我需要实现一些支持SSL的http代理。 SSL工作正常,我需要将incomming消息解析为HTTP请求或其他。
1. in messageReceived I should check I will check if first "maximum-length
of HTTP request method name length" amout of bytes converted to string
(new String(byte[]) starts with any of HTTP method name (e.g. GET,POST..)
2a) If so, let's tread this session as HTTP request, grap whole request and
send it to another HTTP server, wait for response, return the response and
close the connection.
2b) Otherwise, this is binary tcp connection with data, I want to keep this
connection alive and play with incoming data/send data to it.
IoAcceptor acceptor = new NioSocketAcceptor();
int port = 5555; //whatever
DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder chain = acceptor.getFilterChain();
// ssl support
SslFilter sslFilter = new SslFilter(MySslContextFactory.getInstance(true));
chain.addFirst("sslFilter", sslFilter);
// handling
acceptor.setHandler( new TCPHandler() );
// listening at
acceptor.bind( new InetSocketAddress(port) );
TCPHandler.java messageReceived代码段如下所示:
public void messageReceived( IoSession session, Object message ) throws Exception
IoBuffer msgBuffer = (IoBuffer)message;
byte[] msgBytes = msgBuffer.array();
msgBytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(msgBytes, 0, msgBuffer.limit());