matrix<type> &m1, const Matrix<type> &m2)
{ Matrix<type> call; return call.multiply(m1,m2); }
// Private Member Functions
void create();
void create(int r, int c);
void copy(const Matrix<type> &m);
void destroy();
// Operator Overloading Functions
Matrix<type> multiply(const Matrix<type> &m1, const Matrix<type> &m2);
// Private Member Variables
int rows;
int cols;
type** contents;
// Default Constructor
template <class type>
void Matrix<type>::create() {
rows = 0;
cols = 0;
contents = NULL;
// Custom Constructor
template <class type>
void Matrix<type>::create(int r, int c) {
// Set Integer Values
rows = r;
cols = c;
// Allocate Two-Dimensional Data
contents = new type*[r];
for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) {
contents[i] = new type[c];
// Copy Constructor
template <class type>
void Matrix<type>::copy(const Matrix &m) {
// Create New Matrix From Existing One
this->rows = m.getRows();
this->cols = m.getCols();
// Allocate Two-Dimensional Data
this->contents = new type*[m.getRows()];
for (int i = 0; i < m.getRows(); i++) {
this->contents[i] = new type[m.getCols()];
// Copy Over Data
for (int i = 0; i < m.getRows(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < m.getCols(); j++) {
(*this)[i][j] = m[i][j];
// Assignment Operator
template <class type>
Matrix<type> Matrix<type>::operator=(const Matrix<type> &m) {
// Overwrite Existing Matrix with Another
// (Allowing for Self-Assignment)
if (this != &m) {
return *this;
// Destructor
template <class type>
void Matrix<type>::destroy() {
// Frees Allocated Memory
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
delete[] contents[i];
delete[] contents;
// Matrix Transpose
template <class type>
Matrix<type> Matrix<type>::transpose() const {
Matrix<type> tran(cols,rows);
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
tran[j][i] = contents[i][j];
return tran;
// Threaded Matrix Multiplication
template <class type>
void matrixParallel(const Matrix<type>* a, const Matrix<type>* b, int numThreads, int currentThread, Matrix<type>* c) {
for (int i = currentThread; i < a->getRows(); i+=numThreads) {
for (int j = 0; j < b->getRows(); j++) {
type result = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < a->getCols(); k++) {
result += ((*a)[i][k]*(*b)[j][k]);
(*c)[i][j] = result;
// Matrix Multiplication
template <class type>
Matrix<type> Matrix<type>::multiply(const Matrix<type> &m1, const Matrix<type> &m2) {
if (m1.getCols() != m2.getRows()) {
cout << "Error: Cannot Multiply Matrices of Dimensions ";
cout << "(" << m1.getRows() << "x" << m1.getCols() << ")*";
cout << "(" << m2.getRows() << "x" << m2.getCols() << ")" << endl;
cout << " (Must be in the form (MxN)*(NxP)" << endl;
return Matrix<type>();
// Parallel Method
Matrix<type> m2t = m2.transpose();
Matrix<type> multiply(m1.getRows(), m2.getCols());
int numCPU = thread::hardware_concurrency();
thread* threads = new thread[numCPU];
const Matrix<type>* m1Pointer = &m1;
const Matrix<type>* m2tPointer = &m2t;
Matrix<type>* multiplyPointer = &multiply;
for (int i = 0; i < numCPU; i++) {
threads[i] = thread(matrixParallel<type>, m1Pointer, m2tPointer, numCPU, i, multiplyPointer);
for (int i = 0; i < numCPU; i++) {
delete[] threads;
return multiply;
Single Thread
5 Variables
100x5 * 5x5: 0.000157889 seconds
1000x5 * 5x5: 0.0010768 seconds
10000x5 * 5x5: 0.010099 seconds
100000x5 * 5x5: 0.112081 seconds
1000000x5 * 5x5: 1.04285 seconds
10 Variables
100x10 * 10x10: 0.000224202 seconds
1000x10 * 10x10: 0.00217571 seconds
10000x10 * 10x10: 0.0201944 seconds
100000x10 * 10x10: 0.203912 seconds
1000000x10 * 10x10: 2.04127 seconds
15 Variables
100x15 * 15x15: 0.000408143 seconds
1000x15 * 15x15: 0.00398906 seconds
10000x15 * 15x15: 0.0379782 seconds
100000x15 * 15x15: 0.381156 seconds
1000000x15 * 15x15: 3.81325 seconds
20 Variables
100x20 * 20x20: 0.000640239 seconds
1000x20 * 20x20: 0.00620069 seconds
10000x20 * 20x20: 0.060218 seconds
100000x20 * 20x20: 0.602554 seconds
1000000x20 * 20x20: 6.00925 seconds
2 Threads
5 Variables
100x5 * 5x5: 0.000444063 seconds
1000x5 * 5x5: 0.00119759 seconds
10000x5 * 5x5: 0.00975319 seconds
100000x5 * 5x5: 0.09157 seconds
1000000x5 * 5x5: 0.965666 seconds
10 Variables
100x10 * 10x10: 0.000593268 seconds
1000x10 * 10x10: 0.00187927 seconds
10000x10 * 10x10: 0.0154861 seconds
100000x10 * 10x10: 0.161186 seconds
1000000x10 * 10x10: 1.5725 seconds
15 Variables
100x15 * 15x15: 0.000651292 seconds
1000x15 * 15x15: 0.00425471 seconds
10000x15 * 15x15: 0.0233983 seconds
100000x15 * 15x15: 0.232411 seconds
1000000x15 * 15x15: 2.43293 seconds
20 Variables
100x20 * 20x20: 0.000771287 seconds
1000x20 * 20x20: 0.0045547 seconds
10000x20 * 20x20: 0.0342536 seconds
100000x20 * 20x20: 0.381612 seconds
1000000x20 * 20x20: 3.79707 seconds
4 Threads
5 Variables
100x5 * 5x5: 0.000690369 seconds
1000x5 * 5x5: 0.00120864 seconds
10000x5 * 5x5: 0.00994858 seconds
100000x5 * 5x5: 0.102673 seconds
1000000x5 * 5x5: 0.907731 seconds
10 Variables
100x10 * 10x10: 0.000896809 seconds
1000x10 * 10x10: 0.00287674 seconds
10000x10 * 10x10: 0.0177846 seconds
100000x10 * 10x10: 0.161331 seconds
1000000x10 * 10x10: 1.46384 seconds
15 Variables
100x15 * 15x15: 0.00100457 seconds
1000x15 * 15x15: 0.00366381 seconds
10000x15 * 15x15: 0.0291613 seconds
100000x15 * 15x15: 0.237525 seconds
1000000x15 * 15x15: 2.23676 seconds
20 Variables
100x20 * 20x20: 0.000928781 seconds
1000x20 * 20x20: 0.00486535 seconds
10000x20 * 20x20: 0.0421105 seconds
100000x20 * 20x20: 0.354478 seconds
1000000x20 * 20x20: 3.22576 seconds
答案 0 :(得分:2)
结合您在线程中执行的少数操作,上下文切换和各种样板文件,您根本不会看到对您的方法有多大好处。事实上,大多数矩阵库(Direct3D&#39; s等)使用SIMD(如果我没记错的话,SSE2),它没有上下文切换惩罚和更少的设置时间(只有两个movq