从我发现的MSDN文章 - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394515(v=VS.85).aspx - Win32_Volume和Win32_MountPoint在Windows XP上不可用。
但是,我正在Windows XP(64位)上开发一个C#应用程序,我可以很好地使用这些WMI类。我的应用程序的用户将使用.Net 3.5 sp1在Windows XP SP2上。
谷歌搜索,我无法确定我是否可以指望这一点。 我是否因为以下一项或多项原因在我的系统上取得了成功: - windows xp service pack 2? - visual studio 2008 sp1安装? - .Net 3.5 sp1?
public static Dictionary<string, NameValueCollection> GetAllVolumeDeviceIDs()
Dictionary<string, NameValueCollection> ret = new Dictionary<string, NameValueCollection>();
// retrieve information from Win32_Volume
using (ManagementClass volClass = new ManagementClass("Win32_Volume"))
using (ManagementObjectCollection mocVols = volClass.GetInstances())
// iterate over every volume
foreach (ManagementObject moVol in mocVols)
// get the volume's device ID (will be key into our dictionary)
string devId = moVol.GetPropertyValue("DeviceID").ToString();
ret.Add(devId, new NameValueCollection());
//Console.WriteLine("Vol: {0}", devId);
// for each non-null property on the Volume, add it to our NameValueCollection
foreach (PropertyData p in moVol.Properties)
if (p.Value == null)
ret[devId].Add(p.Name, p.Value.ToString());
//Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1}", p.Name, p.Value);
// find the mountpoints of this volume
using (ManagementObjectCollection mocMPs = moVol.GetRelationships("Win32_MountPoint"))
foreach (ManagementObject moMP in mocMPs)
// only care about adding directory
// Directory prop will be something like "Win32_Directory.Name=\"C:\\\\\""
string dir = moMP["Directory"].ToString();
// find opening/closing quotes in order to get the substring we want
int first = dir.IndexOf('"') + 1;
int last = dir.LastIndexOf('"');
string dirSubstr = dir.Substring(first , last - first);
// use GetFullPath to normalize/unescape any extra backslashes
string fullpath = Path.GetFullPath(dirSubstr);
ret[devId].Add(MOUNTPOINT_DIRS_KEY, fullpath);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Problem retrieving Volume information from WMI. {0} - \n{1}",ex.Message,ex.StackTrace);
return ret;
return ret;
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答案 1 :(得分:1)
类在Windows XP Professional x64 Edition上可用,因为它是based on the Windows Server 2003 codebase。在32位版本的Windows XP上,这些类不存在,并且要执行您需要P / Invoke本机卷管理功能,如Tim所说。